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1 Starter Cross word

2 Last lesson we learned Atypical behaviour Maladaptive behaviours
Social norms Those who don’t follow these social norms are social deviants

3 Abnormal behaviour What is abnormal behaviour?
Individuals may display abnormal behaviours to the extent they cannot cope with everyday life This causes distress – leading to inability to function properly Disrupts the ability to work or conduct satisfactory relationships = Failure to function adequately (personal dysfunction)

4 Rosenhan and Seligman 1989 Personal dysfunction has seven features
The more an individual has the more abnormal they are classed Go to page 148 in your black mask text book Read through table 4.1 Fill in the table on page 6 based on this You have 10 minutes to do so

5 In groups… On whiteboards Identify the feature of dysfunction
Briefly summarise the description of this

6 Why is it good to have a definition of failing to function adequately?
Think by yourself for 2 minutes Discuss in pairs for 3 minutes Show your opinions on your whiteboard

7 Why is it good to have a definition of failing to function adequately?
Using a Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF) to measure extent of abnormality allows clinicians to see degree to which individuals are abnormal and decide who needs psychiatric help Allows others to form judgements on whether individuals are functioning properly, through observable behaviours

8 However… Do you display any of these characteristics?
It overlooks the view its normal to experience distress (Grieving is psychologically healthy to overcome loss) Behaviour may cause distress to others and considered dysfunctional, while individual doing so feels no distress, like naked rambler

9 However… Ignores cultural differences, one culture should not be used to judge peoples behaviour from other cultures and subcultures This may lead to imposed etic; culture-specific idea that is wrongly imposed on another culture

10 Remember Social norm = ideal mental health
Social deviant = poor mental health Often, those with poor mental health cannot function adequately

11 What is mental health? A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being

12 Deviation from ideal mental health
Often, people fail to meet the criteria for perfect psychological wellbeing What signs do you look for? Absence of well being Any deviation away from ideal mental health = abnormal Abnormality = mental illness

13 Marie Jahoda 1958 Devised concept of mental health, where individuals should show 6 characteristics to be considered normal The presence of these factors indicate psychological health and wellbeing The absence of these indicate abnormality Using the text book p150, complete the table on page 7 of your work packs

14 These characteristics outline guidelines where if you present these characteristics = ideal mental health If these are absent = abnormality Why is this a good thing? Emphasises positive achievements rather than failures and distress It stressed positive approach to mental problems, focusing on what is desirable not undesirable Allows for targets of which areas to work on when treating abnormality, oculd be impoirtant when treating different types of disorders, fcusing on specific problem individual with depresson has

15 Strengths Holistic – considers individual as whole rather than focusing on individual areas of behaviour Goal setting – definition identifies what is needed to achieve normality, allowing creation of personal goals to work towards and achieve, thus facilitating self-growth

16 However… Read over the characteristics again… do you meet the criteria? Over-demanding criteria Most people do not meet the criteria for all the ideals For example; few people experience personal growth all the time They would be considered abnormal

17 Do you understand what the criteria is saying?
How would you measure the criteria? Subjective criteria Vague criteria and difficult to measure Physical health is objective, using xrays andblood tests However diagnosing mental illness more subjective relying on self reports – what is wrong with this?? Unreliable, especially if individual mentally ill

18 Autonomy – self govern, independence
Context is important – Why? Changes over time – once seeing visions was positive sign of religious commitment, now would be perceived as sign of schizophrenia Again, we have the issue of cultural variations Emphasises desirability of autonomy – this is true for western cultures, not for collectivist cultures who stress communal goals, seeing autonomy as undesirable Autonomy – self govern, independence

19 Video recap Complete page 5, 6, 7, 8

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