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Madison in Office AZ State sdn. S1C5PO2B & S1C4PO4

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1 Madison in Office AZ State sdn. S1C5PO2B & S1C4PO4
Unit 3: Early Westward Expansion ’s Madison in Office AZ State sdn. S1C5PO2B & S1C4PO4

2 Az State Sdn S1C5PO2B & S1C4PO4
Objectives: Analyze how events affected the political transformation of the developing nation War 1812 Describe impact of European-American expansion on native peoples Az State Sdn S1C5PO2B & S1C4PO4

3 James Madison Takes Office 1809-1817

4 I. Decision Great Britain threatening U.S. ships Impressment
Embargo act 1807-unsuccessful Conflict with settlers moving westward

5 Battle of Tippecanoe Tecumseh William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison was born in Virginia in He joined the U.S. Army in 1791, served with General Anthony Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794), and was present at signing of Treaty of Greenville (1795). From Vincennes, he served as governor of Indiana Territory from , negotiating treaties with Indian tribes for millions of acres of land. Harrison commanded the U.S. Army in the Northwest during the War of 1812, defeating the British at the Battle of the Thames. He served in both houses of the U.S. Congress representing Ohio. He was elected President of the U.S. in 1839 but died of pneumonia one month after his inauguration in Image: Francis Vigo Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. Tecumseh William Henry Harrison Battle of Tippecanoe

6 II. Tecumseh and Tippecanoe
Tecumseh-unite to protect their land. William Henry Harrison stamp it out. Battle of Tippecanoe-shattered Native Americans-many fled to Canada.

7 III. Declaring War Thought British were helping Native Americans.
Asked Congress to declare war. South and West for war Northeast not.

8 War of 1812: Major Battles Label your map! Canada Great Lakes
All states All territories Lake Erie Ft. McHenry Wash. D.C. New Orleans The War of 1812 was fought mainly in the northern United States and southern Canada. This map shows where the major land and water battles took place. World Book map

9 IV. War 1812 Small army with little equipment.
People divided over war -“Mr. Madison’s War.” Money was a problem. Plan to attack Canada -failed.

10 Oliver Hazard Perry at Battle of Lake Erie U.S. Navy
Oliver Hazard Perry and his fleet of nine ships defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of This picture shows Perry rowing to the ship Niagara after his ship, the Lawrence, was disabled. U.S. Navy Oliver Hazard Perry at Battle of Lake Erie U.S. Navy

11 V. Battles Perry’s attack on Lake Erie-U.S. wins.
British attack Washington, D.C. and set fire to White house and Capital. Attacked Ft. Mc Henry (Baltimore) Francis Scott Key writes “Star Spangle Banner.”

12 A view of the White House after the burning - Library of Congress

13 The flag Key saw flying over Ft. McHenry
The Star-Spangled Banner is the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the U.S. national anthem. Key saw the flag flying over Fort McHenry in Baltimore while he was held prisoner by the British during the War of The flag, which is 50 feet (15 meters) long, covered an entire wall at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. It has been removed from display, however, so that preservation work can be done on it.

14 Cont. Battle of Lake Champlain-U.S. wins.
New England states opposes war. Hartford Convention try to stop Congress’s power. Battle of New Orleans-Andrew Jackson wins for U.S.

15 Battle of New Orleans Chicago Historical Society
The Battle of New Orleans was fought 15 days after the United States and Great Britain had signed a peace settlement. Word of the treaty had not reached New Orleans in time to prevent the fighting. Although the American victory had no effect on the outcome of the war, it gave the United States increased political standing in Europe. Chicago Historical Society Battle of New Orleans Chicago Historical Society

16 First page of the Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 between the United Kingdom and the United States. The two countries signed the treaty at Ghent, Belgium, on Dec. 24, 1814, and then ratified it on Feb. 17, The first page of this treaty is shown here. National Archives National Archives

17 VI. Treaty of Ghent Ended the War of 1812. Restored prewar boundaries.
Increase prestige and patriotism.

18 VII. Consequences of War
Led to end of Federalist party Encouraged growth of U.S. industries Confirmed U.S. as a nation Increased nationalism

19 George Washington 1789 & 1792 Established new government
Favored neutrality Created Cabinet 2 term tradition Used troops to stop Native American in the West “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none….”

20 “First to live in the White House”
John Adams 1796 Federalist Strong national government Favored neutrality Angered farmers Alien and Sedition Acts “First to live in the White House”

21 Author of the “Declaration of Independence”
Thomas Jefferson 1800 & 1804 Democratic-Republican Weak national government Supported farmers over commerce and trade Purchased Louisiana Purchase Author of the “Declaration of Independence”

22 “Father of Constitution”
James Madison 1808 & 1812 Democratic-Republican Declared war on Britain -War 1812 Nationalism “Father of Constitution”

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