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Manipulation of Multiwall Nanotubes (MWNT) and Study of Frictional Interaction with Surfaces Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Manipulation of Multiwall Nanotubes (MWNT) and Study of Frictional Interaction with Surfaces Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manipulation of Multiwall Nanotubes (MWNT) and Study of Frictional Interaction with Surfaces
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

2 Points of Discussion Dana Research Centre, NEU
Motivation to study Carbon Nanotube surface interaction How was it accomplished? Surfaces Analyzed Experimental Data Extraction Experimental and Theoretical Match Data Analysis Conclusion and Future Work Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

3 Carbon Nanotubes (CNT’s)
Arm Chair Structure Zigzag Structure Arm Chair  Metallic Nature Zigzag  Semiconducting Nature High Current Densities  1010 A/cm2 High Mechanical strength  Carbon bonding stronger than Diamond Z. Yao, et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 2941 (2000) Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

4 CNT Applications and Motivation
SWNT electromechanical switches by CHN Switch Actuation leads to NT–SiO2 interface slip AFM used to Characterize the slip P Ryan et al, J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 (2011) NEMS Oscillators NEMS Memory Devices Metallic Nanotube, RTSET by AFM manipulation. NTs between Au electrodes on top of a Si/SiO2 substrate Strong bends act as tunnel barriers for electron transport AFM Manipulation is simple and effective AFM Manipulation is a reversible process Ch. al, SCIENCE VOL JULY 2001 RTSET = Room Temperature Single Electron Transistor; NT = Nanotubes; SWNT = Single Wall Nanotube , CHN = Center for High Rate Nanomanufacturing NEMS = Nanoelectromechanical Systems ; AFM = Atomic Force Microscopy Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

5 CNT Interaction with Surfaces
Straightening the tube Bending the tube AFM controls the shape and position of individual MWNT dispersed on a surface AFM can straighten, bend and under certain conditions cut nanotubes. AFM manipulations are feasible due to the interaction between nanotubes and the substrate Estimation of CNT Binding energy with the surface Tobias Hertel, et al. J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 102, No. 6, 1998 Cutting the tube Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

6 AFM as Nanomanipulation Tool
SEM Image of AFM Cantilever Si N-type Cantilever Cantilever Stiffness = 2 N/m Frequency = 70 kHz; Tip Radius < 10 nm; AFM System Accessories Acoustic Enclosure Active Vibration Table Control Commands and Data Acquisition Scan area display Control Electronics AFM System Optical Microscope Laser Alignment XY Scanner Z Scanner Scan Head PSIA XE-150 AFM at CHN, NEU First to introduce Cross talk elimination in the XE series Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

7 Theoretical Modeling Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018
Final CNT Deformed shape Case A (load 50% length) Case B (At 40% Length) Case C (30% Length) Modeling based on equilibrium bent elastic rod equation Equation realized in MATLAB to generate range of shear stress curves E = Young’s Modulus I = Second Moment of C/s area; D = Diameter of the tube b = Effective Contact width with the surface; α = 0.05D Palaniappan Nagappan , Journal of Tribology, JULY 2009, Vol. 131 Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

8 Previous Manipulation Work
Original CNT Manipulated CNT Small Aspect Ratio tubes (Length / Diameter) Lesser degree of deformation Manipulation Vector Position away from CNT mid point Curve fitting based on eye coordination Parameter ‘α’ taken as 0.6 arbitrary Only SiO2 surface manipulation VIDYARANYA RAMPURKAR, NEU 2009 Experimental and Theoretical Curve Fitting Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

9 Estimation of Shear Stress
Numerical Calculation for Estimation of Shear Stress CNT Structural Parameters, Diameter (D) and Length (L) of nanotube extracted from AFM Imaging tool (XEI) Aspect Ratio (A) = Length/ Diameter Effective contact width (B) Elastic Young’s Modulus (E) = 1Tpa Cross-sectional moment of Inertia (I), I = Π/64 (D4) Dimensionless shear stress (τ), Determined from the Range of curves Shear Stress (Mpa) Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

10 CNT Selection and Solution Preparation
CNT’s selected are near perfect straight ones Wide Range of Aspect ratio Nanotubes (80<A<653) Production by Arc Discharge Method Production method yields High Percentage of impurities CNT Solution preparation with IPA and DMF for better solubility TEM images of (a) an arc-MWNT, (b) a CVD-MWNT. Salvetat JP et al, Adv Mater 1999;11(2):161–5 CNT Solution in DI water CNT Solution in IPA CNT Solution in DMF Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

11 Manipulation Procedure
Original CNT Imaged in the Non contact mode operation Desired Aspect Ratio (>80) CNT selected CNT is dragged according to the vector drawn in Contact Mode Operation Vector drawn very close to midpoint , long enough and normal to the CNT to achieve effective deformation shape After manipulation, Imaging done again in Non contact Mode Sometimes after manipulation imaging is done several times to locate the deformed CNT Collected AFM Images are processed by XEI software Mithun Chandrasekar, NEU 2012 Original CNT Manipulation Vector Manipulated CNT Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

12 CNT Length Determination
CNT Length: 3.9µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

13 CNT Diameter Determination
3 Point Diameter Measurement  Better Accuracy, offset subtraction CNT Diameter: 16nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

14 Experimental Curve Extraction
Blue line is a benchmark of the manipulation vector Image contrast is increased for better curve tracing CNT deformed shape is traced with Microsoft curve drawing tool Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

