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Ancient Rome and the Roman Republic

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1 Ancient Rome and the Roman Republic

2 Geography -Located on the Italian peninsula, in the center of the Mediterranean Sea -The Alps are in the North -broad, fertile plains in the north and west Rome is located: -On the banks of the Tiber River -On and around seven hills

3 Politics - 509 B.C. Rome is Founded
Romans drove out their Etruscan ruler and established a republic They did not want one person to have all the power

4 Politics Rome grows strong and begins conquering the rest of Italy
-By 270 B.C., Rome controls most of the Italian peninsula Military is made up of citizens Rome conquered justly- allowing those conquered to keep their culture, customs, and government- as long as they supplied soldiers, paid taxes, and acknowledge Roman leadership

5 Structure of the Republic
Patricians= landholding upper class Plebeians= farmers, merchants, artisans, traders; NO say in the government Senate= governing body Consuls= two patricians Dictator= assigned to be in charge in the event of a war for six months Patricians Plebeians

6 Religion -Romans were polytheistic-they believed in many gods and goddesses -Many of the gods were adapted from the Greek gods Greek God Roman God Zeus-ruler of all gods Jupiter-ruler of all gods Hera-wife of Zeus, protected marriage Juno-wife of Jupiter, protected marriage Poseidon-god of the sea Neptune-god of the sea Roman calendar is full of feasts and celebrations to honor the gods and goddesses Temples for worship to ask for divine assistance

7 The Roman Forum

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