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Emerging Frontiers of Science Information
Management Plan
Management Goals Effectively coordinate efforts across project sites and to leverage research efforts in a timely manner Engage the broader scientific community to evolve our shared vision of information sciences Involve the applications community to build up novel methods, formalisms, and products of the research and development plan Develop an industrial outreach plan focused on timely dissemination of results to industry and enabling them to influence research and development efforts Develop a coherent educational and diversity plan across various project sites focused on research involvement at all levels Develop a novel curriculum across project sites, integrating theory and applications of information science Leverage tremendous interdisciplinary opportunities in engaging underrepresented groups in all aspects of research and education.
External Advisor y Committee Internal Advisory Committee
Management Structure Purdue VPR External Advisor y Committee Executive Committee A. Goldsmith, M. Sudan, W. Szpankowski, S. Verdu, B. Yu Technical Director W. Szpankowski Managing Director: Kotterman Internal Advisory Committee Technical Thrust Education & Outreach: Director: TBA Coordinator: Ward Diversity Director Director: TBA Coordinator: Coleman Knowledge Transfer S. Jagannathan Purdue Vice Provost for Research: Executive Director: Establishes high-level goals and strategic directions; manages all center activities; coordinates and executes management decisions and advice from executive and advisory committees; point of contact with NSF Managing Director: Coordinates day-to-day center activities (100% effort) Executive Committee: Guides progress and vision; evaluates projects; coordinates efforts of different groups; strategizes to maximize Center’s impact. External Advisory Committee: Annually reviews projects; provides high-level guidance on strategic issues; provides a channel for open dialogue with the wider community Internal Advisor Committee: Responsible for internal management of the Center. Addresses issues of communication and integration as they arise.
Executive Committee (EC)
Mission Guide Center’s progress and vision Manage and evaluate ongoing and new projects Facilitate and oversee collaboration between PIs and groups Strategizes to maximize Center’s impact in the user community Composition: Center leadership : Center Director and 4 co-PIs Chair of the EC will not be the Director of the Center. Coordination Monthly meetings conducted through telephone and/or video conference Senior personnel from projects and managing director will attend by invitation as needed. Meetings will manage new and ongoing projects; deal with issues that have arisen, and discuss possible future directions (fiscal and intellectual) Action items from meeting will be distributed within 24 hours. The Associate Director will ensure action items are addressed in a timely way
External Advisory Committee (EAC)
Mission Helps the Center chart a course to meet the long term needs of the community. Provide high-level advice and guidance on strategic issues at the Center Provide a venue for an open dialogue with the wider community and prevent the center from adopting too narrow a focus. Composition: reflects diversity of scientific domains within the Center. A renowned Computer Scientist who is expert in A renowned Information Theorist who is expert in Domain scientists in XXX, YYY, ZZZ. Coordination EAC will receive quarterly progress reports from the Associate Director Will meet with the Center Director and the NSF Project Officer 3 times each year In-person meeting at the annual “all hands” meeting of the Center. This meeting will provide a forum for a high quality, detailed appraisal of the Center’s progress Do we want to give some potential names?
EAC Assessment EAC will generate an annual report on the center’s progress for the Center Director and the NSF Will summarize EAC members’ assessment of the Center’s initiatives Will make recommendations for improvement. The report will include assessments of progress towards goals and advice on how best to proceed, including The adequacy of the interaction; Infrastructure creation and its potential impact; The reliability, robustness, and usability of tools and methods The quality of the educational component; The effectiveness of dissemination activities; Directions for Computer Science research related to Information Theory; Recommendations for strategic recruitments. Specific input on the selection of new applications and termination of existing ones
Internal Advisory Committee (IAC)
Monitors internal progress and communication across the Center Committee mission: Resolve day-to-day issues of the center without engaging executive committee Raise issues that are of concern among projects, and to the user community Provides a forum for coordinating the many ongoing efforts, thus minimizing redundancy, and sharing success strategies Informs Technical Director, Executive, and Advisory Committees of larger issues that may prove problematic to the success of the project. Research Managing Director Project Assistant Technical Coordination Committee Outreach Dissemination Education Implementation Applications Projects User Students Training User Community
External Advisor y Committee Internal Advisory Committee
Executive Management Technical Director Managing Director Executive Committee External Advisor y Committee Internal Advisory Committee Technical Management Setting and adjusting strategy Project management Fostering collaboration Pruning applications Administrative Management Facilitates coordination Resolve day-to-day issues and concerns Performs administrative functions related to meetings, reports, and budgeting Coordination
Project Management Projects will be managed by the EC via application management, solicitation, and assessment Managing Applications: Track progress of each application Ensure progress on the theoretical side Shut down projects no longer relevant or with insufficient progress Decide the success of collaborative investigations. Metrics for managing applications Publication of quality peer-reviewed papers with impact vis-à-vis information measures. Collaborations between investigators exemplified by joint publications and grants. Development of educational modules that illustrate developments in the domain. Assessment of progress reports by the peers within the Center and by the members of the EAC. Selecting and Integrating New Applications: Recruiting: An open invitation to for applications will be posted to the entire community Evaluation: By Director and Executive committee at the “All Hands” meeting, Metrics for selection will include significance/scope of the proposed application (25%), likelihood of impact (50%), and likelihood of success (25%). Integration: The Director in consultation with the EAC and NSF will collaborate with the PI of the new application to plan for transfer of resources to the new project.
Fostering Collaboration
Many PIs in the center already have an established history of collaboration To further foster collaboration between PIs, we will Structure annual meeting to allow for brainstorming and opendiscussion Use web-based tools to report progress and facilitate discussion Establish postdoc and student exchanges Create lecture series and workshops for PIs, students, and postdocs Can insert figure here showing all collaborations, or on separate slide
Activity Coordination
Technical Director W. Szpankowski Managing Director: Kotterman Technical Thrust Education & Outreach: Director: TBA Coordinator: Ward Diversity Director Director: TBA Coordinator: Coleman Knowledge Transfer S. Jagannathan Add some details here about how the technical thrusts, education/outreach, diversity director, and knowledge transfer components will coordinate
Is this slide needed? Management Details External Advisor y Committee
Executive Committee A. Goldsmith, M. Sudan, W. Szpankowski, S. Verdu, B. Yu Technical Director W. Szpankowski Internal Advisory Committee Technical Thrust Education & Outreach: Director: TBA Coordinator: M. Ward Diversity Director Director: TBA Coordinator: Coleman Knowledge Transfer S. Jagannathan Managing Director D. Kotterman Is this slide needed? Structural Information W. Szpankowski Undergraduate Outreach & Minority Institute Industrial Partners Spatio - Temporal S. Verdu Graduate Minority Recruitment National Labs Semantics B. Yu International Summer Program Government Agencies Communication A. Goldsmith Lecture Series Researcher in-Residence Complexity M. Sudan Mentoring A. Goldsmith
Technical Thrust Management
Structural Information W. Szpankowski Biological Networks S. Subramaian Privacy C. Clifton Social Network J. Neville Spatio - Temporal S. Verdu Is this slide needed? MANET D. Tse System Neuroscience J. Gallant Flow of Information W. Bialek Learnable Information B. Yu Massive Data M. Atallah Environment Modeling I. Fung Dynamic Metabolism D. Ramkrishna Communication/Control A. Goldsmith Wireless Comm. R. Kumar Fault Tolerant S. Jagannathan Coordination T. Cover Complexity M. Sudan Energy and Information S. Datta Quantum Information P. Shor Knowledge Discovery A. Grama
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