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Healthy Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Relationships

2 What is a Relationship?? re·la·tion·ship
noun \-shən-ˌship\ : the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other Each relationship that you have with another person is DIFFERENT! There is compelling evidence that strong relationships contribute to a long, healthy, and happy life.

3 Types of Relationships

4 Acquaintances Be polite Not very close Get along with
Description: Not very close Frequent interaction Ex: classmates or coworkers responsibilities: Be polite Get along with Work with

5 professional Be polite Can be close Be cordial
Description: Can be close Usually some seperation (age or status) responsibilities: Be polite Be cordial Follow rules and procedures

6 friendships Trustworthy Close Reliable Personal Understanding
Description: Close Personal Share similar interests, values and/or beliefs responsibilities: Trustworthy Reliable Understanding Compassionate

7 intimate Same as friends, but with more committment Very close
Description: Very close Physical attraction Physical and emotional intimacy responsibilities: Same as friends, but with more committment

8 Relationship Skills

9 Communication: The most important skill for any relationship!
Involves Active Listening Watch body language Practice assertiveness Use “I” messages… 4 parts Example….

10 Cooperation: Sense of self:
Working TOGETHER to meet the expectations of a RELATIONSHIP; sharing equally Sense of self: Know what you believe (values, goals, your identity), resist pressures

11 Acceptance & Respect: …for others beliefs, races, and cultures
Look for and celebrate differences

12 Practicing assertiveness:
Passive Aggressive Clear, confident, positive, expressive Meek, withdrawn, unsure, self-doubting Threatening, forceful, negative, sarcastic

13 Family Structures

14 Nuclear Family Family group consisting of a mother, father, and children

15 extended Family Family group that consists of other members outside of the nuclear family Ie: Grandparents Aunts or uncles Cousins Grown children

16 Single-Parent Family Where a child or children live with one parent (usually due to divorce) 80% are headed by women

17 Blended Family Results from a single parent getting remarried

18 childless Family A couple chooses not to or biologically can’t have children

19 Other families Adopted Family: when a child is legally adopted (non-biological parents) Foster Family: temporary guardianship until permanent home is found

20 Family Responsibilities

21 Functions of a family… Provide support!
Educate and nurture (so children can become self- sufficient and responsible adults)

22 Parent Responsibilities
Basic physical needs Provide a healthy, safe environment Prepare children for adulthood Love and acceptance Education of their children

23 Child Responsibilities
Obey rules Complete chores Take school seriously Display responsibility Communicate with parents

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