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1 Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS August 2018

2 Audio Connection Information
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3 Housekeeping All participants will automatically be muted.
To ask a question, please utilize the Q&A box. We will answer questions after each major section.

4 Agenda Background Eligible student identification and required data submission Testing eligible students Entering scores to the Local Scoring Tool (LST) Downloading and using the Initial Student Score Report Correction process Preparing for summative testing

5 Background Thank you Brandi, I’ll now take you through the background.

6 Testing Windows July 1 through June 30, 2018 local educational agencies (LEAs) began administering the Initial ELPAC Paper/pencil test Summative ELPAC will be administered beginning February 1 through May 31, 2019 As you know, the Initial ELPAC testing window began July 1 and will go through June 30th The Initial ELPAC is a paper pencil test that requires secure access to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) for the Listening domain for students in grades 3-12. The Summative ELPAC is also a paper pencil test with a window of Feb. 1 through May 31, annually.

7 Student Eligibility Students eligible to take the Initial and Summative ELPAC are identified through data submitted to CALPADS Enrollment Data (Dates, Enrollment Status) English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) ELAS Start Date Primary Language Based on a students enrollment data, English language acquisition status, ELAS Start Date and Primary Language, students are eligible to take the Initial or Summative Assessment.

8 Eligible student identification and required data submission
Brandi and I will provide more details on eligibility in the next section.

9 Steps to Identify Initial ELPAC Eligible Students
Upon receipt of a home language survey (HLS), verify that the: HLS identifies a language other than English or American Sign Language. Student has not previously been tested with the California English Language Development Test (CELDT)/ELPAC Student does not already have an ELAS of EL (English learner), IFEP (initial fluent English proficient), or RFEP (reclassified as fluent English proficient) in CALPADS. Student has no scores for the CELDT in CALPADS and in the LST for Initial ELPAC scores. Student’s cumulative file does not contain CELDT/ELPAC scores. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires a state to have consistent entrance criteria for identifying students for English language proficiency testing. For California public schools, the Home Language Survey, or HLS is administered to all newly enrolled students. This survey should only be administered once in a students educational career. If the HLS identifies a language other than English or American Sign Language And The student has not previously been tested with the CELDT or Initial ELPAC and there is no evidence of scores within CALPADS, the local scoring tool (LST) or the cumulative folder, then the student should be administered the Initial ELPAC.

10 How Does TOMS Identify Eligible Students?
Initial ELPAC Must appear on the Initial ELPAC Student Eligibility Report in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) LST Summative ELPAC Must appear on the Summative Eligible Student Report in TOMS Within TOMS there are two eligibility reports created for LEAs to access based on the information fed into them from CALPADS. For the Initial Eligibility Report – as students are tested and scores are locked in the Local Scoring Tool or LST, the students will disappear off their lists. TOMS also reports all eligible English learners for the Summative Eligibility Report – LEAs will have to locally monitor student test completion as there is no way currently for the system to track the completion of paper pencil tests. This will be accomplished once the ELPAC transitions to computer-based .

11 How Does a Student Appear on the Initial ELPAC Student Eligibility Report?
ELPAC Coordinator and CALPADS Administrator need to work together to submit the following information to CALPADS for students who have been identified as eligible for the Initial ELPAC: CALPADS Student Enrollment (SENR) Record Enrollment record with a start date greater than or equal to 7/1/2018 Primary (code 10) or short-term (code 30) enrollment status CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) Record ELAS Code – TBD ELAS Start Date – Greater than or equal to 7/1/2018 Primary Language Code – Not equal to English (00) or Sign Language (37) These data will then be sent to the TOMS LST and these students will appear on the report Just as in TOMS, the turnaround for these data appearing in the LST is approximately 48 hours.

12 How Does a Student Appear on the Summative ELPAC Student Eligibility Report?
Students appear on the Summative ELPAC Student Eligibility Report if the student is identified as an EL in CALPADS as a result of testing with the Initial ELPAC or the Initial CELDT: ELAS Code equal to EL (English learner)


14 Testing Initial ELPAC Eligible Students
Once the student has been identified as eligible to be tested with the Initial ELPAC, the test examiner should administer the paper/pencil test. Once testing has been completed, the raw scores should be entered into the Local Scoring Tool (LST). Scores can only be entered for students who appear on the Initial ELPAC Student Eligibility Report. As previously noted, once the student has been identified as eligible to be tested, then the Initial ELPAC should be administered by a trained Test Examiner. Once testing has been completed and the test scored by a trained Test Examiner, then the raw scores should be entered into the Local Scoring Tool, or LST. Score can only be entered for students who appear on the Initial Eligible Student list in TOMS.

