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Welcome to Istation training

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1 Welcome to Istation training
Welcome to Istation training. Istation is currently in 41 states and 5 countries. Today we will address ISIP Early Reading, ISIP Advanced Reading, ISIP Espanol, and ISIP Math. We will also discuss Istation Reading, which is the instruction, go over the reports, and the Teacher Tools and resources.

2 Keep Conversations Respectful and Professional Actively Participate
Tame your Technology Keep Conversations Respectful and Professional Actively Participate Welcome to Istation training. Istation is currently in 41 states and 5 countries. Today we will address ISIP Early Reading, ISIP Advanced Reading, ISIP Espanol, and ISIP Math. We will also discuss Istation Reading, which is the instruction, go over the reports, and the Teacher Tools and resources.

3 We will discuss the implementation and use of Istation.
I will make plans to utilize Istation with my classes Welcome to Istation training. Istation is currently in 41 states and 5 countries. Today we will address ISIP Early Reading, ISIP Advanced Reading, and ISIP Math. We will also discuss Istation Reading, which is the instruction, go over the reports, and the Teacher Tools and resources.

4 ISIP + Istation ISIP, Istation’s Indicator’s of Progress, is the broad skills assessment Istation is the curriculum, lessons, and interventions for targeted skills This program is BSISD’s resource for teachers to gain better insight and provide intervention to students.

5 Big Spring ISD Istation Products for 2015-2016
Assessments: ISIP Early Reading PreK-3 ISIP Advanced Reading Grades 4-8 Interventions: Istation Math K-2 (3-8 will utilize Think Through Math) Istation Reading PreK-8 These are the products that Big Spring has available to use this year.

6 Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT)
The ISIP Assessment is monthly and uses CAT technology Allows us to accurately reflect the overall reading ability of each student Measures performance & growth over time Uses interactive content to measure a student’s overall reading ability and skill development Uses test questions that range from easy to hard for each reading domain The development of computer adaptive testing was based on Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development. The assessment is trying to find out what the students are able to do on their own, so that it places them into their own individualized path of instruction.

7 How Does CAT Work? To identify the student’s overall reading ability and individual skill ability, the difficulty of the items changes with every student response. Answers correctly, given a more difficult item Student is given an item The computer is calibrating and adjusting to the student. ISIP starts the assessment at the grade level expectations and then moves the student to either harder or easier questions based on their responses. Then it places the student in the appropriate instructional cycle based on the ISIP ability score. Answers incorrectly, given a less difficult item

8 These are the subtests for Early Reading:
ISIP Early Reading (ER) is for PreK-3 in English. It addresses the components that are needed in early reading. You could have a Kinder student that is already reading that moves up or a 3rd grader that is low that moves down to Letter Knowledge. If you notice, Listening Comprehension and Text Fluency have asterisks which means they are not included in the overall reading ability score. * *

9 These are the subtests for Advanced Reading:
* Advanced Reading is for grades 4-8. The Text Fluency has an asterisk to show it is not included in the overall reading ability score.

10 Frequency of Assessments
An ISIP™ assessment will begin automatically the first time a student logs in each month. For example, if a student logs in on Sept. 1st an ISIP™ assessment will be given, but if the student doesn’t log in until Sept. 15th an ISIP™ assessment will still be given because it is the first time the student has logged in for the month. Tips to Remember when administering the monthly ISIP Assessment: -Confirm that each child has a working set of headphones. -Check the volume on all computers. -Active Monitoring is a MUST! Teacher AND computer lab para should BOTH be monitoring. This will result in 8-12 automatic assessments per year, depending on the length of each district’s school year and when the school or district begins taking the ISIP Assessments. Additional On Demand assessments can be given at any time during the school year.

