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Keith Hamilton OIE Scientific and Technical Department, OIE Paris

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1 Keith Hamilton OIE Scientific and Technical Department, OIE Paris
Work as OFFLU Coordinator at OIE and also with lab twinning. OFFLU is the Joint OIE-FAO network of expertise on animal influenza – is an open network with experts from a range of disciplines including diagnostics, epidemiology, bioinformatics OFFLU established in 2005 in response to HPAI H5N1 situation to strengthen links within the animal health avian influenza lab network and with WHO – leading to improved collaboration and sharing of data within animal health network and with WHO Now has expanded its mandate to include all animal IVs. Although this was triggered by recent A/H1N1 situation in people and the need to gather veterinary experts to discuss implications for pigs we had been thinking about expanding the mandate for some time.

2 OFFLU Objectives To exchange scientific data and biological materials (including virus strains) within the network, to analyse such data, and to share the information with the wider scientific community To offer technical advice and veterinary expertise to Member Countries to assist in the prevention, diagnosis, surveillance and control of animal influenza To collaborate with the WHO influenza network on issues relating to the animal-human interface, including early preparation of human vaccine To highlight animal influenza research needs, promote their development and ensure co-ordination. Objectives A major objective of OFFLU is to encourage people to share data with each wider scientific community to allow comparative analyses, better reagents, up to date test protocols, early warning etc Support other countries through OFFLU representation in missions, CMC etc OFFLU established so that info and material could be shared with human health network to allow early prep of human vaccine Regular meetings of heads or RLs to share ideas and identify gaps

3 OFFLU contributors / technical activities
Steering Committee Executive Committee Secretariat (OIE) OFFLU scientists OFFLU contributors / technical activities There is a small core of INDEPENDENT people paid and unpaid that support the network and help coordinate its activities. Structure changed in late 2007 to make it more functional – now an OPEN NETWORK. Got rid of the old scientific committee and list of collaborators Steering Committee – decision making authority 4 people – chair Steve Edwards Executive Committee – operational body – implements decisions of the St Committee 2 offlu scientists – 1 at VLA 1 at FAO - provide technical support, training, advice on dbs, analyses on publicly available data Secretariat rotates and is currently based at OIE will rotate to FAO next The main body is the scientists who provide the technical input and ideas.

4 OFFLU technical activities
Have a purpose Provide results - answers, guidance, diagnostic reagents… Strengthen links within the animal health network and with the human health network Lead to exchanges of information and material The idea of the technical activities is to get experts from the network to focus on specific technical issues or questions related to animal influenza They provide some purpose to the network and help to strengthen links between experts whilst providing useful outputs

5 OFFLU technical activities
Each is a small group of leading experts from the network Address pertinent issues or questions specific to influenza that are identified by experts Function on a temporary or ongoing basis Flexible Small group 6-7 leading experts with a leader who coordinates the other members of the group Its important that the topics are proposed by the experts who know what is achievable with constraints on their time. There is money available to support meetings etc They are FLEXIBLE – can bring in specific expertise from the network when needed

6 OFFLU technical activities
Biosafety and biosecurity* Applied epidemiology* Animal – human interface* Diagnostic kits Standard H5 sera RNA standard* Vaccination Proficiency testing* * activities which involve WHO These are the 8 technical activities. Bev Schmitt – dev guidance on minimum biosafety requirements Cristobal – epi group – exists to provide consultancy on epi topics when needed – recently activated to hold a teleconference on surveillance issues for A/H1N1 in pigs aorund the HAI Liz/Ilaria – organise events to address issues at the HAI – Verona meeting, will hold another similar meeting later in year Marek – collating availbvale data to provide advice on pros and cons of commercially available kits Ian – working with the other RLs in the network to come up with a standard antisera for H5 Timm – developing an RNA standard and will eventually share it with the other labs to validate Peter – leads a group on vaccination – been giving advice to Indo and now Egypt on selection of suitable vaccine strains to match circulating field virus using antigenic cartography Dennis – developinng a harmonised approach to proficiency testing. Several involve WHO MEETING IN SEPTEMBER TO REVIEW PREOGRESS

7 Collaboration with WHO
Ongoing Several of the technical activities Joint technical discussions (A/H1N1) Reciprocal involvement in meetings Good day to day dialogue It is about the 2 networks collaborating, working closely together, sharing information, developing common approaches (where appropriate) and helping each other. It is not about 1 network absorbing the other. Each network has specific and relevant expertise applicable to their field. The animal health experts deal with animal health issues and human health deal with human health issues and they work together at the human animal interface. Ensures appropriate expertise is applied to the right area and that activities are coordinated. For example diagnostics, surveillance… Collaboration between animal and human health sectors is nothing new OFFLU and WHO have been working together to formalise the collaboration relating to influenza and make sure this is taking place in as many areas as possible. OFFLU and WHO experts have also been actively looking for specific topics that would benefit from collaboration. Good examples where this has happened are…

