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Data Pipeline Town Hall March 23, 2017
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3
What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE ( ) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt s to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Report Card March
Directory Student End of Year Student Interchange READ Discipline Interchange Civil Rights Data Collection SBD
Power School Opportunity
Power School Opportunity
11/10/2018 Power School Opportunity Central States PowerSchool Conference hosted by KSPSUG DATES: April 3 - 5, 2017 LOCATION: Hilton Garden Inn, 410 S 3rd St, Manhattan, Kansas PHONE #: HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Ask for KSPSUG group rate of $ plus tax per night or you can click here. Conference Registration link: Registration Fee: 1 day - $75, 2 days - $150, 3 days - $200.00 Breakfast and Lunch will be provided each day. Social Night Tuesday evening Fun game night and networking opportunities. Who can breakout the quickest??? A breakout challenge room where participants can show their competitive side by working as a team to solve clues to the mystery. You will be completing puzzles and trivia in order to "break out". Race against the clock to break out before time expires. 9
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory (4 Day School Week and School Code Changes) RITS EDIS Periodic Report Card March (Closes Apr.7th) Interchanges Staff Student Special Education IEP TSDL 11
Open Data Pipeline Collections
11/10/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) Student End of Year for (Soft Opening) Coming Soon READ (Open April 3rd) 12
Vendor Contacts
District Vendor Contacts
If you have a contact person for your data vendor system please send me their so the various collection holders can contact them. This is so we can notify them of any changes for data collections.
Report Card March
RCMAR open until 4/7/2017! Report Card March 2016-17
You may find training videos and file layouts and definitions at: Collection issues and updates In the text fields avoid using apostrophes. This causes a fatal error when saving the file/form. Superintendent sign off sheet updated. There were some READ collection information that was mistakenly put on the Report Card March sheets. If you already sent in the superintendent sign off sheet, CDE will accept the old sheets.
Report Card March So far there have been only a few questions. If you have any questions please let me know. Phone: FAX: For the Report Card March Collection will not have any changes.
Directory 4 Day School Week
4 Day School Week Application School districts operating a four-day school week (less than 160 scheduled days per school year) are required to submit a request for approval. Only for schools that include grades To be considered for the of school year, please complete the application via Data Pipeline by Friday, May 12.
4 Day School Week
School Code Changes Items that require a form to update Directory
Request a New School Code Request Closing a School Request for Grade Changes Request for Name Changes Forms
Directory Changes for 2017-18
For the School year EdFacts made a change in the Virtual categories. The change is mostly for clarification. Exclusively Virtual was Full Virtual Primarily Virtual was Virtual with Face to Face Primarily Classroom was Supplemental Virtual No Virtual Instruction was Not Virtual
Student End of Year
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
The End of Year Collection is in Soft Open. Districts are able to create snapshots using their Student Interchange Data. The file formats are the same as you used with Student October. Only error free interchange records will be pulled into the snapshot. Please work on interchange errors before creating a snapshot annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
Soft Open Student EOY – Duncan Anderson –
New changes: Inactivated business rules associated with one-day stitching records The most significant of these rules was SE099 which required a school to have a one-day enrollment record for a student that transferred schools within a district over the summer Districts can still submit records using the previous process, it’s just no longer required using the logic checks. These rules will no longer trigger when a snapshot is created. Snapshots created prior to the change will still have these errors listed in their error reports. Full list of Business Rules (still being updated during soft open): srules annual report with the following information: • Levels of school readiness demonstrated by students enrolled in kindergarten • Disaggregated results by school district, school, grade level, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, gender, and ethnicity
End Of Year Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 26
Student Interchange
