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Do Now: Analyze the pictures below and group them is as many different ways as you can. A group consists of three or more.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Analyze the pictures below and group them is as many different ways as you can. A group consists of three or more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question : What are the roots of modern Western political and ethical thought?

2 Do Now: Analyze the pictures below and group them is as many different ways as you can. A group consists of three or more.

3 The Roots of Modern Western Civilization

4 Contributions of Judaism
Monotheism One universal God Human Dignity People have worth and dignity Created in image of God Covenant Ten Commandments God to people People to People

5 Contributions of Christianity
Human worth… love, charity, dignity Sermon on the Mount Humanity is fallen, Jesus is salvation Faith by choice Personal relationship w/ God thru Jesus Organized Religious Bureaucracy Catholic Church…priest, bishop, cardinal, Pope Orthodoxy vs. heresy Split >> Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox Buffer vs. Islamic invasion

6 Contributions of Ancient Greece
Polis… community Citizenship… rights & responsibility Direct Democracy.. All citizens participate Who can be a citizen? Philosophy Socrates…Q, loyalty & obedience = duty Plato…virtue by all + philosopher-king… The Republic Aristotle… justice, stability, moderation, knowledge… Power to middle class Pan-Hellenism = Spread of Greek culture Alexander the Great = Conquest / Trade

7 Contributions of Ancient Rome
Republic Written Law… Code of Justinian Equality before the Law for citizens Bureaucracy Empire Building

8 Writing Practice : Discuss the roots of modern Western political and ethical thought.
Write your thesis to this prompt in one or two well-thought and concise sentences Continue on and write the rest of an intro paragraph to the prompt… roadmap! FRQ Quick… bullet your body ¶ points & nail a concluding statement

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