15 Entering scores into the LST
Next I’ll go over briefly how to enter scores into the LST.

16 Entering Scores Into LST (1 of 2)
There is a complete instructional manual on the Local Scoring Tool which can be accessed from the website at the link on this screen. It includes step by step instructions on all LST activities that are required by LEAs.

17 Entering Scores into LST (2 of 2)
To generate official scores for eligible students who have completed the Initial ELPAC, designated Test Examiners or LST Data Entry staff will use the completed Initial ELPAC score sheet at the back of the Answer Book to transfer the raw scores into the LST. The answer book score sheet is very similar to what you see on the screen here and has all of the required information for data entry. After searching and confirming the students information, designated staff enter the raw scores and any testing irregularities or alternate assessments from the Score Sheet into the LST. Once completed, the designated staff will submit for preview, if all is accurately reported from the first screen, then the staff will LOCK the scores, which will allow for the official score to be generated and an individual Student Score Report may be printed for the student.

18 Summer Testing (1 of 2) In an effort to provide timely services to incoming new students, many LEAs administer the Initial ELPAC in the summer.

19 Summer Testing (2 of 2) LEAs have two options for getting the student scores entered into the LST: Entering the scores during the summer by submitting “pre-enrollment” information to CALPADS Entering the scores after the school year begins

20 Entering Scores During Summer
Prior to entering the student’s scores to the LST in the summer, the ELPAC Coordinator must work with the CALPADS Administrator to submit the following data to CALPADS: CALPADS Student Enrollment Record (SENR) Enrollment record with a start date equal to expected first day of school (future date) Primary (code 10) or short-term (code 30) enrollment status CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) Record ELAS Code – TBD ELAS Start Date – Current date Primary Language Code – Not equal to English (00) or Sign Language (37)

21 Entering Scores After School Starts (1 of 2)
Once the tested student is confirmed to be attending your LEA: The ELPAC Coordinator must hand score the completed test by using the Initial ELPAC Preliminary Score Sheet which is located in the Help Menu>LST Resources after logging into TOMS After school starts, the ELPAC Coordinator and the CALPADS Administrator should work together to submit the following data to CALPADS: CALPADS Student Enrollment (SENR) Record Enrollment record with a start date equal to expected first day of school (greater than equal to current date) Primary (code 10) or short-term (code 30) enrollment status CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) Record ELAS Code – TBD ELAS Start Date – at least one day prior to the date the student was tested Primary Language Code – Not equal to English (00) or Sign Language (37)

22 Entering Scores After School Starts (2 of 2)
Note: Even after hand scoring, do not upload the “unofficial” ELAS (EL or IFEP) to the student information system or CALPADS until the scores have been entered and locked into the LST and the “official” ELAS has been determined. Failure to follow these steps will prevent the student from appearing on the Initial ELPAC Student Eligibility Report, and scores will not be able to be entered into the LST.

23 Frequently Asked Questions— Submitting Pre-enrollments (1 of 2)
What happens if I enter a student’s scores into the LST during the summer and the student does not end up attending my school in the fall? Answer: The pre-enrollments submitted for these students should be exited with an N470 (NoShow) Exit Category Code in CALPADS. The initial ELAS will be associated with your LEA and therefore your LEA will be the only LEA that can update or delete that status.

24 Frequently Asked Questions— Submitting Pre-enrollments (2 of 2)
What happens if I elect to wait until school starts to enter the scores and then the student reenrolls at another school, then the new school tests the student and enters the scores to the LST before I do? Answer: The first LEA that enters the “official” ELAS to CALPADS will “own” that record. Only the first LEA that enters the scores to the LST will be reimbursed for the test administration.

25 Downloading and using the initial student score report (SSR)
Next I’ll explain how to download student results and student score reports.

