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Surgery Quality and Workflow Manager
PACU Phase I and II Workflow
Learning Objectives After instruction, students will be able to complete the following tasks: Access and navigate SQWM Documentation module through the SQWM Documentation icon. Access and Navigate OR Census and Pending Work Census Access and Complete Scripts Document Forms Additional Step when Signing V-forms Document Patient Vitals without ARK Device Capture READ and DISCUSS Learning Objectives. TRANSITION: Let’s take a look at where you document Phase I and II PACU care.
SQWM Documentation Icon
DISCUSS: Selecting the SQWM Documentation icon takes you to the login screen for the Centricity Perioperative Anesthesia (CPA) application, which contains the v- forms and scripts for all perioperative care events except intraoperative. TRANSITION: When you log into SQWM Documentation for PACU, the initial screen defaults to the OR Census.
OR Census Overview DISCUSS:
When users select OR Census, the patients assigned to them for the current day populates automatically. Other search criteria, such as date, name, etc. can be added. You can enter a date range, or if looking for today’s patients only, leave it at the default of the current date. To search for a specific patient, enter the last name in the Last Name field and click Search. You can also search by Social Security Number, or use the Quick Search option, which uses the first initial of the patient's last name and the final 4 of the Social Security Number. The Search functionality is a smart search and narrows options as you type. Other search options include specific personnel, such as attending or resident, as well as case number or OR room number. Column headings include Name, OR Scheduled, Scheduled Time, SSN, DOB, Anesthesia Attending, Procedure, CRNA, Resident, Preop Eval v-form, Surgeon, Case Number, PAT Concerns and Clinic. You can sort the columns by double clicking on the column header. TRANSITION: Let’s look at documentation options for the OR Census.
OR Census Menu Options DISCUSS:
When you click on the patient that you wish to document on, a menu of options displays. The menu options depend on the role you are assigned. The ones that we discuss today include: PREOP/PACU RECORD and PostOp Phone Call. TRANSITION: The other census option that you have access to is the Pending Work Census.
Pending Work Census Options
EXPLAIN: Any unsigned v-forms display on the Pending Work Census. The Worklist column indicates whether it is an unlocked v-form, procedure, etc. The patient’s name displays in the Name column. The last 4 of Social Security Number (SSN), Requisition Number, Date of Service and the Worklist Details display in the remaining columns. Click on the patient and the form opens. Complete the form and then sign and lock. The form will drop off the Pending work Census.
Signing V-Forms After you click “I, … have completed and reviewed this note.” The Password Required window displays. Enter your password in the field, and then click OK.
Preop Nursing Documentation
EXPLAIN: The Scripts are accessed by clicking PREOP/PACU Record. TRANSITION: Let’s look at the different script options.
PACU Phase I Documentation In SQWM Documentation
DISCUSS: Choose the PACU – Standard script for documenting PACU Phase I without using device capture and PACU –Standard with ARK when using device capture in PACU Phase I. PCA is a script to use when your patient has a PCA pump and is used in conjunction with one of the PACU-Standard scripts. TRANSITION: Let’s look next at how forms are incorporated into the scripts.
Scripts in SQWM Documentation
DISCUSS: When the script opens, you see a banner with the patient information and the clock showing the amount of time since you clicked PACU start, designating the beginning of their time in that care event. Just below this is a standard toolbar for all the scripts. The format of the scripts and the way you document in them are the same no matter which care event you are in. TRANSITION: We will look at the script toolbar next.
Script Toolbar DISCUSS: This is the standard toolbar:
Scripts returns you to the primary script after selecting additional information to document from toolbar. Find (magnifying glass icon) in Menu allows you to search for additional documentation options. Select Find and the search field opens. Options display under the banner as search is typed. Other in Menu allows you to enter comment. Time can be adjusted as in Script documentation. Meds is where you find the medications to document. Select the desired medication and then in the window that displays document the amount, route and time. Infusion is where you find your drips to document, aminophylline, dopamine for example. Fluids is where you document any IV fluids Output is where you document any output. Blood is where you document any blood products given. Sites is where you document IV starts. Select Mark from menu to place a timestamp for critical event documentation if needed. Select Preop Start/Stop from menu to document beginning/end of preop care event. Alerts allows you to name, set and edit a timer. Select Patient Information (Pat Info icon) to add information to Patient Manager. Information includes ht, wt, ASA Status, Procedure and Allergies. Select Chart from menu to see same menu options as when clicking on patient in OR Census. Edit is not active at this time. Select Sign In (Sign-In and Sign-Out icon) from menu, and then click Search for additional staff, break and relief staff to log in. Select Logout from menu to lock workstation or exit module. Close returns you to OR Census. TRANSITION: We will next learn about how to add additional patient information.
