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Threat Analtics Data Exfiltration by DNS lookup

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1 Threat Analtics Data Exfiltration by DNS lookup
TELE3119: Materials from Martin Lee of TALOS is gratefully acknowledged

2 Cyber Kill Chain Get Inside Find some data Exfiltrate it
Trusted Networks

3 Email attack: malware distributing ransomware
Getting Inside attack: malware distributing ransomware Trusted Networks

4 Exfiltrating Data ftp port 21 stolen data ssh port 22 http port 80
compromised system Trusted Networks

5 Exfiltrating Data Block with FW rules or IP / domain block-list
ftp port 21 stolen data ssh port 22 http port 80 compromised system Block with FW rules or  IP / domain block-list  Trusted Networks

6 Exfiltrating Data Hypothetically speaking …
Could we exfiltrate and evade:  IP blacklists  Firewall rules  Trusted Networks

7 DNS requests name server local DNS server .com DNS server
what is the address for it is: “Dunno, I’ll ask someone else” “Dunno, but I know some who does” “I know the answer” Trusted Networks

8 Exfiltrating Data by DNS
name server local DNS server reply: DNS lookup for “” compromised system Trusted Networks

9 Exfiltrating Data by DNS
DNS lookup problems:  Punctuation forbidden (limited to a-z & 0-9, no space or !) Case insensitive  Base64 Encoding ?? Base32 Encoding “top secret data”  ORXXAIDTMVRXEZLUEBSGC5DB  “Top Secret !!!!”  KRXXAICTMVRXEZLUEAQSCIJB  DNS requests logs  long random string! Trusted Networks

10 Let’s go hunting! Lets look for ‘long’ domain names.
OpenDNS DNS Lookup Data  Lets look for ‘long’ domain names.  Oh, great there are 100 million! difficult to analyze data  need a model?  Trusted Networks

11 Model data: distribution frequency
spike ??? the longer the length, the less frequent it becomes. closely follows an exponential decay curve. We know how to fit a curve to the data, how does exponential curve work. We construct a model for our expectation of a subdomain length. Subdomain length Trusted Networks

12 Identify Anomalies we only analyse particular length Subdomain length
Trusted Networks

13 Active Exfiltration Pattern ? Stealing credit card data ! Pattern ? begins with 3 characters (i.e. log, lll, ooo), followed by a dot, followed by a long random string with a fingerprint (i.e. starts with nut6), followed by a dot, followed by a really long string, … Stealing credit card data ! Trusted Networks

14 Point of Sale malware would sniff the memory of PoS device to collect card numbers, Expiry date, etc Trusted Networks

15 Active Exfiltration PoS malware domain Base32 encoded machine identifier Base32 encoded & RSA 1024 encrypted card information previously unknown malware domains Trusted Networks

16 Summary Detecting exfiltration over DNS
DNS lookups are a viable exfiltration mechanism  If you’re hunting for DNS exfiltration consider other options What system made the most DNS lookups last week?  Why? Has this changed? Model your data to spot anomalies quickly  What are these unexpected values? Trusted Networks

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