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Lab 8 Polyuria.

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1 Lab 8 Polyuria

2 Polyuria Is a condition usually defined as excessive or abnormally large production or passage of urine (greater than 2.5 or 3 L over 24 hours in adults). Frequent urination is sometimes included by definition but is nonetheless usually an accompanying symptom. Increased production and passage of urine may also be termed diuresis. Polyuria often appears in conjunction with polydipsia (increased thirst), though it is possible to have one without the other, and the latter may be a cause or an effect. Psychogenic polydipsia may lead to polyuria.

3 Causes 1st : General Polydipsia Psychogenic polydipsia
Diuretic drugs, osmotic diuresis

4 2nd : Urinary system Interstitial bladder pain syndrome (BPS)
urinary tract infection renal tubular acidosis; Types 1.1 Type 1-Distal RTA 1.2 Type 2-Proximal RTA 1.3 Type 3 RTA-Combined proximal and distal RTA 1.4 Type 4 RTA Fanconi syndrome glucose, amino acids, uric acid, phosphate and bicarbonate are passed into the urine, instead of being reabsorbed nephronophthisis(genetic)

5 3rd : Hormonal Hypokalemia Diabetes mellitus Use of a corticosteroid
Pheochromocytoma Hyperparathyroidism Diabetes insipidus

6 hypercalcaemia hyperthyroidism Hypopituitarism one or more of the eight hormones normally produced by the pituitary gland Conn's disease primary hyperaldosteronism Hyperglycaemia

7 4th : Circulation Congestive heart failure Cardiorespiratory disease
postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)

8 5th : Neurologic cerebral salt-wasting syndrome neurologic damage

9 Others High doses of riboflavin (vitamin B2) High doses of vitamin D
Altitude diuresis Side effect of lithium Hemochromatosis

10 Let’s talk briefly about Urinanalysis

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