8 Sharing of information and material
OIE Resolution Encourage the use of several publicly available databases Ongoing collaborative projects and exchanges Supporting shipment of materials MTA available on OFFLU website Role of the OFFLU Scientists 76th OIE general session Resolution adopted by all OIE Members – shows that the Int Community acknowledges the importance of sharing this information and material and that they are committed to it. OFFLU position is that Scientists and especially reference labs should deposit sequences into publicly available databases as quickly as possible following sequencing and that the db should be of the Scientists choice. There are several dbs available, OFFLU does not specify a particular db, this is up to the scientists to chose, based on their preferences. OFFLU publishes a list of dbs on website – if anymore become available – please let us know and if the owners agree we will post details. An MTA is also available. In an ideal world this wouldn’t be necessary and OFFLU and its better not to get embroiled unless necessary. OFFLU Scientists are employed to assist labs with sequencing and to help them deposit sequences in publicly available dbs

9 Communication We really try to keep it simple as possible a means of sharing information and specific to OFFLU and influenza related activities of OIE and FAO. We post the notes from the technical and steering comm. meetings, lists of public available dbs for sharing sequences, contact details of RLs, a list of labs which also specialise in SIV diagnostics Once we have collated info on new protocols for detecting novel A/H1N1 we will post that on the website too. There are 100s of sites out there providing technical information about AI

10 Expanded mandate of OFFLU
In response to novel influenza A/H1N1 To cover ‘animal influenza’ viruses To address technical issues relating to swine influenza and novel A/H1N1 Share information about diagnostic protocols quickly To collaborate with WHO - GIP and provide them with relevant information to minimise public health risks This is something we had been considering for sometime. With the arrival of novel H1N1 in people there was a need to mobilise veterinary influenza experts QUICKLY to provide information/technical advice to animal health sector and WHO. Specifically on: diagnostics, the possibility of infections in pigs, surveillance in pigs, joint WHO/OFFLU response to speculation about the origins of the virus (Gibbs – lab origin)

11 Expanded mandate of OFFLU
Technical consultations Human animal interface aspects of the current A/H1N1 situation (OFFLU/WHO) Laboratory diagnosis of novel A/H1N1 in swine (OFFLU/WHO) Proposed origin of novel A/H1N1 (OFFLU/WHO) Surveillance issues around novel A/H1N1 and the human animal interface (OFFLU/WHO) Algorithm for laboratory detection Nomenclature of ‘the virus’ Has been a real opportunity to show what the network of animal health experts can do when they pull together. We have had several joint consultations with WHO, to provide advice to the human health sector from the animal health sector. We have also had some more focussed discussions to share information on the most up to date protocols to detect A/H1N1 in pigs and to differentiate it from other viruses and recently a more general discussion about surveillance. The rapid mobilisation, quality advice and responsiveness has raised the profile of the animal health influenza network considerably and shown what OFFLU can do. WHO have been very appreciative of the involvement of OFFLU and Margaret Chan has personally this clear

12 OFFLU Key achievements 2008 -2009
OIE Resolution – ‘Sharing of avian influenza viral material and information in support of global avian influenza prevention and control’ Head of avian influenza Reference Laboratories meeting 8 technical activities Practical guidance on minimum biosafety requirements for handling avian influenza viruses

13 OFFLU Key achievements 2008 -2009
Advice to Indonesia and Egypt on selection of avian influenza vaccine strains using antigenic cartography Assessment of genetic sequence databases Joint meetings and stronger links with WHO – GIP; Verona, technical activities, PCR meeting Rapid mobilisation of experts for novel A/H1N1 Guidance on lab detection of novel A/H1N1 in pigs

14 Plans -2009 Maintain momentum with technical activities
Further technical discussions about novel A/H1N1; surveillance follow up to brainstorming, guidelines for lab diagnostics Technical meeting of heads of RLs and SIV experts September inc. other networks Another technical consultation at the HAI

15 ‘The OFFLU scientific contributors’ Elisabeth Erlacher Vindel
Acknowledgements ‘The OFFLU scientific contributors’ and Steve Edwards Gwen Dauphin Liz Mumford Ilaria Capua Margarita Riela Bhudipa Choudhury Mia Kim Kate Glynn Elisabeth Erlacher Vindel The people that we would like THANK the most are the experts in the network who dedicate their time to take part in meetings, consultations and work on the technical issues. Without these experts OFFLU would be nothing. We’re very aware that people are giving up their time in a busy schedule and often at short notice. Steve Edwards has had a tremendous influence on OFFLU and thankfully although he has retired from the OIE BSC he will stay on as chairman. The rest of us get paid!

Please we are always looking for feedback on ideas for topics that the network can address, for contributors from other regions of the world who are not currently involved and on how we can do a better job. So please feel free to catch me over the next couple of days, to us at the Secretariat or say something now.

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