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appetite Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK

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1 appetite Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word to learn this week is appetite. Say it with me: appetite. If you have an appetite, you want something to eat or drink. We usually have a good appetite after we work or play hard. Smelling good food can also make us have an appetite. 2. En español, appetite quiere decir “ganas de comer o beber algo, apetito.” Después de trabajar o jugar bastante, uno normalmente tiene buen apetito. El aroma de comida también puede abrirle el apetito. 3. Appetite in English and apetito in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. 4. Now let’s look at the picture. We see a girl putting peanut butter on bread. Look at her face. All her attention is on the food. She must want the peanut butter bread badly. She must have an appetite for it. MOVEMENT 5. I will do actions that show I have a good appetite. Repeat them after me and say, “I have a good appetite.” (Do actions such as smiling while sniffing; rubbing your tummy; pretending to eat with enthusiasm.) 6. We will play “Big Appetite.” I will start. I have a big appetite. I eat a sandwich. The next player will stand up and add to what I say. I have a big appetite. I eat a sandwich and soup. The next person will stand and repeat the two foods and add another. (Continue until there are about four or five foods to repeat then start again.) 7. Now let’s say appetite together three more times: appetite, appetite, appetite. appetite

2 feast Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is feast. Say it with me: feast. A feast is a very big, fancy meal. Many families have feasts to celebrate Thanksgiving and other holidays. 2. En español, feast quiere decir “una comida elaborada y grande, un banquete.” Muchas familias celebran los días festivos como el Día de Acción de Gracias con banquetes. 3. Now let’s look at the picture. The picture shows a feast. We see many different things to eat. The food is on fancy plates. There are flowers on the table. This feast looks yummy. PARTNER TALK 4. Think about a time your family or someone you know had a big meal to celebrate. Tell your partner about the feast. 5. Work with your partner to plan a feast. Decide what foods you will have at your feast. Pretend a piece of paper is the top of a table. Take turns drawing different foods on a table at your feast. 6. Now let’s say feast together three more times: feast, feast, feast. feast

3 flavor Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is flavor. Say it with me: flavor. Flavor means “the taste of a food.” Berries have a sweet flavor. Lemons have a sour flavor. 2. En español, flavor quiere decir “el sabor o gusto de una comida.” Las fresas tienen un sabor dulce. Los limones tienen un sabor ácido. 3. Now let’s look at the picture. We see the inside of an orange. Think about biting into the juicy orange. Think how it tastes on your tongue. An orange has a special taste. That taste is its flavor. PARTNER TALK 4. You and your partner will make a flavor chart. Fold a paper in half. (Demonstrate.) Make a happy face on one half. Make a sad face on the other half. (Demonstrate.) Take turns with your partner drawing foods you like the flavor of under the smiley face. Take turns drawing foods you do not like the flavor of under the sad face. 5. Ice cream is a food that comes in many flavors. Work with your partner to make up some new flavors that you have never tried before. 6. Now let’s say flavor together three more times: flavor, flavor, flavor. flavor

4 prefer Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is prefer. Say it with me: prefer. To prefer means “to like one thing more than another.” Some people like winter because they prefer cold weather. Some people like summer because they prefer hot weather. 2. En español, prefer quiere decir “escoger algo sobre otra cosa, preferir.” Algunas personas prefieren el invierno porque les gusta el frío. Otras personas prefieren el verano porque les gusta salir a disfrutar del sol y el calor. 3. To prefer in English and preferir in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at the picture. We see ice cream cones in three different flavors. Name them with me: chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. Pretend they are real and that you may have one. Which flavor do you like more than the other two? Which would you prefer to eat? 5. I will show each of you two books at a time. You may take the book you would prefer to look at. Then tell me why you prefer that book. 6. We will act out two activities and you tell me which activity you prefer. Let’s act out jumping rope. Let’s act out swimming. Raise your hand if you prefer jumping rope. Now raise your hand if you prefer swimming. (Continue with several other choices.) 7. Now let’s say prefer together three more times: prefer, prefer, prefer. prefer

5 special Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is special. Say it with me: special. Special means “different from other things in a good way.” Holidays are special times of the year. We do fun things that we don’t do at other times of the year. 2. En español, special quiere decir “diferente de otras cosas por algo bueno, especial.” Los días festivos son días especiales. Hacemos cosas divertidas que no hacemos en otros días del año. 3. Special in English and especial in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at the picture. The girl made breakfast for her parents. This is not something she does all the time. This is different. The parents are happy and excited about this treat. It is special to have breakfast in bed. 5. Most people think their birthday is a special day. Tell your partner some things you like to do to make your birthday special. 6. What foods are special to you? Think of some foods you like very much but do not get to eat a lot. Takes turns with your partner. Tell each other special foods you like. 7. Now say special three more times with me: special, special, special. special

6 back and forth Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase back and forth to tell about going in one direction and then in another direction over and over again. Say it with me: back and forth. Watch my finger. I will move it back and forth. (Raise an index finger and move it back and forth.) Now move your finger back and forth. 2. En español, back and forth quiere decir “mover de un lado a otro.” Mira mi dedo. Puedo hacer que se mueva de un lado a otro. (Levante su índice y muévalo de un lado a otro.) Ahora tú también mueve tu dedo de un lado a otro. 3. This picture shows the phrase back and forth. The girl is swinging. First, she swings forward. Then she swings back. She moves back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Do what I do and say what I say. (Demonstrate hopping as you say the following sentences.) (Repeat with other actions such as wave, jump, nod.) 5. What are some things that move back and forth? (Call on a few students to respond. Examples include: waves, a tree in the wind.) 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. back and forth

7 load after load Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 2 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use load after load to tell about moving things a little bit at a time. Say it with me: load after load. Let’s pretend we wanted to move all the books on our bookshelf to a new shelf. We would pick up some books in our arms and move them. That would be our first load. Then we would pick up some more and move them. That would be another load. We would keep doing this until we moved all the books. We would move the books load after load. 2. En español, load after load describe el proceso de cargar algo poco a poco. Imagina que queremos mover todos los libros de su estante a un estante nuevo. Llevamos unos libros al estante nuevo. Es nuestra primera carga de libros. Después llevamos una carga más. Seguiríamos haciendo esto hasta que hayamos movido todos los libros. Habremos movido todos los libros poco a poco. MOVEMENT 3. This picture shows the phrase load after load. The men are moving the wood. There is a lot of wood. The men cannot move it all at one time. They have to pick it up bit by bit. They have to move load after load of wood. 4. (Place a pile of something such as books in a central location in the classroom.) We are going to move these. Each of you will pick up a load and move it. We will move load after load. As we do this work, we will chant: We move the __________ load after load. 5. Think of something else you might have to move load after load. Act it out for us. We will try to guess what you are moving load after load. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: load after load, load after load, load after load. load after load

8 potato Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. potato

9 sweet potato Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. sweet potato

10 sausage Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. sausage

11 bread Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. bread

12 chicken Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. chicken

13 salad Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. salad

14 Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 2 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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