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Published byΠάτροκλος Δαμασκηνός Modified over 6 years ago
DATA ANALYSIS Facilitator Talking Points:
As mentioned in the opening, the purpose of this training is not to review all required interventions, rather to focus on the most important aspect of the work: engaging in the TAIS continuous improvement process. Now we are going to take a look at the first quadrant of the continuous improvement process, data analysis.
Implementation & Monitoring
Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Planning Implementation & Monitoring The purpose of data analysis is to use multiple data sources to determine “what” factual insights are revealed about the strengths and needs of the campus. Facilitator Talking Points: We are going to first look at the Data Analysis quadrant. Data analysis is about carefully identifying WHAT the data is telling you. Data alone doesn’t carry meaning, so it must be interpreted to reveal factual insights to the strengths and needs of the campus/district system. Data analysis should utilize multiple sources of data over time throughout the continuous improvement process to identify trends and patterns that contribute to areas of low performance. It’s imperative that at this point in the process, the team remains objective, factual, and addresses only the WHAT. Facilitation Notes: Share with group the use of chevrons to indicate the progression of where we are at in the continuous improvement process. TEC (a)….Requires that a targeted improvement plan be developed, approved, and submitted that addresses the areas of low performance. This should be covered in your data analysis and a problem statement developed for each area of low performance.
Facilitator Talking Points: Data guru Victoria Bernhardt proposes that campus teams begin their end-of-year/planning for upcoming year data analysis process by addressing the following questions.
GETTING STARTED What is the vision for your school?
What are the roadblocks (i.e., people, products, reasons) to collecting data at your campus? What are the roadblocks to analyzing data at your campus? What are the roadblocks to using data at your campus? How can you eliminate the roadblocks identified so data can be used on a systemic and continuous basis? Bernhardt, pg 17 Facilitator Talking Points: As you review these questions, keep in mind Dr. Laura Lipton’s recommendations about the importance of a culture of inquiry and honesty. Although it is essential to revisit your vision, we are going to reserve that discussion for conversations back on the campus. For the next 5-10 minutes, discuss your roadblocks with your team member(s).
Steps for Data Analysis Work
Create an inventory of data sources Analyze trends and patterns within the data Identify the problem area that resulted in the IR rating based on trends and patterns in the data Create a problem statement Verify problem statement against the Problem Statement Checklist Facilitator Talking Points: The following is a list of high level steps that can be taken when navigating the data analysis process. In this section, we will briefly discuss specific actions that can be taken to fulfill each of these steps.
Facilitator Talking Points:
In terms of data, most campuses tend to focus their energy on STAAR results and other data found on TAPR reports and other state reports. Please keep in mind, your accountability data only serves as a signal to your campus that there is a problem that must be addressed. It should be viewed simply as a “siren” to signal that action must be taken - not an indication of the source of the problem. What does your accountability rating mean as a signal for your campus? In addition to state assessment data, what data sources give you a deeper understanding about the source of the problem? Facilitation Notes: Question for discussion: Table talk (5 min) Last point setting up the Margaret Heritage clip Use questions to get teams thinking about Margaret heritage explain where to begin with the data analysis process.
Facilitator Talking Points: Let’s take a look at what Dr. Heritage has to say around data. As you watch, be thinking about the prompt that precedes the video. Facilitation Notes: Go to --locate the data analysis section and find Margaret Heritage, “Preparing for Data Analysis”
SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS Facilitator Talking Points: OPTIONAL
After watching the video ask the participants to share the keys points from this video clip and insights gained.
Steps for Data Analysis Work
Create an inventory of data sources Record all data available when looking through the lens of the CSFs Facilitator Talking Points: By creating an inventory of data sources, we will be able to identify why the alarm is sounding. Consider looking for data sources through the lens of each of the critical success factors. It is important to consider all data points that your campus/district has access to in addition to state assessment data. Facilitation Notes: Remind campuses that this is a suggested process for data analysis. Encourage teams to see how these steps align to processes that they already may have in place.
Critical Success Factors
7 Critical Success Factors Facilitator Talking Points: The CSFs represent the elements of a campus system that are critical to success. Analyzing data around each CSF provides a true picture of the functions and systems within a school that leads to the student achievement outcomes. We are going to take a deeper look at the kinds of data your team can draw from in order to get this holistic pictures. We are about to get into a tool that will organize these possible data sources. Facilitation Notes: Emphasize the importance of data analysis through the CSF lens is to gain a clear picture of the effectiveness of each CSF system and/or process that is in place.
