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Saskatchewan Association of Licensed Practical Nurses

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1 Saskatchewan Association of Licensed Practical Nurses
April 5th, SIA Convention

2 Vision: Excellence in the Regulation of Licensed Practical Nurses
Vision & Mission Vision: Excellence in the Regulation of Licensed Practical Nurses Mission: Protect the Public Through Regulation of the Licensed Practical Nurse Profession in Saskatchewan

3 Values Quality Professionalism Integrity Respect

4 About SALPN SALPN regulates Saskatchewan’s 3700 Licensed Practical Nurses. The SALPN is governed by a Council consisting of 7 LPNs (5 Zone representatives and 3 public representatives appointed by government. The privilege of Self-Regulation is derived from the Licensed Practical Nurses Act, 2000 At all times the SALPN must act and make decisions in the best interest of the public.

5 Advocacy vs. Regulation
The SALPN does not and can not advocate for LPNs or the LPN profession The combination of advocacy and regulation confuses members, employers, and the public. A well regulated profession/ professional practicing with excellence is among the most effective form of advocacy.

6 Regulatory Functions Requirements of Licensure and Re-Licensure
Licensure Exam (CPNRE) Language Requirements Completion of Foundational Education Criminal Record Status Continuing Education Requirements Practice Currency Requirements Use of LPN Title Practical Nursing Program Approval Development / Enforcement of Practice Standards / Code of Ethics Peer Led remediation process in cases of unacceptable practice / conduct

7 Licensure Licensure year January 1st- December 31st Licensure fee $400
Late fee of $100 applies December 2nd- December 15th Late fee of $200 applies December 16th- December 31st Reinstatement fees of $200 and late fees of $200 apply following January 1st Members practicing without a valid license are subject to complaint proceedings Continuing Education Program cycle December 2nd – December 1st 24 Continuing Education Hours required 8 hours must be completed in an individual format Members are unable to renew if they have declared requirements are not met Members are randomly audited for compliance and are subject to a complaint if not compliant

8 Licensure Criminal Records are collected and assessed upon initial licensure LPNs declare changes to criminal record status upon renewal LPNs are randomly audited for compliance LPNs are required to practice 1250 hours in a 5 year period LPNs are required to declare practice hours annually LPNs found in violation of the requirement are subject to complaint proceedings

9 Title Protection Only those registered as members with the SALPN are entitled to use the title “Licensed Practical Nurse” or LPN Previously registered members are subject to complaint proceedings if found in violation of the title protection clause Those found to be representing themselves as LPNs without having established a SALPN membership are subject to court proceedings

10 Professional Liability
The SALPN purchases liability insurance for LPNs for errors or omissions made while practicing within the LPN Scope of Practice The policy provides 2 million dollars in coverage and is intended to protect the public’s ability to claim from damages incurred

11 Complaints The LPN Act indicates that all complaints must be investigated and presented to the Counselling and Investigation Committee (C&I Committee) The C&I Committee reviews the investigator report and deems the complaint to be professional misconduct, professional incompetence, sends to the discipline committee, or dismisses the complaint Complaints at this level can be resolved with an alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADRs mandate various forms of remediation relevant to the complaint

12 Complaints The number of complaints the SALPN is receiving in increasing each year, with 49 complaints received in 2016 Complaints are submitted by members of the public, employers, colleagues, and the SALPN Complaints related to addictions and fitness to practice are on the rise at alarming rates.

13 Complaints Complaints severe in nature or not resolved with an ADR are forwarded to the Discipline Committee Via disciplinary hearing the discipline committee finds the member to be guilty or not guilty and imposes a penalty The SALPN holds 1-3 hearings per year

14 Member Engagement The SALPN communicates with members via mass on an as needed basis The SALPN distributes a newsletter quarterly (digital version only) The SALPN hosts two education events annually with some of the highest engagement in Canada among LPN Regulators The SALPN offers online renewal, event registration, and voting for Council elections.

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