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SCD Scientific Partners and Documentation

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1 SCD Scientific Partners and Documentation
Margareta Nilson, Maria Moreira Scientific Committee, February 2008

2 Mission Strengthen EMCDDA’s relations with the scientific community in order to enhance scientific excellence, boost synergies and improve scientific impact within the EMCDDA, in the European Commission and Member States as well as in the wider scientific community

3 Tasks Facilitate access to science;
Facilitate exchange among researchers; Facilitate transfer between research and policy; Increase transparency in the scientific agenda.

4 Web-based research information system
Researchers Policy makers EMCDDA staff REITOX Scientific Committee; Scientific Community Documentation Centre

5 Scientific Community Scientific Committee DG Research, SanCo, JLS
Pompidou Group, WHO, UNODC European research organisations and networks National research

6 Documentation Centre EU drug-related documents Scientific Journals
Up-to-date services Selective services Literature lists Thematic literature overviews

7 Research Information System
Research news Research institutions Researchers Interactive options Training Research funding Scientific conferences

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