Adding Patient Information
EXPLAIN: You can add additional information in Patient Manager so that it shows in the banner. Height and weight can be added here either in metric or English. ASA can be added if known at this point. Allergies pull over from CPRS and additions and changes must be done there. The additions then flow to SQWM. TRANSITION: Nursing staff must sign in to their script. We will learn how next.
Signing In DISCUSS: Nursing staff must sign in for their care event. Click Sign In in the toolbar. You can either enter your last name, choose your role, and then click Search, or you can choose the appropriate role, then choose the name from the dropdown menu. Click on your name in the grid to highlight it, and then click Sign In. You are now logged into the case. TRANSITION: Next we will learn how to document in scripts.
Editing in Scripts EXPLAIN:
To document in the scripts you click on the desired documentation. You can edit the documentation, for example to adjust the time. Click the … first, make the adjustments, then click on desired documentation. After you click on the desired documentation, another window may display for further details. These windows may contain fields to type in text or dropdown menus to choose from. After the documentation is completed, it then moves to the Event History window at the bottom right of the screen. TRANSITION: Let’s look at Event History next.
Event History in Scripts
DISCUSS: The Event History shows at the bottom right of the screen. Everything that has been documented in this care event’s script displays here. TRANSITION: Let’s learn how to edit in Event History.
Editing Event History in Scripts
DISCUSS: You can still edit or delete the documentation even after it is in Event History. Click in the Event History window. The Notes/Events During Case window displays. You can edit or delete documentation just as you did in the script. Click on … . Click on the desired edit. TRANSITION: Next we will take a look at additional documentation options.
Additional Documentation Toolbar
DISCUSS: Additional scripts are available to use for documenting in the toolbar. Select your desired category for additional documentation from the action menu. Choices include: Meds, Infusion, Fluids, Output, Blood, and Sites. Banner changes to name of additional documentation chosen with Search field to right of name. Selections for this script change as search is typed. Documentation is same as in PreOp script. Other in Menu allows you to enter comment. Time can be adjusted as in Script documentation. Find (magnifying glass icon) in Menu allows you to search for additional documentation options. Select Find and the search field opens. Options display under the banner as search is typed. Select Mark from menu to place a timestamp for critical event documentation if needed. Select Preop Stop from menu to document end of preop care event. Select Patient Information (Pat Info icon) to add information to Patient Manager. Information includes ht, wt, ASA Status, Procedure and Allergies. Select Chart from menu to see same menu options as when clicking on patient in OR Census. Select Sign In (Sign-In and Sign-Out icon) from menu, and then click Search for additional staff, break and relief staff to log in. Select Logout from menu to lock workstation or exit module. TRANSITION: Let’s learn how to document Vital Signs.
Document Patient Vitals without ARK
EXPLAIN: To document vital signs without using device capture, you click the Monitor icon on the right side of the screen. The vital sign grid displays. Click in the appropriate grid. Window displays for you to document the vital sign value. Enter the value in the value field and either click Record & Next to enter more values or click Record and then Close. New columns display by default every 5 minutes. Columns that do not have any values in them do not display on your record. TRANSITION: Next we will learn how to edit vital signs.
Documenting Patient Vitals with Device Capture
DISCUSS: For facilities that are using device capture, GE will work directly with you as it is being set-up. Click Start vital signs capture and alarm limits set. TRANSITION: Let’s continue with the device capture steps.
Device Capture DISCUSS:
The Device Manager window displays. Choose your session’s parameters. Information that is entered via device capture flows to VistA as an image. Select which bed you are monitoring your patient at. TRANSITION: Now we have completed learning how scripts work. Let’s take a look at which scripts you use to document PACU Phase I or Phase II .
PACU Phase I Documentation In SQWM Documentation
DISCUSS: Choose the PACU – Standard script for documenting PACU Phase I without using device capture and PACU –Standard with ARK when using device capture in PACU Phase I. PCA is a script to use when your patient has a PCA pump and is used in conjunction with one of the PACU-Standard scripts. TRANSITION: Let’s look next at how forms are incorporated into the scripts.
Forms in SQWM Documentation
DISCUSS: Some scripts have forms included as part of the documentation. Click on the form and the v-form displays. Continue to document as you normally do in v- forms. TRANSITION: And last, we will look at the script for PACU Phase II.
PACU Phase II Documentation
DISCUSS: Choose the PACU-Phase II script for documenting the PACU phase II care event. TRANSITION: Let’s practice documenting in a script.
Script Practice Patient A had a laparoscopic left hernia repair with mesh and arrived in PACU. Document his position on arrival. ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. ASK: What questions do you have about the new places to document your care event? How do you access it? INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Log into SQWM Documentation. Locate the patient and click on them to bring up menu. Click Preop/PACU Record. Click PACU-Standard script Click on Patient Position. Document in window that displays. Click OK and then Record. TRANSITION: Let’s look at the new location for the post op phone call.
