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Introduction to Enzymes

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1 Introduction to Enzymes

2 Proteins Chains of amino acids Enzymes are proteins
Enzymes serve as catalysts that can spead up or slow down reactions Enzymes ALWAYS remain unchanged in the reaction AA AA AA AA AA AA

3 Substrate- monomers that bind to the active site of an enzyme
Definitions Substrate- monomers that bind to the active site of an enzyme Active site- area on enzyme where substrate binds Product- what the enzyme produces

4 Each enzyme acts on a specific substrate.
Two substrates Enzyme Active site of the enzyme

5 induced-fit theory states that the binding of a substrate or some other molecule to an enzyme causes a change in the shape of the enzyme so as to enhance or inhibit its activity. The substrates fit like a key in a lock Enzyme The active site is like a lock

6 Lock and Key Model The activation energy for these substrates to bind together has been lowered by the enzyme. Chemical reaction!!! Enzyme

7 Basic Enzyme Diagram The substrates have reacted and changed into the product Enzyme is unchanged Active site

8 Lactose, a milk sugar is broken down into glucose and galactos with the enzyme lactase.

9 Protease ________ ___________ Sucrase ________ ___________
In Biology when a word ends in –ase it is more than likely it’s an enzyme. Guess what polymers are broken down by these enzymes and what monomers are created? Polymer Monomer Protease ________ ___________ Sucrase ________ ___________ Lipase ________ ___________

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