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Ecological Systems Theory

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1 Ecological Systems Theory
Theoretical Perspectives in the Social Sciences

2 Key Qualities modern psychological theory (Urie Bronfenbrenner)
contends that individuals/families are members of interlocking systems within society that influence each other considers the impact of society (eg., social policy, technological change, cultural diversity) on behaviour can be used to explain the diversity of developmental behaviour that cannot be explained by developmental theory alone recognizes the influence of others in reciprocal relationships as explained by systems theory, but on a broader level

3 Applications Ecological Systems Theory explains the complexity of individual behaviours in terms of interlocking influences on several levels: Microsystem each individual is a system that develops behaviour to meet its needs Mesosystem the individual belongs to a small group (eg., the family), which socializes the individual in ways that are influenced by society

4 Applications Exosystem
the socio-economic environment (eg., extended family, school, employment) sets expectations, and influences resources available to families and individuals Macrosystem the socio-cultural environment (ie., the society in which the person lives) includes the ideology and policies that limit behavior

5 Related Research useful approach for examining the impact of social change and policies on individuals and families Baseline: How do socio-cultural, socio-economic, and interpersonal environments affect behavior? How does the higher unemployment rate caused by economic uncertainty in a country cause family conflict about educational choices for adolescents? How do educational funding, location of college programs, and family employment history influence the post-secondary choices of high school graduates?

6 Baseline Questions Functionalism: How is the family organized to fulfill a function? Systems Theory: How do family members interact to fulfill functions? Symbolic Interactionism: What meaning do individuals place on behaviours, and how do they respond? Exchange Theory: How do the perceived costs and benefits influence a course of action? Life Course Approach: How are developmental tasks at this stage influencing the behaviour of individuals or families? Conflict Theory/Feminist Theory: How do power and authority affect behaviour in the family?

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