Implementation & Monitoring
Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Planning Implementation & Monitoring Critical Success Factors CSF 1: Academic Performance CSF 2: Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction CSF 3: Leadership Effectiveness CSF 4: Increase Learning Time CSF 5: Family and Community Engagement CSF 6: School Climate CSF 7: Teacher Quality List all data sources used for each CSF NOTES Facilitator Talking Points: The purpose of this activity is to collaboratively identify the data sources campuses/districts are already collecting around each CSF. Step 1. Access CSF placemat Step 2. Ask teams to begin to fill out the chart with data sources teams use to analyze data that would fit into each CSF. (Note: Encourage teams to fill out more than one or two columns and to consider CSFs other than Academic Performance). Data analysis is continuous, therefore revisiting this chart each quarter will not only help strengthen data discussions, but be able to help the team identify what data sources need to be collected to ensure effective implementation of reconstitution planning/implementation. Facilitation Notes: Set up the activity and review the steps teams will work through Give teams 5-7 min working time Check in with teams around 6 min to add a 3-4 more min Handout 5: CSF Placemat blank
Implementation & Monitoring
Data Analysis Needs Assessment Improvement Planning Implementation & Monitoring Facilitator Talking Points: This is a CSF data sort example. This is a great resource if team seems a little stuck or needs extra assistance. Share the examples as a means to continue conversations and make them aware of an additional resource. Consider how you might use this overall activity across your campus to allow all stakeholders to be a part of the process and see the importance of their role. Facilitation Notes: Share the examples as a means to continue conversations and make them aware of an additional resource. Handout 6: CSF Placemat Data Examples
DATA ANALYSIS What data do you have? How do you use it?
Aside from state assessment data, what other data will you need to analyze to develop a plan for continuous improvement? Facilitator Talking Points: So, as Margaret stated - a good starting point is gathering and looking at what data you have. Once you have the big picture it will reveal to you what you need to investigate further. Facilitation Notes: If time permits have teams reflect individually on these questions Slides set up the next section of data analysis, which is analyzing trends.
DATA ANALYSIS How much are teachers engaged in data analysis?
How could they become more engaged? What does Dr. Heritage mean when she refers to the “opportunity to learn?” Facilitator Talking Points: Think about the various data sources as you navigate through the continuous improvement process. Because data analysis lives throughout the continuous improvement process, data sources and HOW you use those data sources will vary throughout the process. With that in mind, consider the following questions.
TYPES OF DATA Demographic School Process Perception Student Learning
Facilitator Talking Points: Once you have taken an inventory of the data you currently have available, it’s important that you also understand the different types of data, or the “multiple measures of data.” An awareness of the types of data, helps to clarify what information we should expect to glean from the various sources of data we collect. For example, perception data, the most overlooked source of data, over time will tell whether school climate and culture are improving. Moreover, looking at perception data by demographic will tell us which student groups are positively and negatively affected by the climate and culture. To apply this to the TAIS framework: Looking at perception data by demographic for the CSF teacher quality would lead us to discover which students are positively and negatively impacted by our teacher’s classroom environment OPTIONAL ACTIVITY: STEP 1: Allow participants 2-3 minutes to review this handout. STEP 2: Allow participant 5-7 minutes to discuss the insights gained from this handout. STEP 3: Allow participants 5 minutes to discuss how to use the CSF inventory and the multiple measures handout to deepen their data analysis conversations.
Facilitator Talking Points:
• After thinking about all of the data available to you, you may be feeling a little like this…. • To get a clear picture of what the data says, it’s imperative to analyze data sources to identify trends and patterns that contribute to areas of low performance. • As data is analyzed, gaps based on the data emerge and teams will need to determine what the problem areas are. • Often when gaps are identified, an immediate reaction is to assign the reason and/or solutions for the gap. However, before taking action, problem statements will be developed in order to launch into a root cause analysis to discover WHY the problem exists.
Steps for Data Analysis Work
Create an inventory of data sources Analyze trends and patterns within the data Identify the problem area that resulted in the IR rating based on trends and patterns in the data Facilitator Talking Points: Our next step is to analyze the trends and patterns seen within the data. After doing so, only then can we truly identify the problem area(s) that resulted in the IR rating. Remember we are looking to see what factual evidence the data is revealing. Margaret Heritage shared some valuable tips around data analysis: (ask teams to recall the tips Dr. Heritage shared). Facilitation Notes: Have teams reflect individually (or as teams) on how they practice analyzing trends and patterns. Get teams to stretch their thinking by being specific about the actions or questions they rely on to do so.
