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Karl Blanchet – Associate Professor, HHCC

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1 The Impact of physical rehabilitation on the lives of persons with physical impairments in Myanmar
Karl Blanchet – Associate Professor, HHCC Islay Mactaggart – Research Fellow, ICED Improving health worldwide

2 Outline Study Background Methods Results Improving health worldwide

3 Study Background Project duration: Jan 2015 – Dec 2016
Commissioned by the International Committee of the Red Cross Conducted in Collaboration with the University of Public Health, Yangon, Myanmar Improving health worldwide

4 Physical Impairment & Rehabilitation
Up to 16% of the global population experience disability, of which physical impairment is a major component Evidence suggests that persons with disabilities are generally: Less likely to be working1 More likely to be unwell2 More likely to live in poverty3 1 Trani & Loeb (2012); Mizunoya & Mitra (2015); ICED (2017) 2 Kuper et al. (2014); Mactaggart et al. (2015); Eide et al. (2015); ICED (2017) 3 Mitra et al. (2013); Banks & Keogh (2016); Improving health worldwide

5 Physical Impairment & Rehabilitation
Physical rehabilitation is a key component of rehabilitation and inclusion Can optimise functioning Can support economic & social independence Can support participation Can increase quality of life Improving health worldwide

6 Physical Impairment & Rehabilitation
Conflict and post-conflict settings increase risk of physical impairment and potential need for physical rehabilitation1 Very little evidence on the impact of physical rehabilitation exists 1 Dos Santos-Zingale & McColl (2006), Rischewski et al. (2008), WHO (2011) Improving health worldwide

7 Disability in Myanmar 51.4 million population
1.8% GDP spending on health Census estimates: 4.6% prevalence of disability 1.9% prevalence of physical impairment Common Causes of physical impairment: Unintentional injury (road accidents, falls, machinery) land mine injury secondary amputation due to peripheral vascular disease (PVD) Improving health worldwide

8 Rehabilitation in Myanmar
30 Physical Medicine Departments in General Hospitals 69 Physiotherapist-led departments Multiple Community Based Rehabilitation Initiatives Limited prosthetic and orthotic services Substantial reliance on NGOs Improving health worldwide

9 Rehabilitation in Myanmar
ICRC has supported over 6000 people to receive artificial limbs in Myanmar since 2013 Improving health worldwide

10 Study Aim & Objectives Study Aim: To assess the impact of physical rehabilitation on the physical functioning, economic status and quality of life of persons with physical impairments in Myanmar. Improving health worldwide

11 Study Aim & Objectives Study Aim: To assess the impact of physical rehabilitation on the physical functioning, economic status and quality of life of persons with physical impairments in Myanmar. Study Objectives: To measure changes in physical functioning, quality of life and economic status amongst persons with physical impairments before and one year after receiving physical rehabilitation for the first time To compare these indicators to persons without physical impairments To understand the changes persons with disabilities experienced after their accident and after rehabilitation Improving health worldwide

12 Methods A quantitative observational impact case-control study
2) A qualitative investigation of the impact of physical impairment and rehabilitation in Myanmar Improving health worldwide

13 Quantitative Study 100 persons with physical impairments (cases) recruited prior to accessing physical rehabilitation (prostheses or orthoses) for the first time Improving health worldwide

14 Quantitative Study 100 persons with physical impairments (cases) recruited prior to accessing physical rehabilitation (prostheses or orthoses) for the first time 100 community controls recruited (same age, sex, community as each case) Data collected at: Baseline (pre intervention) 6 months post intervention 12 months post intervention Improving health worldwide

15 Quantitative Study 100 persons with physical impairments (cases) recruited prior to accessing physical rehabilitation (prostheses or orthoses) for the first time 100 community controls recruited (same age, sex, community as each case) Data collected by: Trained mid-level rehab professionals at NRH and HORC Recruitment Physical assessment of recruited clients Assessment of quality of assistive devices 6 full time recruited research assistants Interviews and physical functioning assessment Improving health worldwide

16 Quantitative Study 100 persons with physical impairments (cases) recruited prior to accessing physical rehabilitation (prostheses or orthoses) for the first time Eligibility criteria Cases Controls Aged 18+ Had never before been fitted with a prosthesis or orthotic assistive device According to a trained physiotherapist, need to be fitted with either a prosthesis or orthotic device Was able to communicate with the data collectors either independently or via a translator Did not plan to migrate outside of Myanmar within the following 12 months Did not have a physical impairment Was the same sex as the Case Between 5 years younger and 5 years older than the Case From the same village as the Case Did not plan to migrate outside of Myanmar within the preceding 12 months Improving health worldwide

17 Data Collection Core Domain Tool Info Physical Functioning
Physical Performance Test 9 items of daily living Two Minute Walk Test Distance walked in 2 minutes Quality of Life WHOQOL-BREF 26 QOL items Stylised Activity List (LSMS) 10 activities (productive, leisure, inactivity and assistance) Socio-Economic Status Average Monthly Household Income Relative Wealth Index Principle components analysis of asset ownership Personal Consumption Expenditure 85 household expenditure items (food, education, health, household, personal and rent) Improving health worldwide

18 Results - Participants
108 cases and 104 controls recruited at baseline 18 – 39 (43%) 40 – 59 (44%) 60+ (14%) Age Working Status <0.01 <0.01 Improving health worldwide

19 Results - Participants
Amongst cases at baseline: 98% amputees Improving health worldwide

20 Results – Physical Functioning
Improving health worldwide

21 Results – Physical Functioning
Improving health worldwide

22 No significant change amongst cases between baseline and follow up
Results – Quality of Life P<0.001 for all domains No significant change amongst cases between baseline and follow up P=0.3 Improving health worldwide

23 Results – Time Use Hours Improving health worldwide
<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Hours <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.05 <0.05 <0.001 Improving health worldwide

24 Results – Socioeconomic status
Cases significant decrease expenditure and increase income compared to baseline – now similar to controls No significant differences in PCE or PCY Y gap <0.05 Income 34.0 Income 41.4 Income 41.4 Income 41.5 Improving health worldwide

25 Discussion Majority of reported causes preventable – need for policies to minimise risk of trauma and of amputation from acquired health conditions At baseline, cases had lower physical functioning and quality of life; spent less time working and much higher expenditure on healthcare than controls leading to a higher income gap Physical functioning improved significantly for cases at follow up, with most gains made by 6 months post-intervention Cases at follow up spent significantly more time working than at baseline, spent less on expenditure and therefore no longer experienced a bigger income gap compared to controls No change in overall quality of life at follow up across all sub-domains except social relationships Improving health worldwide

26 Discussion Rehabilitation support in Myanmar has substantial positive benefits for persons with physical impairments Physical functioning Ability to work Financial security More nuanced approaches to measuring impact on QOL may be needed Need better understanding of longer term support needs Improving health worldwide

27 Visit to download
More in Report! Further quantitative analyses Qualitative Study Service Delivery – quality of care and assistive device functionality across study period Visit to download Improving health worldwide

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