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange EDAC approved the Student Interchange files last week The approved File Layouts and Definitions plus a summary of changes can be found on the Student Interchange website Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Demographic File Changes Removed Fields Migrant Bilingual ESL Status New Fields Military Connected Students Language Instruction Program (LIP) Code/Definition Changes Postsecondary Enrollment Language Proficiency Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange EL Changes CDE needs to collect more program types from districts than just Bilingual or ESL In order to collect this we are eliminating the Bilingual and ESL Status fields and creating a new field Language Instruction Program where districts can report 5 distinct program types ESL / ELD Dual Language / Two-way Immersion Transitional Bilingual / Early-exit Bilingual Content Classes with Integrated ESL Support Newcomer Programs Or students can be reported with an LIP of Other Parental Refusal Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange EL Changes Language Proficiency will incorporate different levels of Fluent English Proficient (FEP) that were captured in ESL/Bilingual categories before. The process for resdesignation and exiting students is changing Office of Accountability will consider students as EL if they are NEP, LEP or FEP (any designation) Everyone else at CDE will consider students EL if they are NEP, LEP, FEP M1, or FEP M2 Students changing districts should no longer be automatically moved to FELL NEP / LEP FEP Monitor Year 1 FEP Monitor Year 2 FEP Exited Year 1 FEP Exited Year 2 FELL Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Military Connected Students New field required by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Definition: Student has a parent or guardian that is an active duty member of the Armed Forces or on full-time National Guard duty. Field is a yes(1)/no(0) field Does not need to be reset during the school year if status changes We are aware that many districts have already set up their enrollment forms for Please do your best to report this data Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Postsecondary Enrollment One character to two character ASCENT carryforward changing to become: 09 – ASCENT Carryforward – Full-Time 10 – ASCENT Carryforward – Part-Time All ASCENT Carryforward students should be funded as an 87 (Not-Eligible Tuition) Adding in reporting for P-TECH 15 – P-TECH – Years 1-4 For students in P-TECH schools grades 9-12 where they have not been retained 16 – P-TECH – Years 5-6 For students who have been retained in 12th grade to be in years 5 & 6 of P-TECH No students should have this code in *This change is also reflected in the Advanced Course Completion file Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Student School Association File Changes Removed Fields Gifted and Talented Continuous in District Continuous in School Contract Third Party Educator/Program New Field Non-School Program Code/Definition Changes Retention Public School Finance Status Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Non-School Program Contract Third Party Educator/Program was too narrow for the many ways districts may need to report students who participate in programs that do not have school codes If a student is 100% educated by a program that does not have a school code they should be marked in one of the categories for this field. The categories include: Single District On-line Program District-Run Program This can include programs within an existing school that uses different calendars or bell schedules Other School District or BOCES Program Third Party Program This field will be primarily used by FAST to identify students who need to be included in audit sample Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Retention Code Retention code = 2 used to be just for retaining students for ASCENT Now it can be used to retain students for any postsecondary program. Including: ASCENT P-TECH Early College Students must be in 12th grade to use this code Public School Finance Status CPP definitions altered to include ECARE and acceptable grade levels Morgan Holmgren – –
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Student Interchange Questions on the Student Interchange? The approved File Layouts and Definitions plus a summary of changes can be found on the Student Interchange website Morgan Holmgren – –
READ Collection Key Dates
April 3: READ Collection opens June 16: Districts complete submission of READ file & budget planning survey by close of business – all submissions are finalized and submissions will be locked June 30: Districts re-submit data file with duplicates removed by close of business – READ collection closes Week of August 7: Districts can anticipate distribution of READ funds
Preparing for the 2017 READ Collection
