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Process Equipment Design Distillation Columns

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1 Process Equipment Design Distillation Columns

2 Fractional Distillation
Distillation is the most common form of separation technology used in: petroleum refineries petrochemical and chemical plants natural gas processing cryogenic air separation plants

3 Tower Heuristics

4 Tower Heuristics

5 Tray Tower Heuristics

6 Packed Tower Heuristics

7 Liquid-Liquid Extraction

8 Liquid-Liquid Extraction

9 Aspen Plus RadFrac Block
RadFrac is a rigorous model for simulating all types of multistage vapor-liquid fractionation operations. These operations include: Ordinary distillation Absorption and Reboiled Absorption Stripping and Reboiled Stripping Extractive and Azeotropic Distillation See Corresponding Document on Column Design and Sizing

10 Aspen Plus RadFrac Block
RadFrac is suitable for: Two-phase systems Three-phase systems Narrow and wide-boiling systems Systems exhibiting strong liquid phase nonideality RadFrac can model columns in which chemical reactions are occurring. Reactions can have: Fixed conversions Equilibrium Rate-controlled Electrolytic

11 Aspen Plus DSTWU Block DSTWU performs shortcut design calculations for single-feed, two-product distillation columns with a partial or total condenser. DSTWU assumes constant molal overflow and constant relative volatilities DSTWU uses this method/correlation To estimate Winn Minimum number of stages Underwood Minimum reflux ratio Gilliland Required reflux ratio for a specified number of stages or the required number of stages for a specified reflux ratio

12 Aspen Plus Distil Block
Distl performs shortcut distillation rating calculations for a single-feed, two-product distillation column. The column can have either a partial or total condenser. Distl calculates product composition using the Edmister approach. Distl assumes constant mole overflow and constant relative volatilities.

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