11 Instructional Tier Goals For all ISIP Assessments
These charts are located at Log onto the website, click Toolbox and then choose Instructional Tier Goals. ISIP Scores are automatically produced as the students take the assessment. The scores produced are called an Ability Score or Ability Index. These scores automatically correlate to a tier level. Skill goals and expectations become progressively more difficult by month and grade level. ISIP Tier Goals help identify Overall Student Ability and potential growth. Charts differ by product: ISIP™ Early Reading, ISIP™ Advanced Reading, ISIP™ Español, and ISIP™ Math. The Instructional Tier Goals Chart, referenced in this slide, is strictly an example, and the actual Tier Goals Chart is visible on the Istation website at in the Toolbox.

12 English Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Supplemental Recommended Minimum Usage
Students use the programs for 30 or more minutes per week. Students use the programs for 60 or more minutes per week. Students use the programs for 90 or more minutes per week. Supplemental Recommended Minimum Usage To achieve maximum student growth, Istation recommends: Tier 3 students use the program for 90 or more minutes per week. Tier 2 students use the program for 60 minutes per week. Tier 1 students use the program for 30 minutes per week.

13 3 Primary Reports ISIP Summary Priority Student Summary Handout
Check this report ONCE every MONTH, after an ISIP Assessment. You may use this report to Progress Monitor & to inform individual/Class Instruction. ISIP Summary Priority Student Summary Handout Check this report ONCE a WEEK to drive instruction. Use this report to document for RTI, ARD’s, 504, etc. We will have additional training from Istation on accessing and reading reports once there is relevant data to look at and all teachers have access. Check this report ONCE every MONTH, after an ISIP Assessment. Use this report in parent conferences, RTI, ARD, and 504 meetings. Great to hand out with report cards.

14 Teacher Resources Over 2000 Teacher Directed Lessons
Suitable for all tiers 100% scripted Cycle and skill based lessons in reading and writing Lexile leveled books Passages & Poems Parent Letters & Classroom Decorations Teachers have access to Teacher Resources on the Istation website. You will find comprehensive Teacher-Directed Lessons and Materials that reinforce and extend the skills assessed and taught in the Istation Reading program. A mix of differentiated approaches and leveled reading materials provide formats for all types of learners.

15 Downloading the Istation program
Go to Click on Services and Support Download Istation for Windows Home page Support Download Istation

16 Login & Password
Everyone logs in to verify that participants can login to their account and see the correct class. Log-ins should have been ed to them.

17 Login Cards 1. Login into with your teacher or administrator login and password 2. Find the Manage section on the Istation website 3. Teachers click Manage and Students (Administrators, choose a classroom then click Manage and Students) 4. Choose “Login Cards” and then Print      TIP: Login cards show all students’ user names in capital letters, but they should be entered in lowercase letters on the login page. Passwords should be entered as they appear. In the center of the card is the student’s user name written in all capital letters and password. Login Cards are an easy way to make sure all students have their log-in information. Print the cards and give them to students when they are logging into Istation. You can also print a Class Listing-student logins and passwords on one page

18 Let’s take the assessment!
Click on the Istation icon located on your computer Login using your username and password. Click on ISIP and take the assessment. Allow teachers to explore the assessment components.

19 Screen An Entire Class On Average In About 25-45 Minutes
let us save you time The ISIP Assessment is timed. Allow at least 45 minutes for the initial assessment. Further assessments will average 30 minutes. The assessments must be actively monitored by the teacher AND the para in order to assure accuracy. **Insert it is recommended to do the first assessment in one setting**

20 Contact Holly Barfield if questions arise

21 Please contact istation support services at :
Choose option 2 for support, or us at:

22 After ISIP, students are automatically classified by tiers
Individual students broken out here ISIP™ Summary Reports ISIP Summary Report shows the number and percentage of students in the classroom at each instructional tier, for each skill assessed, during the current assessment period. Individual student results are listed in the table underneath the graph. Students are grouped by risk level. Overall instructional tier level and fluency rates for each skill are provided for each student in the classroom. Instructional tiers are displayed for overall reading and for each skill assessed. Teachers should look at this report monthly. IMPORTANT: To review how to run and utilize the Summary Report, view the ISIP Summary Report Video found in the Training Center at

23 ISIP™ Summary Reports The top of the report is a view of the Overall performance of students in a class, as well as how the students collectively performed in each skill they assessed. Steps to using this report: View the top of the report, and view the Overall performance of students in your class, as well as how they collectively performed in each skill they were assessed in. Move the mouse, and hover over each compartment of the Tiered Bars. This indicates and displays how many students make up each compartment of that Tier (Tier 1= Green, Tier 2 = Yellow, Tier 3 = Red). This part of the report can help teachers know when they need to re-teach a skill to the entire class (Whole Group Instruction).

