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Centre for Materials Research (C2MA)
Palaiseau-Saclay Paris Evry Fontainebleau Brest Rennes Pau Toulouse Saint-Etienne Alès Nimes Albi Gardanne Nantes Douai 10 GRADUATE SCHOOLS : 6 MINES AND 4 TÉLÉCOM Mines Albi-Carmaux - Albi, Saint-Dié Mines Alès - Alès, Montpellier, Nimes, Pau Mines Douai - Douai Mines Nantes - Nantes Mines ParisTech - Paris, Palaiseau-Saclay, Evry, Fontainebleau, Sophia Antipolis Mines Saint-Etienne - Saint-Etienne, Gardanne Télécom Bretagne - Brest, Rennes, Toulouse Télécom Ecole de Management - Evry, Palaiseau-Saclay, Paris Télécom ParisTech - Paris, Sophia Antipolis Télécom SudParis - Evry Lille Nancy Sophia Antipolis 2 SUBSIDIARY SCHOOLS Eurecom - Sophia Antipolis Télécom Lille1 - Lille 1 STRATEGIC PARTNER SCHOOL Mines Nancy - Nancy, Saint-Dié Saint-Dié 11 ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS ENSEEIHT - Toulouse Enseirb-Matmeca - Bordeaux ENSG - Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy ENSIIE - Evry ESIGELEC - Rouen Grenoble Ecole de Management - Grenoble IFMA - Clermont-Ferrand Sup’Com Tunis - Tunis Télécom Nancy - Villers-lès-Nancy Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Strasbourg Télécom Saint-Etienne - Saint-Etienne Bordeaux Strasbourg Rouen Clermont-Ferrand Tunis Montpellier 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
10 schools 2 subsidiary schools 2 strategic partners 11 associated schools 12,555 students 1,725 PhD students +4000 graduates per year Including over 2,500 engineers 8% engineering degrees issued in France 32 % foreign students 38 % grant holders 4, 800 staff members 2 Carnot Institutes €121 M research- generated income per year Near 100 business start- ups per year at the schools’ incubators Total 2012 Figures excluding associated schools and Mines Nancy (Université de Lorraine) 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
ÉCOLE DES MINES D’ALÈS The main site Teaching and education, Research and innovation, Technology transfer to industry 800 students of which 80 are PhD students 300 people staff > 40 partnerships with foreign universities The students campus 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
+ GRADUATE SCHOOL One year of general engineering
Two years of specialisation within one of our Graduate School departments: 4 departments 5 Job Specific Management Modules Civil Engineering with the following electives: Engineering and construction Mineral resources and exploitation management Eco-innovation Conception and Advanced Materials Engineering with the following electives: Mechanic and mechatronic conception Eco-Innovation and advanced materials Environmental Engineering and Risk Management with the following electives: Environment Industrial Risks and Security Natural Risks Complex Systems Engineering with the following electives: Conception and management of production systems Conception and management of complex systems Conception and Management of information systems Mechatronics/ command systems Information and Communications Technology and Health Organisation Quality Management Engineering, leadership and Innovation Commercial Engineering Business Management Management of Complex Projects + Bac: Abitur (Germany), A-Levels (UK), Gaokao (China), High School Diploma (USA), Vestibular (Brazil), Bachillerato (Spain) + Nuclear Option 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
80 exchange agreements with partner universities abroad 200+ students currently based abroad 150 Incoming international exchange students Programme Monier, spécialité Génie civil : École des Mines d’Alès/Université de Weimar (Allemagne)/ Polytechnique Barcelone (Espagne), accessible en 3e année d’études 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
CAREER DESTINATIONS 2011 (Survey 2012- Graduation year 2011)
17 % based abroad Average gross starting salary: €39,430 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
Centre for Computer and Production Engineering: LGI2P
RESEARCH 108 projects developed 82 publications 16 theses supervised THREE research institutes Centre for Materials Research: C2MA Centre for Industrial Environment and Industrial and Natural Risks: LGEI Centre for Computer and Production Engineering: LGI2P 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
Head: Prof. José Marie LOPEZ CUESTA Staff / 2013 90 persons Professors 7 Research staff (doctors and lecturers) 22 Engineers and technicians 16 Administrative staff 5 PhDs- Post doc 40 Start up companies 4 exemple of start up company: INNOBAT, they realise window frames made from renewable ressources as fibers (for example unused bamboo) and epoxy, the aim is to have good mechanical and thermal properties and to replace PVC (bad mechanical properties) and aluminium (bad thermal properties), 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
