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Circuit Analysis - Basic Concepts -

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1 Circuit Analysis - Basic Concepts -
Engineering 43 Circuit Analysis - Basic Concepts - Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer



4 Mathematical Analysis
Develop A Set Of Mathematical Equations That Represent The Circuit A Mathematical Model Learn How To Solve The Model To Determine Circuit Behavior (ENGR25) This Course Teaches The Basic Techniques Used To Develop Mathematical Models For Electric Circuits

5 Linear Models The Models That Will Be Developed Have “Nice” Mathematical Properties. In Particular They Will Be Linear Which Means That They Satisfy The Principle Of Superposition: Model: Principle of Superposition Given 1, 2, are CONSTANTS

6 Sophisticated Math Tools
This Course Applies the Tools Learned in MTH1 & ENGR25 to Solve Complex Physics/Math Circuit Models For The First Part We Will Be Expected To Solve Systems Of Algebraic Equations Watch for These in MTH-6

7 Math Tools cont. Later The Models Will Be Differential Equations Of The Form Technically These Are Linear, Nonhomogeneous, Ordinary, Constant Coefficient Differential Equations Of The 1st & 2nd Order Watch for them in MTH-4

8 Electric Circuit – What is it?
ELECTRIC CIRCUIT IS AN INTERCONNECTION OF ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS a b 2 TERMINAL COMPONENT characterized by the current through it and the voltage difference between terminals NODE TYPICAL LINEAR CIRCUIT VI relationship can take linear, Differential, or integral forms

9 Basic Concepts Learning Goals
System Of Units: The SI Standard System; Prefixes Basic Electrical Quantities: Charge, Current, Voltage, Power, And Energy Circuit Elements: Active and Passive

10 International System of Units (SI)
SI base units The SI system of Units Is Founded On Units For Seven Base Quantities Assumed To Be Mutually Independent, As Given Below SI Base Units Base quantity Name Symbol length meter m mass kilogram       kg time second s electric current ampere A thermodynamic temperature       kelvin K amount of substance mole mol luminous intensity candela cd Only One “Electrical” Unit

Other quantities, called derived quantities, are defined in terms of the seven base quantities via a system of quantity equations. The SI units for these derived quantities are obtained from these equations and the 7 SI base units Derived quantity Name Symbol   Expression   in terms of   other SI units Expression in terms of SI base units Frequency hertz Hz   - s-1 energy, work, quantity of heat   joule J N·m m2·kg·s-2 power, radiant flux watt W J/s m2·kg·s-3 electric charge, quantity of electricity coulomb C s·A electric potential difference, electromotive force volt V W/A m2·kg·s-3·A-1 capacitance farad F C/V m-2·kg-1·s4·A2 electric resistance ohm Ω V/A m2·kg·s-3·A-2 electric conductance siemens S A/V m-2·kg-1·s3·A2 inductance henry H Wb/A m2·kg·s-2·A-2

12 SI prefixes Factor Name Symbol 1024 yotta Y 10-1 Deci d 1021 zetta Z
10-2 Centi c 1018 exa E 10-3 milli m 1015 peta P 10-6 micro 1012 tera T 10-9 nano n 109 giga G 10-12 pico p 106 mega M 10-15 femto f 103 kilo k 10-18 atto a 102 hecto h 10-21 zepto z 101 deka da 10-24 yocto y

13 Derived Units One Ampere Of Current Carries One Coulomb Of Charge Every Second 1 Coulomb = 6.242x1018 e- e-  The Charge On An Electron A Volt Is A Measure Of Energy Per Charge (Electrical Potential) Two Points Have A Potential Difference Of One Volt If One Coulomb Of Charge Gains One Joule Of Energy When It Is Moved From One Point To The Other.

