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Presentation on theme: "[ Name] MEDIUM TERM DEBT STRATEGY"— Presentation transcript:

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2 Outline 1. Government debt management objectives
2. Scope of the MTDS analysis 3. Macroeconomic assumptions 4. Sources of financing 5. Baseline assumption 6. Strategies' description 7. Shock scenarios 8. Cost-Risk analysis of alternative Debt Management Strategies 9. Recommendation

3 1. Government debt management objectives
Debt Management objectives are:

4 2. Scope of the MTDS analysis
The MTDS focuses on [..] government debt including both external and domestic debt and [loan guarantees]. External debt data: include… Domestic debt data: include.. Government guarantee: …

5 3. Current debt portfolio[…]government debt – as of December 31, 2013

6 Current debt portfolio – […]government debt – as of December 31, 2013 (cont.)

7 Risk indicators of the current [..]government debt
FX Debt {UTP] debt Total debt Amount (in millions of UTP) Nominal debt as % GDP PV as % of GDP Cost of debt Weighted Av. IR (%) Refinancing risk ATM (years) Debt maturing in 1yr (% of total) Interest rate risk ATR (years) Debt refixing in 1yr (% of total) Fixed rate debt (% of total) FX risk FX debt (% of total debt) ST FX debt (% of reserves) *= Net foreign assets

8 Repayment profile of current debt portfolio*
*As of December 31, 2013

9 3. Macroeconomic assumptions
Paste from Macro sheet Show any assumptions

10 5a. Sources of financing External sources: Multilateral Bilateral
Commercial Domestic sources: T- Bill, T bond and others (table of characteristics of financing sources) Expected Total

11 5b. Domestic Description of domestic debt market Issuance strategy
Depth Investors Infrastructure Incentives Any others

12 6. Strategies' description
S1: Status quo (keep the same debt profile) S2: Reduce FX risk (more Euro, domestic financing) S3: Reduce FX and refinancing risk (longer maturity of domestic bond) S4: Reduce costs use…

13 7. Scenario Analysis Consider cost and risk of each strategy under different scenarios (FX and interest rates). Scenario for FX: IR Yield curve chart

14 8. Cost-Risk Analysis of Alternative Debt Management Strategies
Paste cost-risk table, charts on cost-risk trade-offs – use interest/GDP and debt/GDP and discuss

15 Considerations

16 Next Steps

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