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1 AP PSYCHOLOGY Mr. Schlecht

2 Defining Psychology A. Psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. B. As a “science” psychology uses the scientific method to observe human behavior and draw conclusions based on those observations. C. Behavior is everything that a person does that can be directly observed. D. Mental processes are the internal thoughts, feelings, and motives that cannot be directly observed.


4 AP Student Commitment AP Student Commitment:
AP Psychology is a demanding introduction to Psychology that assumes a high level of interest and commitment. Because this course is similar to a first-year college course, students should expect the workload to be heavier than most regular high school courses. Students will be required to do extensive nightly reading, studying, and preparing for class. A student’s commitment and dedication to this class is crucial to their success. The analytical thinking, writing, and reading skills that students develop in AP Psychology will equip them for college and lifelong learning. In order to succeed, students need both to be motivated to study and to be able to keep up with the demands of a college-level course. By taking the AP Exam at the end of the course, students have the opportunity to demonstrate that they have indeed learned college-level material and are prepared to enter advanced college courses.

5 Course Objectives The central question addressed in AP Psychology is: “how do psychologists think?” A psychologist must learn to “restrain intuition with critical thinking, making judgments with com­passion, and illusion with understanding.” Whether you choose to pursue a career related to psychology or one in some entirely different field, this habit of mind will be of great value. This AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to field of psychology. You will learn about some of the explorations and discoveries made by psychologists over the past century as well as assessing some of the differing approaches adopted by psychologists, including the biological, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, and socio-cultural perspectives. Most important, students come to an appreciation of how psychologists think (or at least an appreciation of the kind of critical analysis that psychologists espouse and hope to model in their words and actions).

6 Goals of this course: Students will prepare to do acceptable work on the AP Psychology Examination. 2. Students will study the major core concepts and theories of psychology. They will be able to define key terms and use them in their everyday vocabulary. 3. Students will learn the basic skills of psychological research and be able to apply psychological concepts to their own lives.

7 1. textbook 2. 2-inch binder 3. Note cards
MATERIALS: 1. textbook inch binder Note cards Textbook: The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View. Laura A. King

8 Note Cards Each student will be required to locate all chapter (Unit) vocabulary terms and write them on a note card with the definition and an example of the term being used in a short sentence. Have each unit’s terms organized in some way so that you will be able to study them on the go. Due for inspection on test day.

9 Have Fun!

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