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Date: 10/03 Subject: Reading

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1 Date: 10/03 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/03 Subject: Reading barter - To trade goods or services without money benign - Of a kind and gentle disposition bizarre – very strange or unusual fallacy - A false notion fastidious - Possessing or portraying meticulous attention to detail

2 Date: 10/04 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/04 Subject: Reading blasé - Uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence feasible - possible to do easily or conveniently fend - To ward off balmy – pleasantly warm banter – playful or friendly exchange of teasing remarks

3 Date: 10/06 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/06 Subject: Reading ferret – domestic pole cat; used for hunting rabbits flair - A natural talent or aptitude flustered - To make or become nervous or upset foreboding – fearful apprehension; a fear that something will happen

4 Date: 10/05 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/05 Subject: Reading forfeit - lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing. formidable - inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. fortify - To make strong foster - To bring up; nurture Study this weeks words for Friday’s Quiz

5 Date: 10/11 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/11 Subject: Reading bonanza - a situation or event that creates a sudden increase in wealth, good fortune, or profits bountiful - large in quantity; abundant: cache - a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place. capacious - having a lot of space inside; roomy gaunt - lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age gingerly - in a careful or cautious manner

6 Date: 10/12 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/12 Subject: Reading glut - an excessively abundant supply of something grapple - engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle grope - feel about or search blindly or uncertainly with the hands gullible - easily persuaded to believe something; credulous renown - the condition of being known or talked about by many people; fame revenue - income

7 Date: 10/13 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/13 Subject: Reading rubble - waste or rough fragments of stone Sage - a profoundly wise person; an aromatic plant. sedative - promoting calm or inducing sleep serene - calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil servile - an excessive willingness to serve or please others rue - bitterly regret Study this weeks words for Friday’s Quiz

8 Date: 10/17 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/17 Subject: Reading Chastise – to punish as by beating Citadel – a fortress in a commanding position in or near a city Cite – to quote as an authority or example Clad – to sheathe or cover with metal Clarify – to make clear or easier to understand

9 Date: 10/18 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/18 Subject: Reading Commemorate – to honor the memory of with a ceremony Haggard – worn out, exhausted Haven – safe harbor or anchorage Heritage – property that can be inherited Hindrance – to be in the way

10 Date: 10/19 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/19 Subject: Reading Hover – to remain floating or suspended in the air Humane – to show kindness or compassion Shackle – a metal fastening used to restrain Sleek – smooth and lustrous as if polished

11 Date: 10/20 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/20 Subject: Reading Spontaneous – happening without apparent external cause Sporadic – occurring irregularly Stamina – physical or moral strength Stance – attitude or position while standing Study this weeks words for Friday’s Quiz

12 Date: 10/24 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/24 Subject: Reading Component – a constituent element of a system Concept – a general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences Confiscate – to seize for the public treasury Connoisseur – a person with expert knowledge

13 Date: 10/25 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/25 Subject: Reading Conscientious – guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience; caring Conservative – favoring traditional views and values. Imperative – expressing a command or plea Inaugurate – to induct into office by formal ceremony Incense – to cause to be extremely angry

14 Date: 10/26 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/26 Subject: Reading Indifferent – characterized by a lack of partiality; doesn’t take sides Infinite – having no boundaries or limits Instill – to introduce by gradual persistent efforts. Staple – principal raw material or commodity grown, or produced in a region

15 Date: 10/27 Subject: Reading
Copy each vocabulary word and definition on your own paper. You will need to turn in one sheet of paper on Friday with ALL the vocabulary words and definitions for the week. Date: 10/27 Subject: Reading Stint – to resist or limit, as in amount Strident – loud, harsh, grating or shrill Sublime – characterized by nobility Subside – to sink to a normal or lower level Succumb – to submit or overcome Study this weeks words for Friday’s Quiz

16 The End Created by: Debra Harrington Stewart Middle School
Douglasville, GA

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