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Welcome to Third Grade!! Mrs. Glushko

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade!! Mrs. Glushko"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade!! Mrs. Glushko

2 PLEASE Please sign in. Please be sure to NEATLY complete the Class Birthday List/Party List. Use the index card to jot down any questions you may have and I’ll get back to you later this week.

3 remind I have created “Glushko18-19” on Remind. This is a simple way to stay informed and up-to-date on what’s happening in our class. By joining, you will receive class messages via text messages. Don’t worry, your phone number will not be shared with me or anyone else in the class. Simply to and leave the rest to me.

4 Curriculum Reading & Writing- Reading and Writing is something the students are familiar with from previous years. The curriculum builds upon the units from the previous year, so it’s a comfortable transition for the students. Students need to be reading 20 minutes a night. We will be engaging in IDR during the school day which usually focuses on the reading skill of the week. Math- The math curriculum has a wealth of new vocabulary and strategies. Please encourage your child to utilize the online site to help trouble shoot questionable concepts or to just simply support the topics learned in school. As we get close to a Topic test, I will assign the Practice Buddies. Although these will not be mandatory, they are a very good way to review for the upcoming test.

5 Curriculum Math Website- There is a new way to log on to the Pearson Math Website: Sign into your Gmail account. Click on the "waffle" in the upper right hand corner. Scroll down until you see the Pearson Easybridge Plus icon.  Click on the Pearson Easybridge Plus icon.  Have fun exploring the 3rd grade online textbook, lesson reviews, and games! Spelling- Words Their Way This is a visual and auditory approach to word study. Phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, and vocabulary will be addressed. Homework activities may include: sorting words, hunting for words, making new words, and writing words. The students practice their spelling words/sort throughout the week in class. It's always recommended to do Blind Sort as a way to prepare for their test.

6 Curriculum STEM/Science/Social Studies- S.T.E.M  is a part of our curriculum here at Elms. For those who are unfamiliar with STEM, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. We tackle problem-solving through hands-on cooperative groups. The Science and Social Studies curriculum will revolve around project based learning. 

7 Jackson School District Reading Log To promote the love of reading and based on parent survey feedback, the Literacy Department introduces the reading log that we will use in third grade. 1-5 District Reading Log The reading log is designed to support the JSD Homework Policy which encourages daily independent reading. Students are encouraged to read nightly and record their reading in order to strengthen the connection between home and school.

8 Math Flashcards Flashcards should be practiced daily
Consistent practice of the flashcards will help your child master their facts. This will help your child be prepared for future concepts. Multiplication is a key concept in 3rd grade. Students will be expected to memorize their facts up to twelve times tables. We will begin Multiplication Facts in October. Weekly quizzes will begin after winter break.

9 The current dates for the PARCC testing are:
PARCC State Testing The current dates for the PARCC testing are: Literacy: May 8-10 Math: May 14-17

10 Report Cards The district is in the process of utilizing the Portal as a way to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Once this is up and running I will notify you through Remind. I encourage you to keep in contact with me and discuss your child’s progress. Please let me know when you have any concerns.

11 HOMEWORK Homework will be written in their planners daily. Homework
is due the following day. Please sign planners daily as part of homework. I try to always list upcoming events, like tests in planners, so always check them. Students earn stickers on a HW chart every night that their homework is completed and the planner is signed. Once the chart is filled students will receive a homework pass for a free night of written homework.

12 Behavior On the first day of school, we discussed the importance of rules. I explained that we have rewards and consequences for our actions. I expect all of the students to follow the classroom rules each day. In addition, I have a ticket system that helps students stay aware of their daily choices.

13 Specials Monday – Gym (remember your sneakers)
Tuesday – World Language Wednesday - Music Thursday - Art Friday - Computers Since we have last lunch, we will be having a healthy snack time in the classroom. Please remember our class allergies when sending in snacks.

14 Birthdays Birthdays are very special days.
If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday with the class, you may send in a small treat. Please be mindful of the allergies in our classroom. PLEASE SEND IN A LIST OF INGREDIENTS. As per district procedure, birthdays will be celebrated during the lunch period. Please be sure to fill out the Birthday Invitation Mailing form.

15 Scholastic Book Clubs Please place your orders directly online at and use our Class Activation Code: HLZQV The book club offers you a chance to build your child’s home library.

16 What Can You Do At Home? Help with homework!
~ At this age, children sometimes need extra support at home and at school. Create a homework environment. ~ Create a place for your child to do homework with supplies at their fingertips. Create a routine. ~ Children at this age need routines in their daily lives. Read! Read! Read! ~ Read together or have your child read alone daily.

17 My Class Page Homework Weekly educational concepts Upcoming events
Links to websites

18 address: Thank you for coming!

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