PostOp Phone Call in SQWM
DISCUSS: PostOp Phone Call is also one of the choices in the menu when you click on your patient. Click on PostOp Phone Call and document in v-form TRANSITION: You look at labs from CPRS without leaving SQWM. Let’s learn how next.
Accessing Labs DISCUSS:
There is a quick and easy way to view labs from within SQWM. Click Labs from the menu that displays when you click on your patient. TRANSITION: Let’s learn next what can be seen on the Labs page and the different parameters you can use to limit your results.
Labs DISCUSSION: The different parameters available when you view Labs include Groups, Priority, Time Span, Time Compression and Microbiology. Groups: Use the dropdown menu under Groups to change the type of lab that you are viewing. Priority: Choose from All, Typical or Critical. Time Span: When you view the labs, the time span defaults to three days. You can choose a different time span by clicking on the dropbox under Time Span. Your choices go from today to No Limit. Time Compression: You can choose None, Day, or Week from the Time Compression dropdown menu. If you wish to also see Microbiology, click the box underneath Microbiology. A checkmark displays and Microbiology is included in the labs. There are also Defaults and Search buttons Defaults: Click the Defaults icon to return the choices to default, which are Default, Typical, Three Days, None and no Microbiology. Search: Allows you to search for a specific result.
Review We have covered the following topics:
Access and navigate SQWM Documentation module through the SQWM Documentation icon. Access and Navigate OR Census and Pending Work Census Access and Complete Scripts Document Forms Additional Step when Signing V-forms Document Patient Vitals without ARK Device Capture REVIEW: In this section, we learned how to log in, access and navigate in SQWM Documentation. We discussed how to search for and select patients, and that document PACU Phase I and II in SQWM Documentation. We learned about scripts, how to access scripts for the different care events, how to document in them and how to edit them. We learned how to document in v-forms and how to sign and lock v-forms. We also learned how to document vital signs for sites that are using device capture and how to when facilities are not. What questions do you have about any of those processes?
Track Surgery EXPLAIN:
The Tracker Module allows users to better manage resources during the day of surgery. Tracker shows where patients are in their surgical experience. Time updates are all real time and feed in from the clinical documentation packages for more accurate logging.
Case Label EXPLAIN: After selecting a date, the cases scheduled for that date display in Case Grid View. In Management view, the Case Label displays the surgeon, patient, procedure and age of the patient. To view additional information on each case, right click the case label. The options to Show Patient Drill Down and View Case Label Values display. Case Labels are color coded based on their status. The status designations include Add On, Emergency, Scheduled, In Facility, Holding/Preop, In OR , Incision (only displays in Management View), Surgery Started (only displays in Ancillary and Family views), Surgery Ended, in PACU and Discharge. As the case is logged in the Clinical Documentation module, the color of the case changes in all views of the Tracker module. The case label boundaries are driven by the times that the patient is actually in the operating room as entered in the clinical documentation module. NOTE: If the case is too short for all of the information normally on the case label to be easily visible, hover your mouse over the ellipses ( ... ) to view the option to display the rest of the information
Case Label – Show Patient Drill Down
EXPLAIN: If you choose the Show Patient Drill Down option, the Patient and Case Details window displays, which includes Scheduled Start Date/Time, Scheduled Duration, Service Area, Patient Demographics, Case Information, Allergies, Case Comments and Tracker Times.
Tracker Icons Operative Consent Staff Note Complete H&P Complete
Bed Available Isolation Status Blood Consent IV in Place NPO Labs/Tests EKG Site Physically Marked Staff Surgeon Visit Complete DISCUSS: This is a close-up of additional Tracker icons that are available to help users know the status of tasks needed to for a patient waiting for surgery. Icons display at the top of the label to indicate items that have been completed and/or are outstanding. Hover over the icons to display the icon description and if the item is complete or incomplete.
PACU Real World Scenario
Patient C is post left shoulder arthroscopy with subacromial decompression and had an infraclavicular brachial plexus block with continuous catheter placement preop. Document your care for this patient in your appropriate Care Event. DISCUSS: Practice steps ASSIST: Move around room providing assistance as necessary. INSTRUCT: Provide directions to complete the exercise. Log into SQWM Documentation. Locate the patient and click on them to bring up menu. Click Preop/PACU Record. Click one of the PACU script options. Document information in at least 3 places.
Help Desk and References
Two methods of entering a service request eService - low priority ticket Phone – critical, high, medium, low priorities Press 4 for Surgery Quality and Workflow Management, then Press 4 to speak to technical support SQWM Training SharePoint Site: EXPLAIN There are two methods to of entering a service request, eService and by phone. Additional training information can be found at the SQWM Training SharePoint Site.
Course Evaluation EXPLAIN:
Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated. Direct students to End of Course Evaluation location.
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