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.eu Top Level Domain Technical Briefing 1 Dec. 2005

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1 .eu Top Level Domain Technical Briefing 1 Dec. 2005
Víctor Sáez DG Information Society and Media

2 Main events in the creation of the .eu Top Level Domain:
Lisbon Summit 2000 Parliament and Council Regulation 733/2002 Selection of the Registry (EURid) 2003 Commission Regulation 874/2004 (Public Policy Rules) Preparations by the Registry (including development of registration policy) 2005

3 How does the system work?
Registry:EURid Registrars: 779 all over the world Registrants: Underta- kings and individuals with residence within the EU

4 Tools against cybersquatting:
Phased registration (Sunrise Period) for holders of prior rights (4 Months) On-line Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to solve disputes once the names have been registered Names reserved/blocked under specific circumstances (Member States – Institutions)

5 Sunrise Phase 1: Phase 2: 1 2 Geographical indications Public bodies
7 Dec.05 7 Feb.06 7 Apr.06 2 months 1 Phase 2 months 2 Phase Everybody Preparations Phase 1: Trade marks Geographical indications Public bodies Phase 2: Phase 1 + Other rights (copyright, business identifiers, Etc…)

6 Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):
Only available against holders of domain names: registered in the absence of rights or with no legitimate interest in the name, or names registered or used in bad faith. Participation in the ADR procedure is compulsory for the holder of a domain name, however the claimant can choose the ordinary jurisdiction. On-line procedure, quicker and cheaper than ordinary jurisdiction. Managed by Czech Arbitration Court

7 How to apply for a .eu domain name
Via a Registrar (mandatory). During sunrise: It is necessary to demonstrate the prior right + application has to be validated After sunrise: Anyone (with residence within the EU) can register any name First come – first served Principle

8 How much?: Sunrise Period: Registration + Validation
Public bodies € 35,00 Registry Trade marks € 45,00 + Registrar’s fee Other Rights € 85,00 € After sunrise Period: Registration € 10 for the Registry + Registrar’s fee Yearly renewal: € 10 for the Registry + Registrar’s fee

9 EURid Registry: Czech Arbitration Court (ADR):
Further Information: European Commission: EURid Registry: Czech Arbitration Court (ADR):

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