Facilitator Talking Points:
The first four questions in the Data Analysis tab of the targeted improvement plan template will refer to your index data. These questions are designed to help you dig deeper in and around the index data to pinpoint specific student groups with the largest gaps in their outcomes. Index 1 focuses on Student Achievement. The question is, “which student group is in greatest need of improvement?” You will identify by student group and content area that had the most impact on your Index 1 score. System safeguards, which give data by student group and tested content areas, is tool that helps you with this analysis. This will help you narrow your focus in identifying gaps your in data. Facilitator Note: You may want to have participants open a version of the template and follow along with you while going through these slides. You may choose to wait until a work time to have participants access a version of the template. See the OPTIONAL opening slide that may help facilitate accessing the template. Handouts can also be accessed on the PMI website or from the TCDSS website.
Facilitator Talking Points:
Index 2 focuses on student growth and these questions help to narrow the focus on specific student groups impacting this index.
Facilitator Talking Points:
The first question here asks you to identify the two ethnic/race student groups that you were held accountable for on your 2015 State Accountability ratings. The second question allows us to be proactive in thinking about ratings that will come out in August of 2016. The two ethnic/race student groups that you will be held accountable for in August 2016 will be the two lowest performing ethnic/race groups based on their 2015 federal system safeguards rather than the 2015 state system safeguards or 2015 index 1 due to the exclusion of 3-8 math from our 2015 state accountability. By doing, this we can keep these student groups in mind as we plan for the upcoming year.
si Facilitator Talking Points:
For Index 4, the first question is just yes/no if you met the index target. If you miss index 4, the follow-up question asks you to focus in on which component(s) contributed to missing Index 4. This question is really for high school campuses. For other campuses, only the STAAR component figures into Index 4. Remember, the STAAR component here focuses on students meeting the final passing rate, not phase-in.
CSFs Organized by Data Sources
Facilitator Talking Points: As mentioned previously, it is important that your campus team uses multiple data sources to validate the problem. Data is used throughout the continuous improvement planning process. It is critical that your team uses multiple data sources beyond the accountability reports while working in this process. This section in the data analysis tab of the template, allows your team to capture the work that was introduced earlier in this section wherein you completed a data inventory by CSFs. Throughout the needs assessment process, this data will be used to validate whether your hunches about your root cause(s) are verifiable. This will be especially helpful as you begin to validate the root cause(s) identified when conducting your root cause analysis. Facilitation Notes: Connect this section to systems thinking as it leads into the root cause analysis process piece Reference back to inventory….this section gets at what CSF data is “contributing” IR problem area
Facilitator Talking Points:
Section III - For the campus tab – they will need to think through the PBMAS lens – did your campus contribute to the PBMAS district report? Section IV – This section is only applicable for priority campuses. All other campuses will skip if you are not priority. This is basically identifying student groups that contributed to them being a priority campus.
Steps for Data Analysis Work
Create an inventory of data sources Analyze trends and patterns within the data Identify the problem area that resulted in the IR rating based on trends and patterns in the data Create a problem statement Verify problem statement against the Problem Statement Checklist Facilitator Talking Points: The next steps we are going to walk through are how to create a problem statement based on the data and verifying the problem statement with a check list resource. Facilitation Notes: Emphasize the importance of staying in the “what” of data and not the “why”. The team further examines the causal factor for the problem statement during the need assessment process a root cause analysis
CURRENT PERFORMANCE Facilitator Talking Points:
The main purpose of conducting a data analysis is to develop a clear picture of the campus’s current performance
Once your team has a clear picture of your current performance, you will create 2-5 problems statements based on high leverage areas for which a significant gap between current performance and future is identified. A problem statement objectively describes WHAT the data indicates about the campus’s current performance. The team further examines the causal factor for the problem statement, or WHY the problem is occurring, during the needs assessment process at which time the campus conducts a root cause analysis. Problem statements will also very likely be rooted in student performance data, however it is not required that all problem statements are rooted in STAAR data. It’s important to note if a gap exists, based on the data, in culture or climate on a campus. A problem statement can reflect this gap as well. Let’s take a closer look at the element of a well written problem statement Facilitation Notes: Emphasize that the intention isn’t to complete all of the work around problem statements today. But as a team, begin practicing the process of developing a problem statement.