Head: Prof. José Marie LOPEZ CUESTA MPA Advanced Polymer Materials MGC Civil Engineering Materials RIME Material- Environment interactions Prof. Anne BERGERET Prof. Éric GARCIA-DIAZ Prof. Valérie DESAUZIERS Life Cycle of Materials The three main research areas in the lab are in the field of material science. Every material has a life cycle. We study the raw form, how is processed, and how is made into a finished product. At some point the material reaches the end of its life and is disposed of. Microstructures/Processes/Properties/Applications TRANSVERSE ENVIRONNEMENTAL PROBLEMATICS 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MPA- Advanced Polymer Materials
Eco-Materials and life cycle Jean Charles BENEZET Answer to sustainable development (polymers from renewable ressources) Thermal damage and fire retardant and resisting materials Laurent FERRY To improve burning behavior properties of polymers through “green” flame retardant materials Understand mechanisms and relationship between microstructure/ burning behavior Multiscale approach of mechanics behavior in relation with morphology, microstructure and process aging degradation modeling under mechanical and environmental constraints Mechanics behavior and service life Patrick IENNY Compatible and functionalized surfaces and interfaces Anne BERGERET Understand and control surfaces and interfaces modifications in heterophase systems Biopolymers- conditioning and interface Éric GUIBAL Interactions biopolymer- metallic ions (elaboration of new materials Biopolymers for liquid or solid encapsulation Biodegradation 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MPA- Advanced Polymer Materials
waste sorting using near IR (ADEME REDEMPTIR , FUI TRIPLE ) Biocomposites (ADEME BIOBAT, INNOBAT ) Improvement of flame retardancy of PMMA, combination of nanoparticles and phosphonated compound (thesis H. Vahabi ) PMMA MMA-MAPC1 MMA-MANP2C3 Mechanical hydrothermal aging degradation of biocomposites (PLA/ flax fibers) (thesis A. Regazzi ) Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch (in the United States), tapioca roots, chips or starch (mostly in Asia), or sugarcane (in the rest of the world). 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MPA- Advanced Polymer Materials
Functionalized surfaces of natural fibers (thèse ADEME J. Acera Fernandez , thèse G. Dorez ) Greffage de composés silane sur des fibres de lin Silver/chitosan/cellulose fibers foam composites: From synthesis to antibacterial properties Polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA) is a thermoplastic aliphatic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch (in the United States), tapioca roots, chips or starch (mostly in Asia), or sug arcane (in the rest of the world). Silane is an inorganic compound with chemical formula SiH4. It is a colourless, flammable gas with a sharp, repulsive smell, somewhat similar to that of acetic acid. Silane is of practical interest as a precursor to silicon metal. Chitosan is a biopolymer obtained by the deacetylation of chitin, one of the most abundant polysaccharide in Nature Guibal, E., S. Cambe, S. Bayle, J.-M. Taulemesse and T. Vincent (2013). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 393, 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MGC- Civil Engineering Materials
to develop metrologic tools for the characterization of suspensions to: - characterize organo-mineral interactions at the interfaces and to investigate the organization of the suspension at the mesoscale level (agglomerates) - correlate these informations to physicochemical stability and rheological behaviors of suspensions Dispersion and stability of suspension Nathalie Azema building materials and eco materials The aim is to contribute to sustainable development in the fiel of construction materials. Contributions of the different constituents of the concrete (aggregate- ITZ-paste): to the meso scale assemblage to the mechanical properties of fresh and hardened concrete Cement and concrete materials Gwenn Le Saout 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MGC- Civil Engineering Materials
