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Openness And The EU Does Candidacy to the EU Increase a Nation’s Trade Openness? By: Constantine Petallides.

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Presentation on theme: "Openness And The EU Does Candidacy to the EU Increase a Nation’s Trade Openness? By: Constantine Petallides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Openness And The EU Does Candidacy to the EU Increase a Nation’s Trade Openness? By: Constantine Petallides

2 What is Trade Openness? (Imports + Exports)/GDP
More Business = Stronger and More Stable Economy Usually defined as (imports + exports)/GDP The more business a country is doing with others, the stronger/stabler its economy seems. It contributes to other country’s economies and is able to deal with the forces and pressures their competition applies to their country

3 Why Does the EU Care? Copenhagen Criteria: Existence of a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union.1 $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ Fewer tariff walls and “Four Freedoms” Everyone Wins! 1Europa – Glossary – Accession Criteria (Copenhagen Criteria), Now when we think about it, Why dores the EU care? 1)According to the CC, the list of attributes all candidates must have before becoming members, a nation must have “...” Now that’s a scary block of text right there. Let’s see if we can flesh this out just a bit. The EU does not want to have to support a nation, and a candidate does not want to support the EU. They want to make sure an incoming country can handle buying their goods, and will be willing to sell to them.

4 Openness in the EU Low Openness High Openess Candidate Turkey (1999)
Croatia (2004) Non-Candidate Bulgaria (1997) Malta (1996) Using the data I’ve compiled so far, I have calculated the average openness of the EU to be roughly 93% of its GDP (weighed in 2005 dollars) Malta on fast track but pulled plug herself for political reasons Turkey more useful than money but has been put on backburner, is it beacues of closedness and poverty? Countries with openness levels significantly below this average are low, countries with openness at or above this level are high.

5 Conclusion Members with High Trade Openness
Boost EU Economy Reduce Costs Makes EU Goods More Competitive Increase Openness to be More Desirable Member. In conclusion, trade openness is a major factor in determining if a candidate country becomes a member. Boost economy: While there is some economic friction in the early stages of membership, the EU gets a new member with a functioning economy and grows in total GDP and wealth Reduce costs: tarriff walls come as countries join, and along with the 4 freedoms, reduce the costs of trade of goods and materials. Suddenly it costs next to nothing to import goods needed to manufacture your product within the EU bringing down your overhead and lowering prices which…click Makes your cheaper, better quality goods, more attractive to consumers, earning you more money! With all this in mind, I believe candidates increase their tradeopenness to make themselves look better and more valuable to the other member.

6 Thank You

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