26 Downloading Official Scores and ELAS from the LST
For the 2018–19 year, LEAs must download the score information from the reports tab in the LST, choosing the Initial ELPAC – Export Student Score Data report and upload it to their SIS and to CALPADS. View the report layout at the following web page: For the 2019–20 year, the score and ELAS information will be transmitted to CALPADS directly from TOMS. For , LEAs are required to download initial ELPAC student results on a regular basis and upload them into their student information systems so that they will feed into CALPADS. This ensures that students are only tested once if they move during the beginning of the school year or over the summer. The Initial ELPAC – Export Student Score Data file layout is located at the link at this page. Please note that this download file is different then the Parent/guardian data file that is used for LEAs merging their data with the Parent/guardian letter template. For , the score and ELAS information will be transmitted to CALPADS directly from TOMS.

27 Downloading the Initial Student Score Report from the LST
SSRs may also be printed individually by Test Examiners and LST Data Entry staff or printed in batch by the LST Correspondence Administrator As noted previously Test Examiners and LST Data Entry staff can print an individual Student Score Report at the time of generating the official score. LST Correspondence Administrators at the LEA level also have the ability to generate Student Score Reports through a batch request process.

28 Upload Score and ELAS Information into SIS and CALPADS
Once you have downloaded the Initial ELPAC – Export Student Score Data report, work with your SIS/CALPADS Administrators to upload to the SIS and CALPADS: CALPADS Student English Language Acquisition Status (SELA) Record ELAS Code – EL or IFEP ELAS Start Date – Date testing was completed (must be greater than ELAS Start Date of prior TBD record) Primary Language Code – Not equal to English (00) or Sign Language (37)

29 Correction process Based on stakeholder feedback, California has written into their California Code of Regulations a Correction Process for students beginning July 1, 2019 with the implementation of the Initial ELPAC operational test.

30 Correction Process References (1 of 3)
Correction Process A Process A is used when a student is classified as “English Only” on the basis of the results of the home language survey. The correction is made if: The LEA has an indication that the student has a language other than English. The student is unable to perform ordinary classwork in English. The LEA must collect and review evidence to determine whether the student should be administered the Initial ELPAC. Please see California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section (a) for specific ELPAC procedural details to be followed by the LEA. The regulations can be found at There are 3 correction processes. The first Correction Process A refers to students whose Home Language Survey results indicate that they are English only but there is indication that the student has a language other than English and the student is unable to perform ordinary classwork in English. Please note that this usually occurs later in a student educational career.

31 Correction Process References (2 of 3)
Correction Process B Process B is used if an LEA administers the Initial or Summative ELPAC to a student who is not eligible to be assessed. Please see California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section (b) for specific ELPAC procedural details to be followed by the LEA. The regulations can be found at Correction Process B would be implemented usually when there is an administrative error by an LEA and an ineligible student is administered either the Initial or Summative ELPAC. If this occurs, then all scores for this administration must be removed from the system. LEAs need to send a request to the testing contractor for these students scores to be removed from TOMS.

32 Correction Process References (3 of 3)
Correction Process C Process C is used if a parent/guardian or certificated employee of the LEA requests a review of the student’s classification on the basis of the results of the Initial ELPAC. This process must occur before the first administration of the Summative ELPAC. Please see California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section (c) for specific ELPAC procedural details to be followed by the LEA. The regulations can be found at Correction Process C would be implemented when either a parent/guardian or certificated staff request to review a student’s classification. This occurs after the Initial ELPAC is administered but before the Summative ELPAC. Reminder that Corrections can only occur once in a students educational career.

33 Evidence Requirements
CCR (d) Evidence about the English language proficiency of a pupil for purposes of subdivision (c) shall include: (1) The results of the survey administered pursuant to section (a); (2) The results of the assessment of the pupil’s proficiency in English, using an objective assessment instrument, including, but not limited to, the initial assessment; (3) Parent or guardian opinion and consultation results; and (4) Evidence of the pupil’s performance in the LEA’s adopted course of study, including courses as described in Education Code sections (for pupils in grades 1 to 6) and (for pupils in grades 7 to 12) and English language development, as applicable, obtained from the pupil’s classroom teacher and other certificated staff with direct responsibility for teacher or placement decisions. The LEA must collect and review evidence for all three correction processes as shown on this slide about the student’s English language proficiency. Based on this review, For correction process A, the LEA would gather evidence to determine if the student needs to be administered the Initial ELPAC. The results of the Initial ELPAC would then inform the LEA of the pupil’s classification. For Correction Process B, the LEA may or may not need to change the pupil’s classification in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System. For Correction Process C, the LEA determines whether the pupil’s classification, initial fluent English proficient or English learner should remain unchanged, or be changed in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System. The LEA notifies the parent/guardian of the results.