24 ISIP™ Summary Reports: Entire Class Subtest Performance
The lower half of the ISIP Summary Report shows Individual Student Performance for the entire class. While looking at the lower half of this report, you are able to view Individual Student Performance, for the entire class . Students are grouped by tier level and then in alphabetical order. Instructional tiers are displayed for Overall Reading and for each subtest.

25 ISIP™ Summary Reports: Individual Student Subtest Performance
To view an individual student’s performance on monthly ISIP assessments, click on the (+) plus sign. To see how students answered on assessment, click the (+) beside the subtest. This is called, “drilling down”. Clicking on the Plus (+) signs to view Individual Student ISIP History If you’d like to view an individual student’s performance on monthly ISIP assessments, click on the (+) plus sign. If you’d like to see how students answered on the subtest, click the (+) beside the subtest. This is called, “drilling down”. This is helpful when you are concerned that a student’s performance doesn’t seem to match up with what you know about their ability.

26 Lessons are prescribed here (PDF)
Teachers can document the intervention creating an audit trail! Students are grouped according to specific need Priority Report The Priority Report helps identify students who will benefit from further intervention and provides links to teacher directed lessons and supplemental materials.   Students are only listed if they have demonstrated weaknesses in an ISIP™ Assessment or lack of progress in skill acquisition in Interactive Instruction. Students are grouped by skill to facilitate whole group or small group instruction. Click on the link under Recommended Teacher Directed Lessons to access the recommended intervention. Clicking this button will also document when a student has been given teacher directed intervention. IMPORTANT: To review how to run and utilize the Priority Report, view the Priority Report Video found in the Training Center at

27 Priority Report: Student Intervention History
A Student Intervention History of identified skill weaknesses and interventions is retained and can be accessed by clicking the plus sign [+] by a student’s name. Additional notes can be added by clicking Add Intervention Note. The Priority Report - Student Intervention History shows a history of identified skill weaknesses for current and previous school years. Each recommended teacher directed lesson is listed as well as the level of difficulty the student had with the identified skill or skills, and the date the alert was first listed.  If the check box for “Intervention Lesson Delivered” was clicked, the name of the teacher, the date delivered, and any notes added will also be shown.   This provides detailed intervention documentation for educators across school years, for RTI, ARD’s, 504, and more.

28 Student Summary Handout
The Student Summary Handout is a customizable report that provides a summary of student performance for the current school year. This report is often used in parent/teacher conferences, RTI, ARD, and 504 meetings. Each Dot is a Data Point This customizable report provides summary of student performance for the current school year.   Available information includes: Program Overview - includes cycle of instruction, last date of use, total program usage, and current Lexile levels*. Priority Overview - includes all priority report alerts ISIP Percentile Rank - better than or equal to students who took this test at the same time ISIP Grade Equivalency - performing as an average grade student who took this test in that month.

29 Priority Report: Documenting Interventions
After administering intervention, select the checkbox next to the student’s name. Optional notes regarding intervention may be entered in the text box (e.g., still needs improvement, needs to be retaught, made progress, etc.). Click Intervention Lesson Delivered to save. NOTE: Intervention notes cannot be removed once entered. This report allows the Teacher to provide documentation of the interventions that are completed with each student in Small Group. In order to document interventions, Teacher must do the following: Complete a lesson with the students individually or in Small Group. The lessons do not have to be from Istation, they can reflect any lesson from other sources, too. On the Priority Report, locate the boxes beside each student’s name. 3. Once you’ve placed a check mark in the box, click “Intervention Lesson Delivered.” This will save your documentation of intervention for each student. *If you wish to type notes in the “optional” Intervention Note Box, you may do so.

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