READ is in Soft Open. Districts are able to upload files. Budget planning survey will be available next Wednesday. Districts will be required to submit budget planning information to CDE prior to receiving funds CDE is required per statute to review fund usage for the following services: Summer school literacy programs Targeted, scientifically or evidence-based intervention services CDE has been planning for effective implementation of this provision Engagement of a representative focus group of districts Feedback from EDAC Communication to districts Informational webinar
Budget Planning Survey
The READ Budget Planning Survey will consist of five, Yes or No questions that will be collected at a district level and submitted in addition to the LEP’s READ data file To access the survey: User will select “READ Budget Planning Survey” on the initial Pipeline screen for READ User will select current school year and district
Budget Planning Survey
The survey can be submitted at any time throughout the collection; however, it is encouraged that LEPs submit this survey as soon as possible even if READ data file is not finalized Survey may not have blank questions, but users will be able to save the survey questions already answered and come back to survey at a later time to complete User must have REDLEAUSER user role for completing and editing the survey and the REDLEAAPPROVER role to finalize and submit the survey to CDE If the LEP does not have any students identified as having an SRD for the upcoming budget year, submission of the budget planning survey is not required
Budget Planning Survey Format
The READ Budget Planning Survey will include the following questions: An error message will be presented if user tries to submit the survey without agreeing to both assurances
Budget Planning Survey Format
IDM Roles Before you do any loads to Data Pipeline, ensure you have the correct roles: For uploading and editing the READ file: Submit and Modify Role REDLEAUSER For uploading, editing and submitting READ file: Approve Role REDLEAAPPROVER Same roles apply to submitting the Budget Planning survey This is the group of people who will receive all communications for our collection through our list serve You will need to ask your Local Access Manager (LAM) for the necessary rights if you do not have them Please contact the READ collection manager (Whitney Westgaard) if you do not know your LAM to obtain this information
Upcoming Trainings 2016-17 Changes to READ Collection
Monday, March 27th at 2:00 Summary of changes to the 2017 collection Review of Budget Planning survey Opportunity to ask questions First Year Respondent Training Tuesday, March 28th at 2:00 Purpose of the READ data collection Review data elements and coding Submission process through Pipeline Common areas of concern Data privacy and security Please click here to access the webinar links
READ Resources READ Collection resources can be found at: ne Upcoming webinars Data collection timeline Data elements & definitions File layout Business Rules Additional resources such as FAQ document, assessment cut scores, template for submitting budget planning survey, etc. Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard, READ Data Collection Manager Phone:
Discipline Interchange
Discipline Timeline April 3rd: Discipline Interchange Available May 1st: Special Education Discipline Snapshot Opens May 8th: Interchange Files must be uploaded Discipline, IEP, Student June 8th: Admin Units create snapshot June 22nd: 90% of the total Discipline Action records must be included in the Discipline Action file July 12th: Discipline Action errors resolved August 15th: Complete Special Education Discipline Snapshot created August 16th - August 23rd: Report Review Week August 23rd: Complete Special Education Discipline Snapshot created Submit Data to CDE Upload required reports to Data Management System Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
Roles and Responsibilities
11/10/2018 Roles and Responsibilities ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS Responsible for the Approval and submission of the Special Education Discipline Data Collection. DISTRICTS Responsible for submitting valid and reliable data on students with disabilities with discipline incidences and actions. SPECIAL EDUCATION DIRECTORS (in conjunction with Superintendents, Principals, Other School Personnel) Responsible for the overall collection and the authorization of reports. CDE supports the collaborative efforts. Collaboration Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
IdM Groups
DISTRICT Interchange groups associated with the four digit district code DIS District Name PIPELINE - District Number -DIS~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role District Name PIPELINE - District Number - DIS~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role ADMINSITRATIVE UNIT Snapshot groups associated with the five digit administrative unit code SPI AU Name PIPELINE - AU Number - SPI~LEAVIEWER Read-Only Role AU Name PIPELINE –AU Number - SPI~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role AU Name PIPELINE –AU Number - SPI~LEAAPPROVER Approver Role Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