34 Reporting ELAS Corrections to CALPADS
Only ELAS designations established by the Initial ELPAC can be corrected. Corrections must occur before the administration of the Summative ELPAC. Once a correction process has been completed, the corrected ELAS and associated Correction Reason Code must be submitted to CALPADS through the online maintenance tool. These corrections cannot currently be submitted through batch processing.

35 Allowable Correction Reason Codes (1 of 5)
1 - Evidence of Non-English Primary Language (Correction Process A) The ELAS for a student in any grades kindergarten through twelve is being corrected due to evidence that a primary language other than English exists and the student is unable to perform ordinary class work in English. The ELAS is being corrected from English Only (EO) to either to English Learner (EL) or Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP).

36 Allowable Correction Reason Codes (2 of 5)
2 - Rotating Score Validation Process Error (Correction Process C) The ELAS for a student in any grades kindergarten through twelve is being corrected due to a difference in scores identified by the test contractor on the Initial ELPAC compared to the scores inputted by the LEA in the LST. The ELAS is being corrected from EL to IFEP or from IFEP to EL.

37 Allowable Correction Reason Codes (3 of 5)
3 - Home Language Survey (HLS) Error (Correction Process C) The ELAS for a student in any grades kindergarten through twelve is being corrected due to an error made by a parent or guardian when completing the HLS. The ELAS is being corrected from EL or IFEP to EO.

38 Allowable Correction Reason Codes (4 of 5)
4 - Ineligible Student Tested (Correction Process B) The ELAS for a student in any grades kindergarten through twelve is being corrected because the LEA tested a student that was not eligible to take the Initial. The ELAS is being corrected from EL or IFEP to EO. Reminder: LEAs must submit a request to the test vendor to have the ineligible student’s score removed.

39 Allowable Correction Reason Codes (5 of 5)
5 - Evidence for EL or IFEP (Correction Process C) The ELAS as established by the Initial ELPAC for a student in any grades kindergarten through twelve is being corrected due to further evidence collected locally by the LEA to support correction of classification. The ELAS is being corrected from EL to IFEP or from IFEP to EL.

40 Valid Submission of Corrected ELAS and Correction Reason Codes (1 of 2)
CALPADS will validate the submission of a subsequent ELAS and Correction Reason Code based on information in the CALPADS Valid Combinations Document on the CurrentELAS-SubmtdELAS-CorrCode tab This document can be found on the CALPADS Systems Documentation page:

41 Valid Submission of Corrected ELAS and Correction Reason Codes (2 of 2)
Submitted ELAS Codes that do not align with the valid code combinations will not be loaded to CALPADS.

42 How will CDE use the Correction Reason Data?
Identify needs for additional training Improve the CDE’s procedural communications to the field How will the CDE use the correction reason data? Based on the information collected in CALPADs, the CDE may determine that additional training to all LEAs is needed to ensure that student are receiving services as they are entitled. The CDE will also survey LEAs after the first year to determine how they can better serve LEAs in understanding this new process.

Although the primary focus of this presentation was the Initial, just a few quick updates in preparing for the Summative in

44 Preparing for the Summative ELPAC (1 of 2)
Only students identified as EL after having been tested with the Initial ELPAC, the 2017–18 Initial CELDT, or who are EL through the correction process, should be tested with the Summative ELPAC. Prior to administering the ELPAC, regularly update SIS/CALPADS. It’s important that only student identified as English learners are administered the Summative ELPAC. In , there were a large number of ineligible student given the Summative. More information will follow next week directly to the LEAs where this occurred. Therefore, it’s critical that LEAs are keeping their SIS/CALPADs records up to date.

45 Preparing for the Summative ELPAC (2 of 2)
Selected LEAs will receive embedded field test materials. Starting in 2019, LEAs will have the option to preliminarily score the Summative ELPAC. Next, there will be a number of LEAs that will be selected this year who will participate in embedded field testing. Finally this year, LEAs will have the opportunity to score their Summative tests preliminarily prior to submissions for official score by the testing contractor. Secure Summative Preliminary Scoring guides will posted in TOMS for LEAs.

46 Additional Questions?

47 Contact Information CALPADS Questions CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office Or ELPAC Questions English Language Proficiency and Spanish Assessments Office

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