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2 Purpose of the Arena How was the purpose of the arena similar to the purpose of the hunger games? The purpose was to punish people for there crimes though the biggest part of it was for entertainment many people died because of simples crimes committed it was almost like the hunger games where the contestants or as I should say "criminals" were chosen randomly.

3 What is Panem? Where did the word Panem originate from and how does it relate to The Hunger Games? It originated from the Latin term "Panem et Circenses," which translates into "bread and circuses." The writer of "Panem et Circenses" was saying that in return for full bellies and entertainment, his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power." this relates to The Hungry games because the people of Panem had given up their rights and power by signing The Treaty of Treason and ending the rebellion.

4 Seneca & Cinna Who are they?
Seneca: From a Romen cognomen which meant old from the Latin senectus. Cinna: in ancient Rome, Cinna was the father-in-law of Julius Caesar and another was conspirator against Caesar

5 Work cited page Wikipedia

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