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Vector Calculus (Chapter 13)

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1 Vector Calculus (Chapter 13)

2 Vector Calculus Chapter 13 13.1 13.2-13.3 13.4
Scalar Fields, 2D Vector Fields Gradient Vector Fields Line Integrals Green’s Theorem

3 F(x,y)=<P(x,y),Q(x,y)>

4 Scalar Fields and Vector Fields
The simplest possible physical field is the scalar field. It represents a function depending on the position in space. A scalar field is characterized at each point in space by a single number. Examples of scalar fields temperature, gravitational potential, electrostatic potential (voltage)

5 Scalar Fields Visualization of z=V(x,y)
Scalar potential function for a dipole V(x,y)


7 Maple commands

8 Scalar Fields and Equipotential Lines
The level curves or contours of the function z=V(x,y) are the equipotential lines of the scalar potential field V(x,y)

9 The Gradient defines a Vector Field (the force field)

10 Arrow Diagram for Vector Field

11 Direction Field (magnitude=1)


13 Equipotential surfaces are orthogonal to the electric force field
Notice the force field is directed towards places where the potential V is lower, e.g., where the charge is negative - at (0.25,0). But mathematically, the gradient points in the opposite direction (greatest ascent) which is why f=-V and F=grad(f)=grad(-V)

14 2D vector field visualization of the flow field past an air foil using arrows

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