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1 Welcome

2 Placement Of Interns During Spring Semester 2014

3 Total number of Interns: 44 Total number of Cooperating Schools: 12

4 Cooperating Schools ACS ( Elementary, Middle & Secondary) Schools
Hariri II Al- Kawthar School IC ( Elementary, Middle & Secondary) Schools Al-Ahliah School Rawdah High School Beirut Annunciation College ( BAC) Saint Mary’s Orthodox College (SMOC) City International School (CIS)

5 Distribution of Interns (BA & TD) among the various cooperating schools for the Field Experience/ Induction and Practicum phases during spring semester 2014.

6 Elementary Middle & Secondary
School Elementary Middle & Secondary Lang. Arts Math/ Science Sp. Educ. Social Studies TEFL Math  Total 1. ACS Elementary 4 1 9 2. ACS Middle School 3. Al- Ahliah School 4. Al- Kawthar School 5. Beirut Annunciation College 6. CIS 2 3 7. Hariri II 8. IC Elementary 6 10 9. IC Middle School 10. IC Secondary 11. Rawdah High School 12. St. Mary’s Orthodox College Total 13 5 7 44 31* - 7= 24 student- teacher student-teacher 44-7= 37*

7 Distribution of Interns among the Cooperating Schools

8 Distribution of Interns per Subject/ Elementary

9 Distribution Of Interns Per Subject / Middle & Secondary

10 Diploma in Educational Management and Leadership
Total number of students: 4 Cooperating Schools: 4 Cooperating School Name of Student ACS May Aborshaid Al- Kawthar School Karen Attiyeh Al- Ahliah School Sally Zaatiti SMOC Paul Said

11 Graduate Program Field Experience in Guidance and Counseling
Number of student- counselors: 3 Number of Cooperating Schools: 3 Cooperating School Name of Student- Counselor ACS (Elementary, Middle & Secondary) Schools Aline Iskandar Baba Noura Shaheen CIS Noha Shehab

12 Number of Interns (BA & TD) for Spring Semester Across the Last Three Years

13 Total Number of BA & TD Interns

14 Number of Interns/Subject Across the Last Three Years

15 Educational Management & Leadership

16 Guidance & Counselling

17 Thank You

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