Determination of dispersion indices – correlation with rheological behavior of cement pastes C. Autier, N. Azéma, J.-M. Taulemesse, L. Clerc, Powder Technology, in-press supernatant sediment Suspension area Clarification front Sediment front The effect of limestone aggregate porosity on ITZ Tien Dung Nguyen, G. Le Saout, P. Devillers, E. Garcia Diaz to be submitted source: Tien Dung Nguyen, 2012 limestone cement paste Use of rice husks in lightweight concrete for building envelope PhD Morgan Chabannes (MGC- MPA) Lignosulfate for future concrete, Consortium with Borregaard (Norway) and Universities of Chalmers, Sheffield, Melbourne, SINTEF, NTNU 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- MGC- Civil Engineering Materials
Determining the water aborption of recycled aggregates Thang Le, G. Le Saout, S. Rémond, E. Garcia Diaz Numerical modeling of concrete: biphasic approach R. Sassine, E. Malachanne, E. Garcia-Diaz, F. Dubois, A-S Caro Bretelle Compacity aggregate Aggregate modulus (Gpa) Eexp (Gpa) Enum (Gpa) 12,50% 430A 4,3 30 29 520S 6,5 33 750S 20 34 45,00% 22 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- Material Environment Interactions
- trace analysis of contaminants at the interface materials/air, reactivity - transfer of contaminants from materials to the environment, impact interactive materials: nano, microcomposites, photocalyst (decontamination) Sanitary-environment characteristics characterization without contact with materials impact of the environment on the visual aspect of solid surface (UV, humidity, pollution…) modelisation of optical and tactile behavior of materials Psycho-sensorial properties Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic chemicals that have a high vapour pressure at ordinary, room-temperature conditions. Their high vapour pressure results from a low boiling point, which causes large numbers of molecules to evaporate or sublimate from the liquid or solid form of the compound and enter the surrounding air. An example is formaldehyde, with a boiling point of –19 °C (–2 °F), slowly exiting paint and getting into the air. 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- Material Environment Interactions
VOCs emitted by construction materials : impacts on indoor air quality Thesis Delphine Bourdin: Partners: Université de Pau (LaTEP), Nobatek Tools to predict optical and tactile behavior of car interior parts as a function of composition and process Thesis Caterina Passaro Partners: Renault, EMSE 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- research infrastructure
Elaborations of materials fully-equipped polymer processing laboratory (extrusion, mixing, injection molding, compression molding, pressing, pelleting, grinding…) fully-equipped civil engineering laboratory (concrete mixers, …) Characterization of materials - laser granulometer - zeta meter - rheometer - mercury intrusion porosimeter (MIP) - permeability measuring instrument - thermal analysis (TGA coupled with IR, DTA, DSC, TMA) - laser conductometer - cone calorimeter- coupled with infrared spectroscopy (IR) - pyrolysis combustion flow calorimeter (PCFC)- coupled with IR - pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometer (PyGCMS) 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- research infrastructure
Characterization of materials gas chromatography solid phase micro extraction (SPME) X- ray diffractometer (XRD), HT in situ measurements environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) spectroradiometer mechanical testing machine for static and dynamic measurements Access to the analycal platerform: - University of Montpellier 2 and ENSCM (TEM, NMR, AFM…) 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- 2012 thesis 73 projects 38 thesis dont 4 CIFRE 3 ADEME
Some partners : Acome, Aluminium Péchiney, Areva, Bluestar silicones, CEA, CEMEX, ERDF, Fédération Française du Bâtiment, Pellenc ST, St Gobain… thesis 38 thesis dont 4 CIFRE 3 ADEME thesis / HdR : 3,2 Turnover based on contract in 2012 13 doctoral schools Réseau des Ecoles des Mines (Paris, St Etienne, Nancy) Université de Montpellier 2 Universités de Haute Alsace , Lille, Pau, Lyon1, Nantes 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
C2MA- Scientific events
National Summer school « vieillissement des polymères et réaction au feu » Mèze, Septembre (sous l’égide de la SCF et de MoDeSt) DEPOS (DEformation des Polymères Solides) Colloque francophone, Avril 2014, La Grande Motte Matériaux 2014 Colloque national multisessions sur les matériaux Novembre 2014, Montpellier (Corum) Eurofillers et Polymer Blends International conferences on filler modification and polymer blends April 2015, Montpellier (Corum) 10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
Thanks for your attention
10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
10/11/2018 17th Meeting ENMat, London, 2nd December 2013
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