15 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Based on the Experimental curve extracted, appropriate range of MATLAB curves are generated Experimental curve with its vector (Blue line) is mapped to the theoretically generated MATLAB curves Vector as reference line is centered on the 0 x coordinate to determine the deformed CNT shape value 0.48 represents the length ratio of the CNT, where the load is applied. Non uniform deformation, one side has curved more than the other. Curve around the drag point and one of the sides does provide sufficient fit. τ: 350 Increasing value of shear stress Experimental and Theoretical Fits Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

16 Shear Stress Calculation
Length (L): 3.9µm; Diameter (D): 16nm; Aspect Ratio (A): , Force Applied: 570.8nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ- = τ EI / BL3 = τ E П / 0.05*64*A3 Dimensionless Shear Stress (τ): 350 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress (τ-): MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

17 Manipulation Example on SiO2
SIO2 Substrate Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

18 Manipulation Procedure
Original CNT After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

19 CNT Length Measurement
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

20 CNT Diameter Measurement
Diameter: 12nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

21 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

22 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Increasing value of Shear Stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

23 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 1: Length (L): 1.2µm; Diameter (D): 12nm; Aspect Ratio (A): 100, Force Applied: nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г E П / 0.05*64*A3 Dimensionless Shear Stress : 450 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress: 441.7MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

24 Manipulation Procedure
Original CNT After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

25 CNT Length Determination
Length: 2.3µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

26 CNT Diameter Determination
Diameter: 10nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

27 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

28 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Increasing value of shear stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

29 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 2: Length (L): 2.3µm; Diameter (D): 10nm; Aspect Ratio(A): 230, Force Applied: nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г E П / 0.05*64*A3 E = 1x1012 Dimensionless Shear Stress (Г) : 600 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress (τ ): 48.4 MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

30 Manipulation Example on Gold
Gold Substrate Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

31 CNT Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018 Original CNT
After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

32 CNT Length Determination
Length: 2.3µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

33 CNT Diameter Determination
Diameter: 28nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

34 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

35 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Increasing value of Shear Stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

36 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 7: Length (L): 2.3µm; Diameter (D): 28nm; Aspect Ratio (A): 82, Force Applied: 289nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г EI П / 0.05*64*A3 E = 1x1012 Dimensionless Shear Stress : 150 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress: 267 MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

37 CNT Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018 Original CNT
After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

38 CNT Length Determination
Length: 3.2µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

39 CNT Diameter Determination
Diameter: 12nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

40 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

41 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Increasing values of Shear Stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

42 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 8: Length (L): 3.2µm; Diameter (D): 12nm; Aspect Ratio (A): Force Applied: 489nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г E П / 0.05*64*A3 E = 1x1012 Dimensionless Shear Stress : 100 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress:5.1 MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

43 Manipulation Example on Thiol
Thiol (Octadenathiol) on Gold Substrate Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

44 CNT Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018 Original CNT
After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

45 CNT Length Determination
Length: 3.9µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

46 CNT Diameter Determination
Diameter: 5nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

47 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

48 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Range of shear stress value Median value of 75 considered for shear stress calculation Increasing value of shear stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

49 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 9: Length (L): 3.90µm; Diameter (D): 6nm; Aspect Ratio (A): 650, Force Applied: 719nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г E П / 0.05*64*A3 E = 1x1012 Dimensionless Shear Stress (Г) : 75 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress (τ ): 0.2 MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

50 CNT Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018 Original CNT
After Manipulation Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

51 CNT Length Determination
Length: 1.80µm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

52 CNT Diameter Determination
Diameter: 23nm Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

53 Experimental Curve Extraction
Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

54 Experimental and Theoretical Fit
Range of shear stress value Median value of 85 considered for shear stress calculation Increasing value of shear stress Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

55 Shear Stress Calculation
Case 10: Length (L): 1.80µm; Diameter (D): 23nm; Aspect Ratio (A): 80.8, Force Applied: 380nN I = Π/64 (D4) B = 5% of D = 0.05*D τ = Г EI / BL3 = Г E П / 0.05*64*A3 E = 1x1012 Dimensionless Shear Stress (Г ): 85 Calculated Frictional Shear Stress (τ ): 158MPa Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

56 Results Summary Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018
Earlier Manipulation Procedure Our Manipulation Procedure Sl No Dia [nm] Length [µm] Aspect ratio Point of Load app Shear stress (Theory) Shear stress [Mpa] Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) 1 12 1.2 100 0.48 450 441.7 2 10 2.3 230 0.5 600 48.4 3 16 3.9 243.7 350 23.8 4 1.6 0.45 500 490.8 Gold 7.5 4.9 653 0.49 45 0.2 8.5 2.5 294 550 21.2 28 82 150 267 3.2 266.7 5.1 Thiol 6 650 75 23 1.8 80.8 85 158 Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

57 Discussion Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018
Wider range of Aspect Ratio Tubes yields wide range of shear stress values Consistent point of load application, providing good opportunity for best deformation behavior CNT manipulation on Thiol is easy Non uniform CNT deformation on Thiol Partial tube movement, Cutting of tubes, Similar to CNT rolling behavior observed Need more precise tracking of the CNT Movement along the surface, according to the vector drawn Precise CNT movement tracking possible only with clean surface Vacuum manipulation and measurements a good idea AFM Tip nature does influence manipulation results Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

58 Conclusion Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018
Simple Effective manipulation procedure established Progress in obtaining better values of shear stress has been made Theoretical Curve generation for any point of load application provides flexibility in manipulation Aspect ratio for CNT manipulation has been increased from Manipulation procedure needs some improvements Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

59 Master Thesis Dana Research Centre, NEU Questions ??? Comments !!!
Complaints.., Thank You Dana Research Centre, NEU 11/10/2018

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