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Causes of WWI.

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1 Causes of WWI

2 Nationalism Strong in both Germany and France
Germany very proud of military power and industrial leadership French were bitter about defeat during Franco-Prussian War Alsace and Lorraine

3 Nationalism Eastern Europe “Powder Keg”
Russia felt it had duty to protect all Slavic people Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey feared nationalism “Powder Keg” Balkan states fought each other after winning war against Turkey in 1912 Caused tensions to a fever pitch

4 Militarism Glorification of the military Social Darwinism
“Survival of the Fittest” Great powers expanded armies and navies Caused arms race Britain vs. Germany

5 Alliances Triple Alliance 1882 Germany and Ottoman empire
Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary Germany and Ottoman empire 1894 France and Russia 1904 France and Britain Entente: nonbinding agreement Later Britain signed entente with Russia and Japan

6 Alliances Caused diplomatic failures
Divided Europe into competing camps

7 Imperialism and Industrialism
Imperialism brought confrontations between differing cultures Competed for most colonies mainly in Africa/Asia Industrialization Europe needed best goods to be considered leader Competed for top position Germany vs. France

8 June 28, 1914



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