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Thomas Hayes Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

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1 Thomas Hayes Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
What is Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity The Process of DR and BC Importance of dr and bc

2 Disaster Recovery Disaster Recovery (DR) is a business planning and preparing in the event of a disaster. A disaster can come in many forms, including: fires, floods, hurricanes, tornados, power outage, cyber attacks. Disaster Recovery is different from Business Continunity.

3 Business Continuity Business Continuity is the ability of a business to continue operations after the event of a disaster. Business Continuity is in effective after a disaster The purpose of BC is to minimize business loss, continue business operations

4 Security Management Plan
When it comes to Disaster recovery every business should have a security management plan The main goal of a smp is to reduce the risks and to secure the environment.

5 Disaster Recovery Plan
The most important parts of disaster recovery and business recovery are the disaster recovery plan and business impact analysis. The disaster recovery plan is an extensive document containing rules and policies which contains the information on what to do in the event of a disaster.

6 Business Impact Analysis
The business impact analysis is different than the drp, However, it is just as important. A BIA IS AN EXTENSIVE DOCUMENT STATING HOW TO CONITUNE OPERATINS AS EFFECTIENTLY AND QUICK AS POSSIBLE IT CONTAINS THE RPO

7 DR Laws and Acts There are specific laws and acts that need to be kept in mind while creating the drp and bia to avoid legal trouble. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996

8 Data Loss and Prevention
Data loss and prevention is an extremely important part of disaster recovery and business continuity There are different types of data backup. Full backup Differential backup Incremental backup It is good practice to run backups during the nighttime and weekends

DISK MIRRORING SNAPSHOT COTINIOUS DATA PROTECTION PARITY PROTECTION Storage Area Network provides high-speed data recovery and can recover massive amounts of data using Fibre Channel interconnection technology.

10 Conclusion To conclude:
Disaster recovery and business continuity is an extremely important for businesses. I spoke about drp, bia, smp, rto, rpo, data recovery methods

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