RESOURCES INTERCHANGE us/datapipeline/inter_spe d-discipline Overview Deadlines File Layouts and Definitions Business Rules Template Trainings SNAPSHOT atapipeline/snap_sped- discipline Overview Deadlines File Layout Business Rules Additional Links Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot
Discipline Action Discipline Data Student Demographics Demographics Student School Association Grades IEP Participation Primary Disability Special education discipline Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
Additional Information
New in New Superintendent Sign Off Form Webinar Training to be announced soon! Training Resources Interchange Training essentially the same information good place to start How to Load Discipline Files in Data Pipeline Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
Contact Information If you have ANY questions about the Special Education Discipline Data Collection please feel free to contact us. We are just a phone call away! Kristi Gleason Collection Lead Lindsey Heitman Please include the following team members in your communications In the subject line of the if you would please include the following information: District Number (four digit code) Administrative Unit Number (5 digit code) Subject of the along with any business rules or name of a report if applicable. In the body of the Please include your phone number! Thank you Discipline (students with disabilities) – Kristi Gleason
Civil Rights Data Collection
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC Deadline is Friday, April 28, 2017 Colorado Progress 25 certified 3 100% complete (have not certified) 34 over 90% complete AWS (Advance Website) Partner Support: (855) or Jan Rose Petro
Jan Rose Petro 303-866-6838
CRDC CDE provided files to CRDC contacts to correct errors Section III: Classes, Course Enrollment, and Program Enrollment – Classes in Algebra I and Geometry in High School (Grades 9 through 12 only) Section VII: Student Discipline - LEP counts Files were sent securely through SFTP LEAs may resubmit these files if they have not yet overwritten and/or use for validation purposes Jan Rose Petro
THANK YOU!!! 2015-16 CRDC CRDC contacts are MAGNIFICENT!!!
Jan Rose Petro
CRDC Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked.
If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 60
Assessment Unit homepage
SBD Manual & Webinar Assessment Unit homepage ↓ Trainings Data Trainings SBD Manual SBD Webinar *SBD manual page 2*
2016-2017 SBD Review Timeline* Assessment Dates 1 ACCESS for ELLs
03/16-03/29 2 CO SAT/PSAT 10† 05/15-05/24 3 CMAS Science/social studies CoAlt science/social studies ELA/math (PARCC) CSLA 05/22-06/01 4 CoAlt: English Language Arts and Mathematics (DLM) 06/19-06/27 *DACs and data respondents will receive updates about individual collections as needed. †Will count for accountability reporting beginning in 2017 *SBD manual page 2*
Data Pipeline Assessment Collections User Roles
Description LEA viewer Can only view data and reports LEA user Can view data and reports Can download, edit, and upload data LEA approver Can approve data† *Assigned by Local Access Manager (LAM). Individuals may be assigned roles in several or all SBD collections but may only have one user role per collection. †Districts can ensure that SBD data have been submitted using the Status Dashboard tab in Data Pipeline. *SBD manual page 6*
News for ACCESS for ELLs Collection
Duplicate records in file Reported Record field If one record has ‘1’ and one has ‘2’ > Match data If both records have ‘1’ > Include records in failsafe CDE providing optional calculated values for: Continuously in District Continuously in School Date First Enrolled in U.S. *SBD manual page 35*
CDE Optional Calculated Values
File Extract Download Extract Type SBD Extract = Vendor file (reflective of pre-ID data) SBD Extract using Student Profile = File updated with Data Pipeline Student Interchange data SBD Student and CDE continuous extract = File updated with Data Pipeline Student Interchange data PLUS calculated values
Accountability Comparison Report
CDE providing optional calculated values for: Continuously in District Continuously in School Date First Enrolled in U.S. 67 Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or
Student Location Report
*SBD manual page 32* Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or
Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or 303-866-6281
SBD Reviews Contacts Melissa Mincic SBDs ACCESS for ELLs CMAS DLM Shangte Shen SBD CO PSAT 10/CO SAT Assessment ∙ Melissa Mincic ∙ or
Thank you for joining us today!
Enjoy that Colorado Spring! Next Town Hall: Thursday, March 30th, a.m.-10 a.m.
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