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North Africa & Southwest Asia & Religions Bundle 4

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1 North Africa & Southwest Asia & Religions Bundle 4

2 1. Mesopotamia - “between the rivers”, located between the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (SW Asia) – site of some of the earliest known civilizations 2. Fertile Crescent – located in present day Iraq & Syria, rich farmland, home of the earliest known human settlements

3 3. Pharaoh – ruler of Ancient Egypt 4
3. Pharaoh – ruler of Ancient Egypt Pyramid – huge stone structure that served as an ancient tomb or monument Mummy – preserved Egyptian body

4 6. Rosetta stone – ancient stone tablet discovered by French soldiers; helped decipher (decode) ancient Egyptian writings Hieroglyphics – ancient Egyptian system of writing using signs and symbols Papyrus – form of paper made from flax plant

5 9. Hammurabi & the Hammurabi Code – Babylonian king who established a written set of laws and punishments Quran (Koran) – Islamic holy book 11. Torah – Jewish holy book (the first 5 books of Moses) Bible –Christian holy book


7 13. Abraham – father of Judaism (Jews) 14
13. Abraham – father of Judaism (Jews) Jesus –founder of Christianity (Chrisitians) Mohammed (Muhammed) – founder of Islam (Moslem / Muslim)

8 16. Judaism – oldest of the 3 major religions; descendants of Abraham Christianity – believe Jesus is the Son of God (the “anointed one”) who died and rose from the dead Islam – followers of the prophet Mohammed, worship the god Allah

9 19. Terrorism- use of violence or terror to achieve a goal 20
19. Terrorism- use of violence or terror to achieve a goal Oasis – green area in the middle of a desert, fed by underground water Landlocked – country or area that does not border an ocean or sea

10 22. “Stan” (suffix) - ancient Persian word meaning country, nation, land, or place of (Afghanistan would then mean "homeland" of the Afghans, or place of the Afghans) Caste – social class based on ancestry (social system) Jute – plant fiber used for making rope, burlap, etc.

11 25. Monsoons – seasonal wind in Asia that changes directions according to the seasons Typhoon – word for “hurricane” in Asia Tsunami – huge sea wave caused by an earthquake on the ocean floor

12 28. Reincarnation – rebirth of a soul in a new body after death 29
28. Reincarnation – rebirth of a soul in a new body after death Pagoda – Buddhist temple Communist state – country whose government allows little or no private ownership of property; strong government control of economy & society

13 31. Dynasty – line of rulers from the same family 32
31. Dynasty – line of rulers from the same family Confucius – Chinese wise man who taught that people should be kind, honest & polite – respect for family and elders; his teaching shaped early Chinese government Calligraphy – Chinese art of “beautiful writing”

14 34. Silk Road – system of trade routes that connected ancient China and lands to the west B.C., A.D., & BCE – dating system for calendars in the western world B.C. – “before Christ” – dates go backward from the birth of Christ A. D. – Anno Domini – “year of our Lord” – dates go forward from the birth of Christ There is no year “0” - zero Ring of Fire – area in the Pacific Ocean area that is frequented by earthquakes and volcanoes


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