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1 Final Review

2 Besides a lack of an effective political system, one reason for Rome’s fall came with a __________, causing population loss and a labor shortage Theodosius II

3 The title of Bishop of Rome is another way to refer to the what?

4 Which of Jesus’ apostles is responsible for spreading Christianity to the city of Rome?
Paul of Tarsus

5 What word is used to describe the split between the Catholicism and Orthodoxy in Christianity

6 Which Frankish king combined German, Roman, and Christian culture when he was crowned the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 C.E.? Charlemagne

7 Justinian Codex/Code of Justinian
The collection of codified Roman laws in the Byzantine Empire is known as what? Justinian Codex/Code of Justinian

8 The religious law in Islamic societies is referred to as _________

9 The basic tenets of Islam, including fasting, prayer, and pilgrimage are referred to as the what?
Five Pillars of Islam

10 Which two Muslim sects were created with the rebellion of Ali’s son, Hussein against the Umayyads?
Sunni and Shia

11 The golden age of Islamic culture was during which caliphate?
Abbasid Caliphate

12 European peasants who were tied to the land and labored for nobles were called what?

13 Invasion by Germanic tribes and fall of the Carolingian Empire gave rise to what political and social system in Europe? Feudalism

14 Bourgeoisie/Burghers
The revival of trade, and therefore cities, created a middle class of merchants and artisans known as what? Bourgeoisie/Burghers

15 What representative government was created in England and survived to modern day?

16 What title was given to the monarch Otto I in return for protecting the pope?
Holy Roman emperor

17 What were the next three Chinese dynasties to rule after the period of chaos following the Han dyansty? Sui, Tang, Song

18 What political school of thought was at the center of Chinese politics during the Tang and Song Dyansties Confucianism

19 Which Japanese social class would be at the top of the social pyramid?

20 The samurai equivalent to the code of chivalry was known as what?

21 Which Chinese invention allowed for the fast spread of information to other regions of the world?
Paper and Printing

22 The sultanate of Delhi was attacked and greatly weakened by which Mongol leader?
Timur Lenk

23 Which series of events in European history allowed for increased trade with Italian port cities and gave Christians the right to safe pilgrimage to Jerusalem? The Crusades

24 Which holy city was taken by Saladin after the 2nd Crusade?

25 What event resulted in higher wages for peasants due to a decreased population?
Black Plague

26 Peasant foot soldiers, longbows, and cannons are features of warfare introduced during which event?
Hundred Years’ War

27 What percentage of the African landmass consists of rainforest?

28 African societies organized their communities into networks of extended families known as what?
Lineage Group

29 The social class of storytellers that helped to pass down African history were known as what?

30 What was the first great trading kingdom of West Africa?
Stop Ghana

31 What was the intellectual capital of the Muslim world and the political capital of the Mali Kingdom?
Stop Timbuktu

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