14 Derived Units cont. The Ohm Is A Measure Of The Resistance To The Flow Of Charge There Is One Ohm Of Resistance If It Requires One Volt Of Electromotive Force To Drive Through One Ampere Of Current One Watt Of Power Is Required To Drive One Ampere Of Current Against An Electromotive Potential Difference Of One Volt

15 Current And Voltage Ranges

16 Current = Charge-Flow Strictly Speaking Current (i) is a Basic Quantity And Charge (q) Is Derived However, Physically The Electric Current Is Created By Charged-Particle Movement An Electric Circuit Acts a Pipeline That Moves Charge from One Pt to Another The Time-Rate-of-Change for Charge Constitutes an Electric Current; Mathematically

17 Water-Flow Analogy Water Particles in a Pipeline Move
From HIGH-Pressure to LOW-Pressure In Current-Flow Electrical Charges move From HIGH-Potential (Voltage) to LOW-Potential Direction Convention Almost all Solid-State Current Flow is Transported by ELECTRONS, Which Move from LOW Potential to HIGH

18 Fluid↔Current Flow Analogs
Think of the Voltage as the Electrical “Pressure” Current as the Electrical Fluid Wire as the Electrical “Pipe”

19 Current & Electron Flow
These Alternatives Constitute Conventional POSITIVE Current Flow POSITIVE Charges Moving: Hi-v → Lo-v NEGATIVE Charges Moving: Lo-v → Hi-v + q(t) - Vhi Vlo

20 Current/Charge Calculation
If The Charge is Given, Determine The Current By Differentiation If The Current Is Known, Determine The Charge By Integration EXAMPLE + q(t) Vhi Vlo

21 Find The Charge That Passes During In The Interval 0<t<1s
Another Example Find The Charge That Passes During In The Interval 0<t<1s By MATLAB >> t=[0:0.001:1]; % in Sec >> i_of_t = exp(-2*t); % in mA >> q = trapz(t, i_of_t) % in mCoul q = 0.4323 >> syms x t >> q_of_t = int(exp(-2*x), 0, t) q_of_t = -1/2*exp(-2*t)+1/2 Units? Find The Charge As A Function Of Time And the units for the charge?...

22 Graphical Example Zero currents DETERMINE THE CURRENT
Here we are given the charge flow as a function of time. To determine current we must take derivatives. PAY ATTENTION TO UNITS Zero currents Graphical Example

23 Convention For Currents
It Is Absolutely Necessary To Indicate The Direction Of Movement Of Charged Particles The Universally Accepted Convention In Electrical Engineering Is That Current Is the Flow Of POSITIVE Charges We Indicate The ASSUMED Direction Of Flow For Positive Charges THE REFERENCE DIRECTION A Positive Value For The Current Indicates Flow In The Direction Of The Arrow (The Reference Direction) A Negative Value For The Current Indicates Flow In The OPPOSITE Direction Than The Reference Direction

24 Double Index Notation If The Initial And Terminal Node Are Labeled One Can Indicate Them As SubIndices For The Current Name POSITIVE CHARGES FLOW LEFT-RIGHT POSITIVE CHARGES FLOW RIGHT-LEFT

25 Example This Example Illustrates The Various Ways In Which The Current Notation Can Be Used To Find Iab Assuming that Charge is CONSERVED More on this later 3A 7A out = 7A in

26 Voltage Conventions One Definition For the Volt unit
Two Points Have A Voltage Differential Of One Volt If One Coulomb Of Charge Gains (Or Loses) One Joule Of Energy When It Moves From One Point To The Other If The Charge GAINS Energy Moving From a To b, Then b Has HIGHER Voltage Than a If It Loses Energy Then b Has LOWER Voltage Than a

27 Voltage Conventions cont.
Dimensionally, the Volt is a Derived Unit Voltage Is Always Measured In a RELATIVE Form As The Potential DIFFERENCE Between Two Points It Is Essential That Our Notation Allows Us To Determine Which Point Has The Higher Electrical Potential (Voltage)

THE + AND - SIGNS DEFINE THE REFERENCE POLARITY If The Number V Is Positive, Then Point A Has V Volts More Than Point B, If The Number V Is Negative, Then Point A Has |V| Less Than Point B POINT A HAS 2V MORE THAN POINT B POINT A HAS 5V LESS THAN POINT B

29 2-Index Notation for Voltages
Instead Of Showing The Reference Polarity We Agree That The FIRST SubIndex Denotes The Point With POSITIVE Reference Polarity

30 Energy = Potential/Charge
Voltage Is A Measure Of ENERGY Per Unit CHARGE Charges Moving Between Points With Different Voltage ABSORB or RELEASE Energy – They May Transfer Energy From One Point To Another Converts chemical energy stored in the battery to thermal energy in the lamp filament which turns incandescent and glows Battery supplies energy to charges. Lamp absorbs energy from charges. The net effect is an energy TRANSFER EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Charges gain energy here Charges supply Energy here

