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Topographic Base Maps Objective – Displays surface features (topography, roads, lakes & river, cultural features) and a grid system (TRS, UTM, Lat/Lon)

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Presentation on theme: "Topographic Base Maps Objective – Displays surface features (topography, roads, lakes & river, cultural features) and a grid system (TRS, UTM, Lat/Lon)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topographic Base Maps Objective – Displays surface features (topography, roads, lakes & river, cultural features) and a grid system (TRS, UTM, Lat/Lon) that allow one to readily locate the geologic features portrayed Best choice of base map is largely dependent on the map scale 1:24,000 scale (7.5’ USGS quadrangle) 1:100,000 scale (30’x60’ USGS sheet)

2 Global Grid – Latitude-Longitude

3 Map Projections Mercator Conical Transverse Mercator Polyconic

4 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid
Two Versions of North American Datum (NAD) grid – 1927 and 1983

5 Surveyed Grid Township, Range, Section
Township ~36 sq. miles Section ~1 sq. mile

6 Potential Misfit of Surveyed Sections

7 Grids on Topographic Maps
Township Boundary Latitude Longitude

8 Other Information on Topographic Maps

9 Elements of the Topographic Map
USGS Topographic Map Symbol Website <click here>

10 Topographic Contour Lines connects points of equal elevation
Rules: Lines never cross Lines never end Lines “V” upstream Lines encircle hills and depressions

11 Reading Topography

12 Creating a Topographic Profile
200 180 160 140 120 140 160

13 Intersection of Topography and Geology

14 Standard Topographic Basemap Scales
7.5’ Quadrangles 1:24,000 1” = 2000 feet See DNR Maps Website for MN topo maps <click here> 1° x 2 ° Sheets 1:250,000 1” = 4 miles Also: 30’x60’ sheets, 1:100,000, 1”=1.5 miles

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