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Welcome! Pick up a Do NOW sheet from the basket

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Pick up a Do NOW sheet from the basket"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Pick up a Do NOW sheet from the basket
Turn in your Crash Course (Honors) or the Summary with questions (Academic) to the baskets. Be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy. Welcome!

2 Announcements Sign up for Remind and check website before asking questions Grade recovery Quizzes DBQ Push in chairs – throw away trash Still missing work? Turn it in by Thursday – any points are always better than a zero.

3 CNN 10 Aha! and Huh? 2 Aha’s! – 2 things your learned or were surprised by 2 Huh’s? – 2 questions or something you want to know more about.

4 Athens VS Sparta Read your assigned section out loud with your table.
Pick the most important parts that your table would like to share (you have 6 minutes) Share your findings to the rest of the class Advertisement – Choose either Athens or Sparta and create an advertisement to try and convince people to visit that city. (you will have 20 min) Include at least 2 reasons why the one you choose was best and include color.

5 What is a DBQ? Document Based Question
Using the document and your knowledge to answer the question. It is not your opinion, it is based on the documents. There may be several parts.

6 DBQ’s Do’s and Don’ts DO’S DON’TS
Read carefully and make sure you understand the questions you are being asked. Quickly jot down the major themes/events/people you associate with the topic/questions Read over the documents and make notes DON’TS Respond to a question that isn’t asked Use “I” statements such as “I think that Doc A portrays” Summarize a document, the reader knows the content and is interested in how you view the document relating to the question

7 DBQ’s Do’s and Don’ts DON’TS
Write out preliminary thesis and outline of your major points Include your own analysis/perspective on the question Keep an eye on the timer so you can have time to re-read your essay to fix any errors BE SPECIFIC DON’TS Quote long passages from the documents – use an ellipsis “…” if you need to Spend so much time reading and underlining that you rush to your writing Show video

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