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October 3, 2016 DO NOW ANSWER What is significant about The Great Rift Valley? Why were camels essential for the Sahara Trade? What geographic zone covers.

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Presentation on theme: "October 3, 2016 DO NOW ANSWER What is significant about The Great Rift Valley? Why were camels essential for the Sahara Trade? What geographic zone covers."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 3, 2016 DO NOW ANSWER What is significant about The Great Rift Valley? Why were camels essential for the Sahara Trade? What geographic zone covers most of Africa? How did the land area covered by deserts compare to that covered by rain forests?

2 Trading Empires in Africa
For 1000s of years, the hot, dry Sahara separated North Africa from the rest of the continent. 400 B.C. Berber’s found ways to cross the Sahara to West Africa—this opened trade between the 2 regions. Berber’s first used horses and donkeys to cross the Sahara, until camels were introduced by the Romans in 200A.D. This greatly changed trade in Africa.

3 Trading Empires in Africa
Berber traders formed large caravans crossing the Sahara between North Africa and West Africa. West African merchants sent gold they mined in their region to towns bordering the Sahara. Caravans would then carry the gold North. Gold was highly valued by Christian and Muslim rulers, and it went as far is Europe and Asia. Caravans from West Africa also carried ivory, spices, leather, and Ostrich feathers. They even transported enslaved people-merchants sent these captives to Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean to serve as soldiers or servants.

4 Trading Empires in Africa
Caravans also headed from North Africa to West Africa carrying cloth weapons, horses, paper, and books Here they traded for salt from mines in the Sahara During the A.D. 700’s Berber and Arab traders brought Islam to West Africa—many merchants became Muslims

5 Trading Empires in Africa
The Saharan trade brought wealth to West Africa As a result of trade the population grew, and powerful city-states emerged in the region The rulers of the city-states created empires From the A.D. 500s to the A.D. 1300’s, these African Empires were bigger and wealthier than European kingdoms

6 The Three Empires of West Africa
Ghana, Mali and Songhai 7.4.1, 7.4.3, 7.3.5

7 Rise of Ghana Ghana: Chapter 6, Section 1 Pages 130-131
1st great trading empire One of three great civilizations that arose along the Niger River in the Sudan Ghana was located between salt and gold mines Ghana’s power came from their use of iron weapons to conquer neighboring tribes and for farming along the Niger River The Nok people from this region were the first to use iron to make farming tools and weapons for defense

8 Salt merchants from North Africa crossed the Sahara Desert to trade with gold miners south of Ghana
Ghana taxed traders passing through their trade route (trader’s had no choice but to pay the taxes to Ghana’s kings) Salt is needed to preserve and flavor food, and to restore PH balance from sweating Koumbi (Kumbi), was a trading center and a capital of Ghana. It became the wealthiest city in West Africa

9 Decline of Ghana Almoravids, a group of strict Muslims, believed it was their destiny to take over Ghana. They fought for 14 years, weakening Ghana Overgrazing - Almoravids brought herding animals to Ghana. The herds ate the grass and left the ground exposed to sun, which made soil hard to farm Internal Rebellion - Rebels weakened Ghana and it was eventually attacked by neighbors As Ghana weakened, local groups separated to form new trading states in West Africa

10 Think-Pair-Share #1 Individually think about answers to the following questions (2 Minutes): How did the kingdom of Ghana become very wealthy? Share your thinking with your partner, discuss ideas, and ask questions to each other about their thoughts on the topic. Use the notes and your textbooks to come up with at least 4 answers for the question—write the answers on the back of your notes labeled “Think-Pair-Share #1” (2-5 minutes). Partner 1 will share out with class.

11 October 4, 2016 DO NOW ANSWER: What were two valuable products traded through Ghana? What products did West Africans Trade? How did Mansa Musa help to spread Islam in West Africa?

12 Mali: Chapter 6, section 2 Rise of Mali
Territory twice the size of Ghana, along the Niger River King Sundiata conquered Ghana and led Mali to become a powerful trading empire His conquests put Mali in control of the gold mines in West Africa Sundiata concentrated on agriculture: rice, onions, beans, and cotton

13 Sundiata & the Economy of Mali
Economy based on trade of gold and salt, that crossed the Sahara (sub-Saharan trade) with help of the Berbers The Berbers - A group of northern African people that lead desert caravans through the Sahara  Mali discovered more gold mines and became the most powerful kingdom in Africa The Niger River became a busy highway for all kinds of trade

14 Mansa Musa’s Rule Another of Mali’s greatest rulers during the empire’s height Was a devout Muslim, but he tolerated other religions (allowing non-Muslims to keep their own religion)

15 Mansa Musa’s Pilgrimage
Made an impressive pilgrimage to Mecca with 50,000 people. Slaves carrying gold staffs, 80 to 100 camels carrying 100 pounds of gold In Cairo, Egypt he gave out so much gold that the local gold coin depressed for a decade He became famous and introduced the world to the Mali Empire Muslims scholars impressed by his wealth, were invited to be a part of his Empire

16 Islam Influences West Africa
Under Mansa Musa’s reign Muslim culture and education flourished He hired architects to build mosques, he sent Muslim scholars to study in Morocco and he stressed the importance of learning Arabic to unify his empire The city of Timbuktu became center for learning

17 The Decline of Mali After Mansa Musa’s death there was weak leadership
Invaders weakened empire and burned schools in Timbuktu The empire had grown so large that it was difficult to control, slowly outer areas began to break away

18 Think-Pair-Share #2 Individually think about answers to the following questions (2 Minutes): How did Mecca become important to West Africa? What is meant by the statement “In Cairo, Egypt he gave out so much gold that the local gold coin depressed for a decade”? Share your thinking with your partner, discuss ideas, and ask questions to each other about their thoughts on the topic. Use the notes and your textbooks to come up with answers for the questions (5 minutes) Partner 2 will share out with class.

19 Chapter 6, Section3 Birth of Songhai Empire
Rise of Songhai:  After Mansa Musa died, kings were unable to protect the territory Songhai rises to power after attacking Mali from all sides

20 Sunni Ali’s Leadership of Songhai
Sunni Ali organized, strengthened and unified Songhai He unified Songhai by encouraging people to work together, and he participated in both Muslim and local religions

21 Askia the Great Askia the Great rose to power. Songhai became great center for learning Askia welcomed Muslims to trade by making similar laws to those of the Muslims Songhai grew into the greatest and largest trading empire in West Africa Timbuktu and Djenne were centers of learning and trade

22 The Decline of Songhai Morocco’s rulers captured Songhai’s salt mines; they also wanted the gold in West Africa Songhai would stay around another 150 years, but not the same well-organized empire, instead it became a series of military camps

23 Think-Pair-Share #3 Individually think about answers to the following questions (2 Minutes): What are 5 things that all three Empires have in common? Share your thinking with your partner, discuss ideas, and ask questions to each other about their thoughts on the topic. Use the notes and your textbooks to come up with at least 5 answers for the question—write the answers in the center on the Venn Diagram. Partner 1 will share out 2 with class, partner 2 will share the other 2 with the class. Worksheet to be finished as homework.

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