31 Example What Energy Is Required To Move 120 [C] From Point-B To Point-A? Recall Potential = Work/Charge 120 [C] Since The Charges Move To a Point With Higher Voltage –The Charges Gained (Or Absorbed) Energy

32 Example Recall Again Potential = Work/Charge Work = 5 J Charge = 1C
The Voltage Difference Is 5V Which Point Has Higher Voltage? VAB = 5V

33 Example A Camcorder Battery Plate Claims That The Unit Stores 2700 mAHr At 7.2V What Is The Total Charge And Energy Stored? Charge → The 2700 mAhr Specification Indicates That The Unit Can Deliver 2700 mA for ONE Hour Or 27 mA for 100 hrs; or 270 mA for 10 hrs Stored Energy → The Charges Are Moved Thru a 7.2V Potential Difference (0.02 kWhr)

34 Energy and Power Each Coulomb Of Charge Loses 3[J] Or Supplies 3[J] Of Energy To The Element The Element Receives Energy At A Rate Of 6[J/s] The Electric Power Received By The Element Is 6[W] How Do We Recognize If An Element SUPPLIES Or RECEIVES Power? 2[C/s] PASS THROUGH THE ELEMENT In General

35 Passive Sign Convention
Power Received (Absorbed) Is Positive While Power SUPPLIED (Generated) Is Considered NEGATIVE If Voltage And Current Are Both Positive The Charges Move From High To Low Voltage, then The Component Receives, or Dissipates Energy – It Is A Passive Element

36 Passive Element Assumption
We Assume PASSIVE Elements A Consequence Of This Convention Is That The Reference Directions For Current And Voltage Are Not Independent Given This Reference Potential-Polarity Then the Reference Direction For Current

37 Passive Element Convention
The Voltage Polarity Given That The Reference Current Flows From Pt-A to Pt-B for the assumed Passive Element + - VA POSITIVE Relative to VB  VAB > 0 For the PASSIVE Element

38 Example The Element Receives 20W of Power
What is the Current? Select Reference Direction Based On Passive Sign Convention Vab = -10V Given 2A of Current Flows RIGHT-to-LEFT ←

39 Understanding the Passive Sign Convention
Examine The Voltage Across The Component or System, and The Current Through It S1 S2 A A’ B B’

40 Passive Sign Convention
When In Doubt Label The Terminals Of The Component Element SUPPLIES Power Element RECEIVES Power

41 Passive Sign Convention
Select Voltage Reference Polarity Based On CURRENT Reference Direction In These Examples the Unknown V & I have Polarity & Direction OPPOSITE to the Passive Assumption

42 Assigning The Reference
If V Given Across the Element Iref Flows: Vhi→Vlo IF I Given Thru the Element Vref DROPS in The Current Direction A A B B

43 Example Determine Power Absorbed By Each Circuit Element; 1, 2, and 3
In this Passive Ckt, a single V-Source is an Active, Power-SUPPLYING Element Current Runs VLo→VHi; Sets I Direction Assume that Voltage DROPS Across the Two Passive Elements is In the DIRECTION of Current Flow Note The Supplied-Received Power-Balance

44 Circuit Elements Passive Elements Active, Independent Sources R, C, L
(a)  V-source (b)  Battery Basically a V-Source (c)  I-Source

45 Dependent Sources Dependent on V Dependent on I Units for µ, g?
Units for r, β?

46 Dependent Source Exercises
Determine Power Supplied by Sources A B B A Take VOLTAGE Polarity as Reference Take CURRENT Direction as Reference

47 Power Example Determine Power Absorbed Or Supplied By Each Element
Note That Power-Supplied = Power-Absorbed In both Cases = 152W

48 Done for First Day Please Be Ready for a LAB during the Next Meeting.
We’ll Learn About Resistors The Analog Volt-Ohm-Amp-Meter (VOAM) The Digital MultiMeter (DMM) See you then…  See Me to Add

49 Example Use Power Balance To Compute I0
Thus a 1A Current Flows in the Direction Assumed in the Figure

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