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Getting Organised Part 2

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1 Getting Organised Part 2
Study Skills Getting Organised Part 2

2 Learning Objectives To decide on your preferred study method

3 Answer at the end of the lesson
Brain Teaser If a man is at the bottom of the cliff and he is dead and he has half of a match in his hand. How did he die? Answer at the end of the lesson

4 Equipment Check You thought I had forgotten?
How many have everything on the list? YES NO Let’s try and get 100% Spot Checks

5 Discuss the study methods with your teacher and class

6 Study Methods There are no wrong answers to the QUIZ as everyone likes to study in different ways. Grab a computer. Go to and link to the Learning Styles Quiz. Take the quiz, and be prepared to answer questions.

7 Review of Quiz What were your results?
How will this help you to study better? What actions will you take?

8 Scientists have discovered that to study effectively you must:
Study Methods Scientists have discovered that to study effectively you must:

9 Study Before 9pm After a hard day at school, it is a good
idea to go home, have a break, something to eat and then study before 9pm Any later and your brain is tired

10 Phone a friend, go on Facebook or watch TV
Take 5 have a Break The brain can usually cope with something for about minutes and then it needs a break. Take 5 minutes have: a stretch a booster bar a drink sharpen your pencil DO NOT Phone a friend, go on Facebook or watch TV

11 Plan your work Do not put off your work until the last minute
Use your DIARY to plan your work. We will talk more about this later

12 TV or RADIO? Some people prefer to study with some kind of background noise. TV has to be a big NO NO. The flashing pictures can be a real distraction and you will want to watch the end of the soap opera, Big Brother or whatever else. Radio, IPod is your preference

13 Where to Study? Where you work will affect how well you work. Sitting on the sofa in-front of the TV is not an option. You will need to be at a table, it can be in your own room, dining room or kitchen table and

14 Oh! No back to equipment again.
You will need to have all the equipment you need along with the right books. Don’t make excuses that your books are at school or your pencil case is lost

15 Light or Dark? The type of light can also affect your work.
Have a good light over your work area. Trying to study under the bed clothes with a torch is out of the question.

16 Concentrate You have the perfect study area, all the right equipment and off you go. You will need to concentrate on your work. Do it to the best of your ability and then…………….

17 You can do your own thing
Good study methods will get the job done and leave you time to do YOUR OWN THING

18 He jumped off with the match in his hand
Brain Teaser Answer The man was in a hot air balloon with four friends and it was too heavy. They decided to draw straws and the one who got the match had to jump off. He jumped off with the match in his hand

19 Next Lesson Getting Organised - Part 3

20 References Learning Style Quiz:

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