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City of Detroit Restructuring Discussion

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1 City of Detroit Restructuring Discussion
Al Koch, Managing Director Illinois Municipal League September 18, 2014

2 City of Detroit Restructuring
Emergency Manager (EM) primarily focused on restructuring ~$9.6B of unsecured claims EM was focused on getting retiree agreement due to favorable public relations impact, impact on operations and claim size (OPEB $4.3B, Pensions $3.1B) Leverage of key city assets (DIA Art) was used to supplement retiree settlement Financial Completed initiatives that were in process prior to Chapter 9, such as outsourcing trash collection and public lighting. However these were not major contributors and most of the restructuring efforts was focused on planning and not implementation Union contracts were marginally improved, however no significant improvement to work rules or consolidation of union agreements, which was a lost opportunity Operational Structural issues related to governance not addressed Historical full-time City Council left in place Post emergence the Financial Review Commission is designed to ensure the City adheres to the Plan and continues to implement financial and operational reforms that promote more efficient and effective delivery of services to City residents Governance Primary focus of Emergency Manager was a financial restructuring of the City’s debt not operational improvements

3 City of Detroit Financial Restructuring
Comments: Unsecured claims reduced by 72%-76%, while overall obligations reduced by 44%-46% OPEB Claim reduction represents over 50% of the total unsecured claim reduction achieved by the Plan The reduction was primarily achieved by shifting the retirees (under 65) to individual insurance utilizing the Affordable Healthcare Act Other municipalities are currently implementing similar strategies to reduce OPEB obligations (outside of Chapter 9) The difference between the High/Low Case for the PFRS and GRS Pension Plans represents the impact of the DIA Grand Bargain ($660MM in payments with a PV of $460MM) Source: Fourth Amended Disclosure Statement Exhibit K – 40 year Financial Projection Present value amounts calculated assuming a 5% discount rate The high recovery case assumes the City is successful in its challenge of the POC claim

4 Re-Investment Plan/Operational Restructuring
Source: Fourth Amended Disclosure Statement Exhibit I – 10 year Summary of Restructuring Initiatives Note (1) – Amount represents estimate for remediation costs related to the shut down of the City’s legacy sub-stations Comments: Plan focused on improved services through additional spending. Plan increases headcount by over 700 despite huge investment in technology and infrastructure, while population is expected to decline over the same period Plan assumes Police resources remain well above peer cities for entire period despite significant investment in technology and infrastructure – little or no efficiency gain recognized from technology Long-term labor structure (work rules, excess unions, etc.) not addressed. Implemented changes only impacted base economics Continued investment in non-core assets (City Airport)

5 Potential Opportunities for Municipalities
OPEB Pensions Labor work rule improvements Other employee benefits Service and product sourcing Outsourcing Consolidation of services Internal Neighboring communities

6 Global Locations AlixPartners is ready to field a team of relevant experts whenever and wherever they are needed. Our professionals work from 16 global offices with engagements in more than a dozen different countries. They speak more than 50 languages, and have experience in every corner of the world. Call us. We’ll be there when it really matters. 2 Faneuil Hall Marketplace Boston Boston, MA 02109 300 N. LaSalle Street Chicago Suite 1900 Chicago, IL 2101 Cedar Springs Road Dallas Suite 1100 Dallas, TX 75201 2000 Town Center Detroit Suite 2400 Southfield, MI 48075 Dubai Gate Village 10, Level 03 P.O. Box Dubai Intl Financial Centre Dubai, United Arab Emirates Hofgarten Palais Düsseldorf Bleichstraße 8 – 10 40211 Düsseldorf Germany 20 North Audley Street London London W1K 6WE United Kingdom 515 S. Flower Street Los Angeles Suite 3050 Los Angeles, CA Corso Matteotti 9 Milan 20121 Milan Italy Mauerkircherstr. 1 a Munich 81679 Munchen Germany 40 West 57th Street New York New York, NY 49/51 Avenue George V Paris 75008 Paris France 4 Embarcadero Center San Francisco 31st Floor, Suite 3110 San Francisco, CA Shanghai Suite 6111 Plaza 66 Building I 1266 Nan Jing West Road Shanghai, China Tokyo Marunouchi Building 33F 2-4-1 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku Tokyo Japan Washington, DC 1602 L Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 © AlixPartners, LLP, 2011

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