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Presentation on theme: "EDUCATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 What springs to mind when you hear the word 'education'?


4 What do you think of the education system in Serbia?
What were (are) you happy and unhappy with about your education? How can schools and universities provide a better education to students? (content and skills that are thaught, teachers, organisation etc.) How important is using technology in lessons? What does "educate for the future, not just the present" mean?

5 Translate the following:
Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu Osnovne studije, master, doktorske studije Smerovi: Agrarna ekonomija i agrobiznis Evropska i međunarodna ekonomija i biznis Finansije, bankarstvo i osiguranje Marketing Menadžment Poslovni informacioni sistemi Poslovna informatika Računovodstvo i revizija Trgovina Školarina, stipendija

6 Modules Agrarna ekonomija i agrobiznis – AGRARIAN ECONOMICS AND AGRIBUSINESS Evropska i međunarodna ekonomija i biznis – EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS Finansije, bankarstvo i osiguranje – FINANCE, BANKING AND INSURANCE Marketing - MARKETING Menadžment – MANAGEMENT Poslovni informacioni sistemi – BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Poslovna informatika – BUSINESS INFORMATICS Računovodstvo i revizija – ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING Trgovina - TRADE

7 Degree – a course of study at a college or university or the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies. Level of study Academic degree Abbreviation Undergraduate/Bachelor studies Bachelor degree BA, BSc* (see next slide) Graduate/Master studies Master degree MA, MSc* Doctoral/PhD studies PhD degree PhD

8 BA , Bachelor of Arts: a first university degree (= qualification) in the arts or social sciences, or someone who has this degree e.g. Susan has a BA in Economics from the University of Novi Sad. BSc, Bachelor of Science: a first-level university degree in science e.g. John is a BSc in Biology. MA, Master of Arts e.g. My brother has an MA in linguistics e.g. She's studying for/doing an MA in French literature. MSc, Master of Science e.g. Phil has/is doing/is studying for an MSc in biochemistry. PhD abbreviation for doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree or someone who has this e.g. a PhD student, a PhD thesis e.g. Susannah has a PhD in Economic Sciences. e.g. She's a PhD.

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