Well written problem statements are…
Criteria Y/N Substantiated by facts/data Written objectively Uses concise language Includes specific details (who, what, when, where) Focuses on a single, manageable issue Has relevance to our campus Avoids causation or assigning solutions Facilitator Talking Points: To help support the development of a problem statement, the following check list may also be used with your team. Notice that the criteria maintain objective and factual. Again, at this point, we are only exploring what the problems are. Being that the requirement to develop a targeted improvement plan is to focus on the areas of low performance, it’s possible that teams may only identify 2-3 problem statements. Keep in mind that, the rest of the plan will be developed further once the problem statements have been generated. At this point in the process you are bringing clarity to what issues need to be addressed in your plan. Refer to the Problem Statement Checklist handout. This is a resource that you can use in the development of your problems statements. With this criteria in mind, let’s review a sample problem statement to see if it is well written. Facilitation Notes: Have participants access the problem statement checklist Reiterate that this practice is to become very clear about WHAT the problem are is, not why or how to address it. Give teams time to review each criteria Handout 7: Problem Statement Checklist
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Facilitator Talking Points: Explain that as a group, you will assess the above problem statement according to the criteria in the tool. Ask that the group help as you assess the problem statement according to each piece of the criteria by giving a “thumbs up,” “thumbs down,” or something in between. Tell them that the end goal will be to produce an even better problem statement.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement is substantiated by data. Ask some individual participants to share out why they think it was or was not.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Written objectively? Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement is written objectively. Ask some individual participants to share out why they think it was or was not written objectively. If the point is not raised by the group explain that since the parental involvement piece is not supported by data that it is an opinion, and thus not written objectively.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Written objectively? Uses concise language? Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement uses concise language. Ask some individual participants to share out why they thought it was or was not.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Written objectively? Uses concise language? Includes specific details (i.e., who, what, when, where) Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement contains specific details such as who, what, when, where. Again encourage sharing out, if appropriate. Mention that it could possibly be more specific, however it does contain specific enough information to know who, what, when we are talking about, etc.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Written objectively? Uses concise language? Includes specific details (i.e., who, what, when, where) Focuses on a single issue? Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement focuses on a single issue. Explain that we have already discussed that there are 2 issues contained in the problem statement: ELL pass rate in reading and parental involvement.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement Substantiated by data? Written objectively? Uses concise language? Includes specific details (i.e., who, what, when, where) Focuses on a single issue? Relevant to our campus? Avoids assigning causation or including solutions. Facilitator Talking Points: Ask the group if the problem statement appears relevant to the campus and avoids causation. Again encourage sharing out, if appropriate. If the group does not raise the point, explain that when we see the words “due to”, we are assigning blame. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Perhaps give the group some time to re-write the problem statement using the lessons learned from the criteria tool. Have them share out what they came up with. Allow the group to assess each one that is shared.
ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading
PROBLEM STATEMENT QUALITY CHECK ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading due to a lack of parental involvement ELLs have a 50% pass rate in reading REVISED PROBLEM STATEMENT Facilitator Talking Points: Here is an example of a revised problem statement that addresses the criteria that were not followed previously. Perhaps quickly run the new problem statement through the criteria to illustrate – especially highlight no causation and one manageable issue. Facilitation Notes: Encourage sharing out, if appropriate. If the group does not raise the point, explain that when we see the words “due to,” we are assigning blame. OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Perhaps give the group some time to re-write the problem statement using the lessons learned from the criteria tool. Have them share out what they came up with. Allow the group to assess each one that is shared. (7-10min)
Facilitator Talking Points:
REMEMBER the problem statements identified and recorded within the template should be concise and objective statements that reflect the current state according to the data. These statements do not assign causation as to why a gap in the data exists or solutions to the problems. These statements clearly articulate the campus’s current performance. Essentially, problem statements capture “where you are” compared to “where you want to be.” Before beginning any planning or needs assessment, it is important to have a true picture of what the problems are as the foundation for your planning.
PRACTICE Facilitator Talking Points: Now it’s your turn to practice.
At your tables, there are posters/chart paper where teams will record the work from the day. For this work section, only focus on the problem statement. Explain the poster activity steps below. Poster Activity Steps: Have participants take piece of chart paper and fold it into quarters. Have participants label top left quadrant “Problem Statement.” Once teams have worked through identifying a gap in the data and creating a problem statement, have them record their problem statement in that top, left quadrant. Have teams post their posters close to their tables. Teams will return to this poster throughout training as they continue building these connections. Facilitation Notes: You may want to have a model ready to show participants. You can use the components from the training example to build out your poster. This activity was used during our summer TTIPS training. We found it very useful in being able to check for understanding for each component of these foundational connections. If a campus was off track, we were able to use this poster and the quality checks (Problem Statement Checklist) as a way to start a conversation to help guide campuses to a clearer understanding.
