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Elizabeth Levene, The HELPS Program can Provide YOU with the Tools to Help Struggling Readers Welcome Elizabeth Levene,

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth Levene, The HELPS Program can Provide YOU with the Tools to Help Struggling Readers Welcome Elizabeth Levene,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth Levene,
The HELPS Program can Provide YOU with the Tools to Help Struggling Readers Welcome Elizabeth Levene, Helps Education Fund

2 We are driven by principles of:
The Helps Education Fund connects research with practice and engages teachers, parents, and volunteers to improve student learning. We are driven by principles of: Equity Authentic Collaboration Evidence for Effectiveness Access (free or low cost; feasible to use) Helps Education Fund addresses challenges with educational equity as it relates to Education and Opportunity & Research to Practice We partner with researchers and work collaboratively with educators to develop programs, disseminate, train, and build capacity for sustainability. We aim to provide programs and services for free or at a low-cost.

3 Educators invest significant time and effort to support all students, but…
They need more time, support, and resources Too many students still need assistance Helps Education Fund addresses challenges with educational equity as it relates to Education and Opportunity & Research to Practice We partner with researchers and work collaboratively with educators to develop programs, disseminate, train, and build capacity for sustainability. We aim to provide programs and services for free or at a low-cost.

4 Education and Opportunity & Research to Practice
Nationally: Only 36% of 4th grade students are reading at a proficient level North Carolina: Only 38% of 4th graders scored at or above reading proficiency. Helps Education Fund addresses challenges with educational equity as it relates to Education and Opportunity & Research to Practice We partner with researchers and work collaboratively with educators to develop programs, disseminate, train, and build capacity for sustainability. We aim to provide programs and services for free or at a low-cost.

5 Reading Fluency What is reading fluency?
The extent to which a person can read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Why is reading fluency important? Reading fluency in necessary for reading comprehension The measurement of oral reading fluency (ORF) predicts reading comprehension and overall reading ability for students in grades 1-4 It should be targeted during early reading instruction (as part of the “Big 5”) Fluent readers are more likely to choose to read Bridge between learning to read to reading to learn

6 Reading Fluency Bridge between learning to read to reading to learn

7 Reading Fluency How do you build reading fluency? Practice strategies
Motivational strategies Specifically: Evidence-based practice and motivational strategies…because some strategies work better than others How do you build reading fluency? Practice strategies; specifically, practice strategies that are shown to be effective through research. Motivational strategies; increasing/developing motivation to learn – to participate And that these strategies are evidence-based –with convincing research that have shown the practice to meaningfully improve educational outcomes for children. Core components of HELPS - Instructional (Practice Strategies): Repeated Reading, Modeling, Phrase Drill, Verbal Cues, Performance Feedback Motivational: Goal Setting, Performance Feedback with Graphing, Positive Reinforcement for Reading Behaviors Assessment: Built-in progress monitoring

8 Our Signature Program The purpose of HELPS is to strengthen students’ reading fluency and improve students’ motivation and self-confidence with reading. HELPS One-on-One HELPS Small Group Our signature program, which our nonprofit is named after is HELPS – Helping Early Literacy with Practice Strategies. HELPS is an evidence-based program that has been rigorously tested and proven to improve students reading fluency and comprehension. HELPS has specific goals, objectives, and structured components that are effective in improving student outcomes when administered with fidelity. - MORE INFO ON YOUR HANDOUT ON HELPS-

9 Strengths and Benefits
HELPS is evidence-based and research-validated HELPS is relatively easy to learn and can be implemented by many different types of educators (including volunteers) HELPS requires only minutes per day, 3 days per week HELPS can be used as part of MTSS and integrates multiple strategies to monitor implementation integrity HELPS has social validity with students and teachers HELPS can be accessed for FREE How do you build reading fluency? Practice strategies; specifically, practice strategies that are shown to be effective through research. Motivational strategies; increasing/developing motivation to learn – to participate And that these strategies are evidence-based –with convincing research that have shown the practice to meaningfully improve educational outcomes for children. Core components of HELPS - Instructional (Practice Strategies): Repeated Reading, Modeling, Phrase Drill, Verbal Cues, Performance Feedback Motivational: Goal Setting, Performance Feedback with Graphing, Positive Reinforcement for Reading Behaviors Assessment: Built-in progress monitoring

10 Which students should benefit?
First through third grade students, when used as part of students’ core reading curriculum Struggling or at-risk readers in grades 1 - 4 Students in grade 5 or above that have more significant reading fluency difficulties English language learners Of course, a student’s teacher should confirm that the student would benefit from fluency-based instructional strategies

11 How it Works Student Selection
BOY, MOY Benchmark scores on reading fluency Or other, as used by agency (AIMSweb, DIBELS) HELPS schedule 15-min, 3 times a week Providing program with Performance Feedback HELPS Placement Assessment Flow Chart, Scripted Directions, Tips and Reminders Progress Monitoring and Implementation Fidelity Student data - graph and progress tracking form Volunteer/teacher – fidelity checks, at least two over a 9-week period Structured and scripted program

12 Structured and scripted program

13 Timed Reading, Phrase Drill, & Modeling
Oral Reading Fluency – 1 min timed readings, practice, practice, practice! Words Correct Per Minute Words Incorrect Per Minute Phrase Drill Practicing words and logical phrases that were incorrect. Modeling Teacher/tutor modeling the full passage read aloud with good reading fluency.

14 Progress Tracking Form

15 Graphing

16 Earn 1 star for working hard/making progress
Star Chart Earn 1 star for working hard/making progress If student had met his/her goal, a second star would be awarded If a star falls in a shaded box, student gets to draw ticket out of Bonus Bag to earn extra stars (add extra stars immediately) After completing a row, student gets to pick a prize out of the Prize Box  should be awarded immediately

17 HELPS in Action

18 What it Takes to Implement HELPS
Intervention Implementation HELPS Training Student selection using data Teacher & volunteer selection Student progress monitoring within HELPS program Certified HELPS Trainer monitors student progress Teacher/volunteer provides program with accuracy Certified HELPS Trainer provides fidelity monitoring/coaching to teacher/volunteer Dosage, student receives HELPS 3 times a week Environment supports HELPS implementation that matches a student’s availability, 3 times a week Student monitoring using benchmark data, middle of year and end of year scores Certified HELPS Trainer reviews benchmark data, middle of year and end of year Ongoing- data based decisions, training and coaching

19 Our Work with Schools and Volunteers
Improved Outcomes for Students in Reading Volunteers (all kinds) Teachers (all kinds) Training, along with Coaching Fidelity Implementation Integrity Training, along with Coaching Fidelity Implementation Integrity Helps Education Fund

20 Support for HELPS HELPS has been successfully used and endorsed by reading specialists, regular and special education teachers, teacher assistants, community volunteers, and parents. Students also report that they enjoy receiving HELPS and feel more successful as readers by receiving the program. Welcome

21 HELPS - Scaffolding of Support
Helps Education Fund is dedicated to supporting educators and improving learning outcomes for students. Helps Education Fund Provides: Access to HELPS primary program curriculum HELPS training and implementation support HELPS Fidelity and Certification

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