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Ecology Around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Around the world

2 What is the difference between physiological ecology and behavior ecology?
Physiological: How organisms adapt to their environment physically or morphologically Behavioral: What behaviors the organism has/does to adapt to the environment

3 Which category or study of ecology involves all 4 biotic factors to help understand
Population Ecology

4 How might one species control the existence of another species?
By affecting their resources! For example, if a carnivorous mammal was introduced to an island to control rats, they might affect plant life or smaller rodents. If the rats are all eaten, there is nothing to eat the plants or smaller mammals, so those populations flourish out of control

5 What factors limit distribution and abundance?
Abiotic factors Dispersal Biotic interactions Behavior

6 List 4 abiotic factors Soil Light Temperature Wind Water Disturbances

7 What is the difference between climate and weather?
Climate is a long term affect whereas weather is short term. Climate can also affect large scale situations like biomes.

8 What is the responsibility of the Hadley cell?
Cooling and returning air back to the equator. This heating and cooling also causes for rain, which is why rain forests are found predominantly at the equator

9 Solar radiation ____ as latitude ___
Decreases; increases

10 How could behavior limit distribution of species?
Through habitat selection. Based on that animals behavior, they might select for a habitat with a certain amount of trees, flowers, hills, water sources, etc.

11 List 3 biotic factors that limit distribution
Predators Parasites Mutualism Competitors

12 How might competition affect distribution
How might competition affect distribution? Give an example to back your reasoning. If a species like the zebra mussels were introduced to lakes, and are stronger competitors they can beat out other mussel colonies. They might be more suited to the water quality, or be able to intrude other colonies’ rocks better

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