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Welcome to Peter Pan Jr. December 7, 2018 6:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Peter Pan Jr. December 7, 2018 6:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Peter Pan Jr. December 7, :00pm

2 First Rehearsal Information
Cast and Crew List T-Shirt Order Attendance Policy September Rehearsal Parent Letter Drama Parent Letter Music/Songs All these documents can be found on The MCMS Web Page and The Canvas Page

3 Scripts Scripts 1. Scripts belong to the students.
2. Student name and character need to be written on the front of the book 3. Student can highlight, write in, and color in the scripts

4 Co-Curricular Policy All 8 classes need to be passing grades
(must be higher than an F) At mid-term – all grades need to be passing if not – have 2 weeks to bring grade(s) up if grade(s) is/are not brought up – removed from the musical At end of 9weeks – all grades need to be passing if not – removed from the musical Don’t break school rules – If issues occur - director and administration will decide if removal from musical is needed

5 Gold Canyon Fundraiser
Selling Gold Canyon Candles Starting Thursday, September 13 Ending Thursday, September 27 Profits will be used for: purchasing scripts, performance CD, royalties, special costumes, props, set materials, meal items, sound effects/sound equipment, lights/lighting equipment

6 Peter Pan Jr Costume Ideas

7 Have fun with the costumes
Go through your closet looking for items that will complete your costume Ask relatives and friends for ideas Shop at stores for items to complete your costume Goodwill Stores – Clothing section Walmart – Halloween section Target – Halloween section Amazon – Be careful Halloween Stores – Be selective

8 All Costumes are Due: 1. Thursday, October 11, 2018
2. Bring all costumes to school in a grocery bag Write the student’s name on the bag 3. All costumes will be stored in the appropriate dressing rooms

9 Peter Pan Peter Pan wears green tights, a green tunic covered with leaves, a belt made out of rope or leather and a green hat. Make sure the greens aren’t too bright or fluorescent or you risk making Peter look cartoonish.

10 Wendy Wendy wears a full white nightgown with a simple ruffled collar. The hem can be trimmed with lace, but you want to avoid creating an ornate or fussy nightgown. White pantaloons can add flexibility for the actress. Wendy also needs an old hat of her mother’s. The hat should have flower accents.

11 John John wears a long, light blue nightshirt or a pair of blue striped pajamas. John also needs a top hat which he wears throughout the musical.

12 Michael Michael is the youngest and wears one-piece footie pajamas. Any color is workable. Michael also will need a stuffed teddy bear which he has with him the entire musical.

13 Mr. Darling Mr. Darling is dressed in a black tuxedo as he gets ready for an evening on the town.

14 Mrs. Darling Mrs. Darling wears a long, soft pink or lilac Victorian-style gown, complete with ruffles and petticoat. Her hair is styled nicely in an updo, and she completes the look with fancy white gloves.

15 Liza Liza wears a basic off-white or charcoal gray dress, a petticoat and an apron. Her hair is adorned with a simple cloth headpiece.

16 Nana Nana is a dog and should look as much like a dog as possible. Also on her head should be a blue bonnet.

17 Lost Boys Lost Boys clothes look worn in and dirty. Costumes need to all be based green or brown in color mixed with some dark purples and oranges. Pants should be nickers style or long shorts with jagged edges.

18 Tiger Lily Tiger Lily is an Indian. Her costume should have an ornate headpiece and the addition of gold, light blue, or bright yellow accessories. Have fun with this costume.

19 Brave Girls The brave girl costumes need to show ruggedness, strength and look like they were created out of items found on the island. Add yellow leaves, rope or jewelry accessories to bring their costumes to life.

20 Captain Hook Captain Hook is a well-dressed pirate. Start with a pair of black knickers and a white ruffled pirate shirt. Add a long red or black brocade vest or a coat with white ruffs and large black boots. Complete the look with a black musketeer hat with red or black feathers . Don’t forget the hook hand.

21 Pirates Pirates are dressed in black pants with black shoes or boots. They have red or jewel-tone tops of any style, including stripes, which can be covered with black vests, sashes or left plain. Costumes can be a mix and match of large belts, red bandanas, black and white or red and white striped tube socks, and neck scarves.

22 Crocodile Crocodile needs to be all dressed in green with scales and a large mouth with teeth.

23 All Stage Crew Crew Members need to be dressed in all black clothing. Black shoes, black socks, black pants, long sleeve black shirt. No skin should be showing except hands and head.

24 Peter Pan Jr. Costumes are Fun to Create
Have Fun and Be Creative with your costume!!!

25 Set Design 8 ft High Platform 8 ft 8 ft 8 ft 8 ft Ramp Ramp 8 ft
Middle platform – 2 ft high Outside platforms – 1 ft high Ramps – from outside platforms to floor Extra Set Pieces: 4 ladders Each of different heights All on wheels (quiet and painted black (covered ) Many long tube black lights on stands

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