Steps for Data Analysis Work
Create an inventory of data sources Analyze trends and patterns within the data Identify the problem area that resulted in the IR rating based on trends and patterns in the data Create a problem statement Verify problem statement against the Problem Statement Checklist Facilitator Talking Points: As a team, or individual, you are going reflect on the gaps based on data that caused the IR rating. Once a gap has been identified, know that more time and data will be needed. For the purposes of today, we are modeling and practicing the process so that it can be replicated back at your campus. Practice developing a problem statement using the problem statement checklist. When trying to determine which gap to focus on, consider which gaps (if addressed through a root cause analysis and plan) may have a positive impact on more than one CSF. Team work time: start with 13 minutes and check in; allow for a couple more minutes if needed. Once teams are done, have them record their problem statement on the poster. Facilitation Notes: Ask teams to bring data while going through this training, or make campus accountability reports available during training. OPTIONAL – You could have participants try to enter problem statement on template during this time. This might depend on whether or not you had introduced the template yet and/or how many colleagues you have available to assist.
Well written problem statements are…
Criteria Y/N Substantiated by facts/data Written objectively Uses concise language Includes specific details (who, what, when, where) Focuses on a single, manageable issue Has relevance to our campus Avoids causation or assigning solutions Facilitator Talking Points: To help support the development of a problem statement, the following checklist may also be used with your team. Notice that the criteria maintain objective and factual. Again, at this point we are only exploring what the problems are. Being that the requirement to develop a targeted improvement plan is to focus on the areas of low performance, it’s possible that teams may only identify 2-3 problem statements. Keep in mind, the rest of the plan will be developed once the problem statements have been generated. At this point in the process, you are bringing clarity to what issues needs to be addressed in your plan. Refer to the Problem Statement Checklist handout. This is a resource you can use in the development of your problems statements.
“A problem properly stated is half solved.”
John Dewey Facilitator Talking Points: Provide the participants time to read this quote. Then inform them that as we move through each section, especially data analysis and needs assessment, the underlying message in this quote w section think about what this quote means to each step in the continuous improvement process. Facilitation Notes: Provide the participants time to read this quote.
Has a thorough data analysis been conducted on the indexes and system safeguards that were missed or are potential areas of concern? Have clear problem statements been identified and created? Do problem statements meet the criteria in the problem statement checklist? Facilitator Talking Points: These questions have been developed for a quality check to be conducted before moving on to the needs assessment. This will help guide your work once you are back at your campus working with the rest of the team. The data analysis guidance document is available as well to support this process.
IMPROVEMENT PLAN TEMPLATE ENTER PROBLEM STATEMENT HERE REQUIRED OPTIONAL Facilitator Talking Points: After you have conducted a thorough data analysis and developed a problem statement, you will enter your problem statement(s) on the targeted improvement plan. This part of the template indicates where you will place your identified problem statements. You will relate your problem statement to the missed index. Based on district request, we have added the ability to connect your problem statement to a missed system safeguard. This is not a state requirement for DCSIs. If you choose locally for them to make that decision, you now have the ability.
Identify trends and patterns within the data Consider how the team will capture the findings and develop problem statements Create and verify problem statement(s) Determine what additional data sources need to be collected Determine how the data will be organized for review Facilitator Talking Points: These questions have been developed for a quality check to be conducted before moving on to the needs assessment. This will help guide your work once you are back at your campus working with the rest of the team. The data analysis guidance document is available as well to support this process. Facilitation Notes: Allow teams to make note of steps. Emphasize that these steps don’t trump the process teams may already practice. Encourage them to use what works for them.
Facilitator Talking Points: As we transition into the needs assessment section, we’re going to watch a short video from Laura Lipton about launching a data pursuit. This video emphasizes the need to continuously refer back to your data as you begin to explore WHY (i.e., the root cause) your problems are occurring. Facilitation Notes: The purpose of this video is to be a “teaser” for the next section, needs assessment. Play Video If there is time, follow up questions with teams
TABLE DISCUSSION How does the process Dr. Laura Lipton describes compare to the one you currently use to identify priorities and surface multiple causal theories? Once you have a list of possible causes for a problem, how do you validate and select the one that likely has the most impact? Facilitator Talking Points: Share out practices that you are already utilizing to analyze data. Share what you think you’ll add to your process based on what we have discussed so far today.
BREAK Facilitation Notes: 10 min break
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