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Tuesday, May 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, May 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, May 9

2 Welcome Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. You will need your 11th Hour film questions today. Also, the Week 35 – 36 Warm Up Sheet. Tutoring on Wednesday. Will be in computer lab. 3rd and 4th – Consent forms? Progress Report at end of class.

3 Tone Word for Today: Foreboding Definition:
Marked by a sense of impending doom or evil Sentence using word: Foreboding Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: ominous threatening looming

4 Tone Word for Today: Forthright Definition: Direct; straightforward
Sentence using word: Forthright Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: honest candid frank

5 Tone Word for Today: Introspective Definition:
Contemplative or looking inward to one’s own thoughts and feelings Sentence using word: Introspective Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: reflective thoughtful

6 Progress Reports Do not need to be signed and returned – you should know your grade. If you still have not turned in a hard copy of the Source Eval – it will be a maximum of 50 in the gradebook soon. If you have a zero, do not run up to me. Check your folder/binder, talk to others to see what the assignment is, and then check the no-name board. Only after you have done all this, can you come see at the end. Do not approach me as I am passing back progress reports. It’s a small room and I need space to pass out everything. When I am done, I will ask you to come up! You have until Friday, May 26 to turn work in. Later than both Ms. Reeves and Ms. Bugica – during exams, the answer is no.

7 Wednesday, May 10

8 MOCK NCFE – Friday and Monday
Welcome Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. You will need your Week 35 – 36 Warm Up Sheet. Turn in film questions if you did not do so yesterday. Tutoring on Thursday. Note this change. 3rd and 4th – Consent forms? MOCK NCFE – Friday and Monday

9 Tone Word for Today: Jovial Definition:
Marked by conviviality and good cheer Sentence using word: Jovial Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: jolly cheerful merry

10 Tone Word for Today: Laudatory Definition: Expressing praise
Sentence using word: Laudatory Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: commendable admirable

11 Week 31 Mirthful Definition: Joyous; jolly; amusing
Sentence using word: Mirthful Part of speech: Adjective Synonyms: Carefree Cheerful playful

12 Homework Complete the What Can We Believe? worksheet – front and back No tutoring today – it is tomorrow!

13 Thursday, May 11

14 MOCK NCFE – Friday and Monday
Welcome Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. You will need your Week 35 – 36 Warm Up Sheet and a sheet of notebook paper. Honors - Turn in the What Can We Believe? Worksheet. Do not copy others!!! Tutoring today. MOCK NCFE – Friday and Monday

15 Nostalgic Definition: Sentence using word: Part of Speech: Adjective
a bittersweet longing for the past Sentence using word: Nostalgic Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Longing Homesick Sentimental yearning

16 Tone Word for Today: Pensive Definition: Deeply or dreamily thoughtful
Sentence using word: Pensive Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: melancholy reflective sad

17 Tone Word for Today: Placid Definition: Undisturbed by disorder; calm
Sentence using word: Placid Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: serene cool peaceful

18 Friday, May 12

19 Welcome Honors – MLA Citation Packet due Monday
Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. Honors – MLA Citation Packet due Monday Standard – What Can We Believe worksheet due today Be ready to test!

20 Quiz – North Carolina Final Exam No student ID or test form needed.
Name – Your name Date – 05/12/2017 Class – Your Period Quiz – North Carolina Final Exam No student ID or test form needed. PUT YOUR NAME ON THE TEST BOOKLET!!!! Can write in the test booklet Absolutely no talking and no phones.

21 Monday, May 15

22 Welcome Honors – Turn in MLA Citation Packet. Do not copy others
Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. Honors – Turn in MLA Citation Packet. Do not copy others Tutoring Today until 4:45 Summer Reading Book Fair 5:00 – 8:00 pm Will finish Warm Up Tomorrow – Quiz Wednesday Be ready to test!

23 Tuesday, May 16

24 Welcome All Classes – You will need your Week 35 – 36 Warm Ups.
Be in seat when the bell rings with phones away and pencils sharpened. All Classes – You will need your Week 35 – 36 Warm Ups. No Tutoring Today Summer Reading

25 Not Finished 1st Period Keyonna Joy Theo Matti Parker Cassidy
2nd Period Camille Amina Desmond 3rd Period Jaylan Alayna Alonzo Teleyah 4th Period Jalen H. Issac T. Hamdi A. Alassane Jerome M. Skylar F. 6th Period Kadi M. Mia H. Peter G. Zoe K. Chris S.

26 Tone Word for Today: Poignant Definition:
Profoundly moving; touching/ piercing, intense or stimulating Sentence using word: Poignant Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: painful intense

27 Tone Word for Today: Sanguine Definition: Cheerfully confident
Sentence using word: Sanguine Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: optimistic hopeful

28 Tone Word for Today: Speculative Definition: Sentence using word:
contemplation or consideration of a subject. Speculative Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: guess hypothesis

29 Tone Word for Today: Tranquil Calm and Peaceful Serene Quiet Placid
Definition: Sentence using word: Calm and Peaceful Tranquil Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Serene Quiet Placid

30 Tone Word for Today: Whimsical Definition: Sentence using word:
To be excessively playful; fanciful Whimsical Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Comical Unusual Eccentric

31 Tone Word for Today: Zealous Definition: Full of energy and excitement
Sentence using word: Zealous Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Eager Dedicated Enthusiastic

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