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International Opportunities

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1 International Opportunities
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Project number LT01-KA

2 International Opportunities
In this module: What is Internationalisation? Why Internationalise? Case study - International Opportunities for Pete’s Flower shop Activity – Start your own international business

3 What is Internationalisation?
Internationalisation is the designing of a product or service in a way that will meet the needs of users in many countries, or can be easily adapted to do so.

4 Why are so many businesses going global?
Because they can... Easily It is easy to stay in touch Potential for growth Small home market More customers Create an economy of scale Competition is forcing people away It is cheaper to do business elsewhere Cultural awareness is growing The freelance economy Become a trusted brand Risk diversification

5 Why Internationalise? Because businesses can... Easily Technology and the Internet has opened the door and companies are able to trade all over the world. Depending on the product, it is enough if you have an attractive website that transforms online users into paying customers.

6 Why Internationalise? It is easy to stay in touch Internet technology has also improved international communication. You can easily manage a global empire without visiting the places you are actually doing business in.

7 Why Internationalise? Potential for growth The safe way to set up a company is often to start in your own country or town and grow from the base you’ve established at home. But what do you do when demand begins to drop after a busy period? This is the notorious domestic market saturation, in which case there are not many people to sell to. At the same time this is THE sign to go and conquer the world by looking for other markets.

8 Why Internationalise? Small home market Finland for example is a small country with a population of approximately 5.5 million. The success Finnish companies experienced with games like Clash of Clans and Angry Birds is all because of their global reach.

9 Why Internationalise? More customers Bigger market = more customers

10 Why Internationalise? Create an economy of scale Expanding will enable you to produce more units. The more units you produce the lower your per unit cost. This can increase your profit margins.

11 Why Internationalise? Competition is forcing people away There are more small businesses than ever before. Competition is forcing you to take a look at unexploited economies. There might be less competition, thus giving your business a better chance.

12 Why Internationalise? It is cheaper to do business elsewhere Sometimes it is cheaper to do business abroad because you can reduce production costs and avail of more competitive wage structures.

13 Why Internationalise? Cultural awareness is growing Think back to the state of the former Soviet Union. Thirty years ago it would be impossible for a Western company to appeal to this audience because they had little exposure to the West. Today they dress the same as the West and they love the same stuff as the West. Your audience has increased without you having to do a thing.

14 Why Internationalise? The freelance economy The freelance economy can help you get projects done without the need to have employees in the same room as you. It can also be cheaper than employing a full-time employee to do the same job.

15 Why Internationalise? Become a trusted brand Trading and operating internationally will increase your prestige as a brand. It will increase your overall reach because customers are going to look at an international brand and feel more reassured that they can be trusted.

16 Why Internationalise? Risk diversification Imagine you are selling warm hats and scarves in Switzerland. You will experience top-selling season in January and a drop in sales after spring. Consider Southern Australia as an export country, where winter starts in July when temperatures drop to 10 degrees Celsius. This way, you will maintain a consistent revenue and better cash-flow. By doing that, companies become more immune to changing trends in consumption for each of the markets.

17 Why Internationalise? Being successful in business begins with the ability to recognize an opportunity when you see one. You need to be able to spot a problem or a gap, and come up with an innovative solution.


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