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Early Middle Ages, Key People, Events, Feudalism Part 1

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1 Early Middle Ages, Key People, Events, Feudalism Part 1

2 Effects of the Fall of Rome’s Central Government
Decline of Civilization – Unifying hegemony (Influence of power and culture) of Rome is gone People flee from cities due to neglect and Viking invasions. Many move to the country to seek protection Roads and public works fall into disrepair and are not protected. Trade decreases Trade routes no longer controlled by Rome Classical learning is kept in the church. Language of the Church is in Latin which was not the language of the common person Once powerful uniting central Gov. of Rome is replaced with feudalism

3 Middle Ages: The period between ancient times and modern times during A.D. 476– AD with the official fall of the Roman Empire marks the start of the Middle Ages Medieval – from the Latin Mid Avum meaning Middle Ages Medieval refers to life and culture during the Middle Ages

4 Clovis & The Franks The first Frankish king to unite all the Frankish tribes under one ruler. Converted to Christianity at the request of his wife. Ensured that his rule would be passed down by lineage.

5 Charles Martel & The Franks
Won the Battle of Tours in 732 CE against the Muslims. He was known as Prince Charles "The Hammer" Martel was not his surname, only a title. He beat back Muslim invaders and ruled all the united Frankish tribes.

6 Charlemagne & The Franks
The Grandson of Charles Martel Built an empire that stretched all the way across Western Europe, from France to Germany. Was the first Frankish King to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III He rejected the title and referred to himself only as Emperor of the Franks and The Lombards.

7 European coastal towns They were know for violence and brutality
Vikings Vikings or Northman attacked coastal communities in Europe Vikings left their homelands in Scandinavia and travelled to Britain and Ireland others too.  When the people of Britain first saw the Viking longboats they came down to the shore to welcome them.  European coastal towns They were know for violence and brutality It was a bad day when the Viking came to town

8 Vikings These Scandinavian people were expert sailors.
Charlemagne’s empire broke apart even more when the Vikings began attacking European coastal and river towns. Picture to Right shows Viking tower in Quebec 500 years before Columbus These Scandinavian people were expert sailors. They opened trade routes linking northern Europe to the Mediterranean. Eventually Vikings become Christians

9 Feudalism in Western Europe

10 1. Feudalism was founded on the need of protection. 2
1. Feudalism was founded on the need of protection. 2.. localized political system of government based on mutual obligation. Feudalism results in mixed loyalties and constant power struggles.


12 The Manor Manoralism – the economic system of Feudalism Completely Self sustained economies


14 The power and structure of the Church was hierarchal: Constantine set up the church in the same way his government was. Later the doctrine of Papal Supremacy put the power of the Pope above the King


16 The Roman Catholic Church was the Central Focus for Each Christian during Medieval Life
People needed the Church throughout their lives (Birth to Death) in order to go to heaven Sacraments: holy rites which had to be performed by bishops, priests Baptism at birth :Bishop, priest Eucharist Bishop or priest Marriage – Bishop or Priest Penance (Confession) Bishop or priest Anointing of the Sick Bishop or priest Last Rites before death Bishop or Priest

17 End of Part 1

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