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Moving from the Margins to the Center: How to Develop a Comprehensive Diversity Strategy from the Ground Up NCORE 2009 May 30, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving from the Margins to the Center: How to Develop a Comprehensive Diversity Strategy from the Ground Up NCORE 2009 May 30, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving from the Margins to the Center: How to Develop a Comprehensive Diversity Strategy from the Ground Up NCORE 2009 May 30, 2009

2 Time Line 1992 President Lee Berk establishes college Diversity Committee, a group of volunteer staff and faculty interested in addressing these issues. 2002 Diversity Committee disbands after 10 years. 2004 Gender Equity Task Force release report recommending creation of a new position of Vice President for Cultural Diversity. 2004 Board of Trustees establishes a Diversity Initiative of 1 million dollars a year and a Presidential Scholarship Awards program towards these efforts as new President Roger Brown is inaugurated

3 Time Line continued… 2006 (April) First Vice President for Cultural Diversity is hired. Her staff consists of one Administrative Associate. 2006 (June) The Diversity Initiative Task Force, comprised of students, faculty & staff is appointed by the President to work with Vice President for Cultural Diversity. 2006 A Diversity values statement and a Diversity strategy for the College completed by the Vice President, assisted by the Task Force. 2006 (Dec.) College revises mission statement to acknowledge that Berklee was founded on jazz and popular music rooted in the African cultural diaspora …

4 Time Line continued… 2007 (Oct.) Second full-time staff member hired as Program Manager - Multicultural Educator for the Office for Cultural Diversity. 2007 Campus wide training sessions held on Creating and Sustaining a Respectful Campus Community required for all managers at the college. 2007 Sexual harassment prevention workshops for all academic departments begins and are also required, completed by the end of 2008. 2008 Third staff member hired as Project Coordinator. 2008 All staff are trained on Creating and Sustaining a Respectful Campus Community, with a focus on cultural awareness and competence.

5 Time Line continued… 2009 First Cultural Leadership Retreat held for students at the College by the Office for Cultural Diversity, facilitated by staff and faculty.

6 The Mission

7 The Diversity Strategy

8 Training Roll-Out Presidents Council Inclusion Training Faculty Sexual Harassment TrainingManagers Inclusion Training Staff Inclusion Training Managers TTT Departmental Inclusion Meetings

9 What We Would Keep About Our Approach Commitment of College President Collaboration between VP for Cultural Diversity, Academic Dean, VP for Human Resources Diverse team of trainers Curriculum Small group setting

10 What We Would Change More faculty/faculty union involvement in planning process Joint communication from college leadership, union leadership and faculty chairs More championship from Department Chairs One longer session instead of two short sessions Mix faculty from different departments More data about faculty/student/staff experiences Greater clarity about follow-up and accountability

11 Follow-up Activities Department managers will have conversations with their direct reports based on the Creating and Sustaining a Respectful College Community training. These conversation will be guided by the cultural styles worksheet presented during the training sessions Based on these conversations, a series of action steps will be identified, as appropriate, for the department to ensure an environment of inclusion. Challenges which are beyond the departments' ability to address will be forwarded to the Office of Diversity.

12 What is Culture? A way of being Software of the mind (Geert Hofstede) Beliefs, values, attitudes, behaviors of groups of interacting people; shared group identity. (Milton Bennett)

13 Cultural Orientation

14 Key Cultural Differences at Work Dimensions Work Relationships Time Communication Conflict FlexibilityMotivation Hierarchy/Power Self-Identity Competitiveness Thinking Style

15 15 Communication IndirectDirect Avoid getting to the main point quickly. People get main ideas from the context. Messages are implicit. Speaking in an indirect way to avoid tensions in relationships tends to be valued. The message is the message. Get to the main point quickly, spell things out exactly. Value being specific. Messages are explicit.

16 16 Conflict AvoidanceConfrontational Harmony and saving face are a key values. Preserve relationships by avoiding direct confrontations. Conflict inevitable and can be managed. Important to tackle issues head-on.

17 17 Status/Power HierarchyEquality Differing degrees of power, status and authority are acceptable. Value respect for those in authority, feel uncomfortable contradicting superiors. Inequalities among people generate resentment. Negative view of status- conscious behavior. Feel comfortable contradicting superiors openly or offering personal opinions about key decisions

18 18 Self-identity CollectivistIndividualist Success means being part of the group and group decisions take precedence. Seek less individual attention, may seem unassertive. Success means being recognized. Value individualism and being assertive.

19 19 Time Multi-focus/FluidSingle-focus/Fixed Time is a process, deadlines are goals to be reached if possible. Relationships often take precedence over tasks. Time is like money to be spent and managed. Deadlines are critical, tasks often take precedence over relationships.

20 Activity Make an X on the arrow representing your default cultural style on each dimension Place a dot on the posted arrows corresponding to where you placed your X

21 1. Planning 2. Assessment 4. Implementation 1. Planning Recruitment & Hiring Ibis Diversity Process 4. Implementation 1. Planning Mentoring Curriculum Development Training/ Coaching Policies/ Procedures Gather data: focus groups, interviews, surveys, personnel statistics Assess organizational climate and systems Identify supports and barriers to diversity and inclusion Identify best practices and champions Build buy-in and momentum Develop strategic priorities based on findings of assessment Communicate to all stakeholders Incorporate into overall strategic planning 3. Strategic Design 2. Assessment Evaluation based on milestones and metrics Communicate progress Recognize champions Plan for future 5. Evaluation Develop action plans Establish metrics and accountability measures Track progress Clarify goals and objectives Determine strategy and assessment methodology Develop communication plan Initial meetings with senior leaders

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